Paid Members Big Benny HG Posted July 22, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 22, 2013 A great many thanks to all of those who took some time to put together and submit their nominations during Stage One of the Ninth Annual UKFF UK50. For full details of that Stage, as well as an introduction the the project and its rules, aims and principles, CLICK HERE.  I can tell you that 149 individual wrestlers received at least one nomination during Stage One.  As a result of the nominations received, the 47 wrestlers have earned a direct place into this year's final UK50. They are (in alphabetical order):   April Davids  BT Gunn  Bubblegum  CJ Banks  Cyanide  Danny Hope  Darrell Allen  Dave Mastiff  Dave Rayne  Dean Allmark  Eddie Dennis  El Ligero  Grado  Jack Jester  Jim Hunter  Joe Coffey  Joey Hayes  Johnny Moss  Kris Travis  Lee Hunter  Liam Thomson  Lionheart  Mad Mad Manson  Mark Andrews  Mark Coffey  Mark Haskins  Martin Kirby  Marty Scurll  Mikey Whiplash  MK McKinnan  Nathan Cruz  Nikki Storm  Noam Dar  Pete Dunne  Rampage Brown  Red Lightning  Robbie X  Rockstar Spud  Sam Bailey  Sha Samuels  Stixx  T-Bone  Wild Boar  Will Ospreay  Wolfgang  Zack Gibson  Zack Sabre Jr  ************************  This means that April Davids, Darrell Allen, Eddie Dennis, Grado, Joe Coffey, Mark Coffey, Nikki Storm and Will Ospreay are all confirmed as achieving their first ever ranking within the UKFF UK50 this year.  It also means that 'Darkside' James Scott, Joseph Conners, Max Angelus, Lion Kid, James Mason, Trent Seven, Jonny Storm, Josh Bodom and Joel Redman (now NXT's Oliver Grey) have all definitely dropped out of the UKFF UK50 in 2013.  A further 8 wrestlers all received a tied number of nominations for the last 3 remaining spots in the final 50. Details will follow below on how we will sort out who gets the 3 places.  Wrestlers who fell just short of making the cut this year included Conners, Mason, Xander Cooper, Owen Phoenix and both of THE HENCHMEN, Jim Diehard and Benton Destruction.  ************************  STAGE TWO  As explained above, 8 wrestlers received an equal number of nominations in regard to the last 3 remaining spots in the 2013 UKFF UK50. As has become customary, STAGE TWO sees them all go head-to-head in a battle for votes.  The 8 wrestlers in question are:  Andy Wild  Behnam Ali  Damien Dunne  Damon Leigh  Jack Gallagher  Kay Lee Ray  Kid Fite  Paul Malen   Over the 9 years that this project has been running, it has become standard for Stage Two to take different forms each year. Sometimes I've asked you to privately message me an ordered list of your preferences for the last places. Some years I've asked you to vote in a forum poll for who you want in. Some years I've asked you to vote for who you don't want in. Some years I've split the field into pools with winners from each advancing. Some years I asked you to mark multiple selections of your preferences from the entire field. This year, the final 3 spaces will be decided by open votes in this thread, together with reasons for your choices.  If you want to see your chosen wrestlers make the cut, you're going to have to speak up for them.  With an aim to promote discussion, debate and general comparison, to take part in Stage Two you need to:  - From the list of 8 wrestlers above, select up to 3 that you would most like to fill the remaining spaces in this year's UK50. Your selections do not have to be ordered and all carry equal value.  - Post your selections in this thread.  - Here's the important bit: with each vote for a named wrestler, you must include a sentence or so outlining your reasons why you believe that wrestler should be included in the UK50. Give examples of great matches (include YouTube links, if you wish)  - Your post in this thread should take the following form:  VOTE ONE: Wrestler #1 REASON: Because they is well good, innit.  VOTE TWO: Wrestler #2 REASON: etc etc etc  VOTE THREE: Wrestler #3 REASON: Yadda yadda  - The voting period will close at 23:59 on Tuesday 30 July 2013. At that point, I will count up the number of votes each wrestler has received. The 3 with the most will go though to the final 50. If there is a tie, well, I'll think of something.  Remember, the criteria upon which you are making your judgements:  Upon what criteria are the rankings based? All the way through the process, nominations and votes should be made based on British wrestlers' in-ring performances you have seen on shows that took place between 1 July 2012 and 30 June 2013. The key points around which the rankings, nominations and votes are based include: - whose in-ring performances are the most gripping, convincing and enthralling? - who is consistently involved in great matches? - who is able to tell the best "story" through their performance? - whose performance is able to capture the crowd's interest and make them emotionally invested in the match? - who actually makes pro wrestling enjoyable to watch with their performances?  So, then, it's over to you. I'll moderate the thread to make sure it's going as I intended or prompt discussion if needed.  Ready?  GO!
cleslie92 Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Vote 1: Jack Gallagher Reason: A great throwback. Really unique style, and has had a great year representing Britain in Japan. Â Vote 2: Andy Wild Reason: A very consistent performer, his series with Noam Dar has been exceptional. He has flourished in PWE in particular, where he holds the heavyweight tite. Â Vote 3: Kay Lee Ray Reason: Has come on leaps and bounds this year, and has been involved in some really great matches. Her work with Carmel in ICW has been the kind of women's wrestling I haven't seen in years, if ever.
Paid Members air_raid Posted July 22, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 22, 2013 Vote 1 : Kay Lee Ray Reason : Ummm, I've only seen two of the possibles wrestle live (this year) and only one of them impressed me. I found KLR's scuffles with Glamour Gym very entertaining and she got me to cheer for her even though I was infatuated with Carmel.
rohpete Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Vote 1: Damon Leigh  Reason: Always enjoyed his work in Gpw and Futureshock but thought he came into his own taking on a heel role in Great bear this year  Vote 2 : Damien Dunne  Reason: First seen him this year on the Attack wrestling dvds and he stood out as a top talent and then caught few of his tag bouts with pete and see a big future for both  Vote 3 : Kay Lee Ray  Reason : Seen lots of her this year and she is such a good female babyface and shes my Daughters fav wrestler so had to chose her
Paid Members CoreyVandal Posted July 22, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 22, 2013 VOTE ONE: Damian Dunne REASON: The young veteran has really come into his own over the past 12 months, having some great singles matches while his 'brother' Pete was off wrestling in Japan. Over the past year or so he's bulked up substantially without sacrificing any speed or agility as well as developing a really interesting and unique wrestling style that always guarantee's jaw-dropping action.
robbo9292 Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 VOTE ONE: Kid Fite REASON: I've voted for Kid Fite because this guy knows how to perform to a crowd be it in singles action or as Fight Club, along with that it's Kid Fite who has trained plenty of the Scottish talents who are breaking out and standing out in the scene right now. Â VOTE TWO: Paul Malen REASON: Again much similar to Kid Fite i've seen Paul Malen plenty of times both in singles action or as part of The Predators and Malen knows how to work the crowd to give him heat. Â VOTE THREE: Behnam Ali REASON: 4FW has had plenty of top international talents head over to these shores and the times i've seen them Ali has been part of these matches and has impressed me during his matches of which you can tell he has learned plenty during his times in Japan.
smithy180 Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Vote One: Kay Lee Ray Reason: She has been the standout female wrestler in the UK this year. Excellent matches with Carmel Jacob in both Scotland and the UK and she put in a good performance at Speed King against El Ligero.  Vote Two: Kid Fite Reason: Had a good run as PCW tag champion with Liam Thomson. Also had an excellent match with Brian Kendrick at Road 2 Glory  Vote Three: Jack Gallagher Reason: Technical genius in the ring, had good matches with Davey Richards and one with Joe Legend at Futureshock. His performances were so good and so consistent that he was invited to Zero-1 in Japan.
Paid Members Up Chuck Posted July 22, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 22, 2013 Vote One: Damian Dunne I've watched Damian turn from a skinny kid doing a Bill and Ted knockoff gimmick into one of the most exciting wrestlers in the UK. He's worked incredibly hard to go from skinny background guy to looking, talking, carrying himself and wrestling like a bona fide pro wrestler, and a bloody good one at that. His star's only going up and he is definitely one of the best 50 wrestlers in the country already.
MungoChutney Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Vote one: Kid Fite Reason: He was on my list of 15 and is one of the ICW guys that I've seen loads  Vote two: Andy Wild Reason: Also on my list of 15 and I think only a lack of exposure sees him in this vote as he's a great wrestler  Vote three: Kay Lee Ray Reason: Was between her and Gallacher but have seen much more of her in the voting period.
Paid Members air_raid Posted July 22, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 22, 2013 Excellent matches with Carmel Jacob in both Scotland and the UK Â Have I missed something? They're not independent yet.
TheHarveyDale Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 Vote 1 : Paul Malen Reason : Paul should have been an automatic choice for the Top 50. Gutted I missed the first stage as am flabbergasted that Angelus & Conners are not now in consideration, both would make my top 10 easily! Paul is a very underated guy , great at the working the crowd. Â Vote 2 : Kid Fite Reason : Again, I am astonished that Ross is not a shoe in for the Top 50... may not get the glamorous matches against the imports like Noam does but for me Ross is one of Scotland's finest. Â Vote 3 : Behnam Ali Reason : A guy who is only not listed already due to geographical location and lack of exposure. Anyone who has seen him work knows how good he is. He will be appearing for us at House Of Pain : Evolution a few times later this year (As will Kid Fite)
ninevisions Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 vote 1: Damian Dunne great technicer, he's been in Pete's shadow for a bit too long, its time he got some regocnition for his hard work  Vote 2: Kay Lee Ray definitely one of the top 5 prospects coming from Scotland  Vote 3: Damon Leigh can't think of anyone else who's worked his ass off in the last 12 months than this man.
AshC Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 No Mason? Mental. Â VOTE ONE: Behnam Ali Best young wrestler in the country? Possibly. Unbelievable talent. Â VOTE TWO: Damian Dunne Talented young worker, has a lot to offer and will have a lot more.
Kamikaze Pro Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 VOTE ONE: Damian Dunne REASON: Argubly the most improved in the country. Has added muscle mass and definition, improved his athletic ability, always puts on a good match and gets OVER every single show he works.
pitseleh Posted July 22, 2013 Posted July 22, 2013 VOTE ONE: Behnam Ali Probably one of the best 4FW home-grown guys.
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