Fat Boy Mendoza Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 Charlotte, North Carolina police are on the hunt for Ric Flair - considered to be the finest professional wrestler of all time - for not paying his estranged wife $35k in spousal support. Flair, real name Richard Morgan Fliehr, was ordered to pay $4,000 a month to Jacqueline Beems but has failed to keep up the regular payments, reports the Los Angeles Times. Flair, 64, can avoid going to jail if he pays what he owes, though a judge issued an arrest order in a Charlotte court on Tuesday (July 16, 2013). "The reason I didn't pay my ex-wife the 32 grand is because my son died and I was in the hospital for a month," Flair told the Charlotte Observer. "I was in the hospital for a month with a blood clot. I didn't go to work for three months." Reid Fliehr was found dead by his father on March 29. The wrestler's son, 25, died from taking a combination of heroin and prescription drugs, according to the autopsy. Bizarrely, Beems turned herself into police on Tuesday after a warrant was issued for her arrest for making a series of threatening phone calls to Flair's current girlfriend. She was released on a $500 bond. "My girlfriend is the mother of four and she has 50 texts and five voice-mails from my ex-wife," said Flair. Credit: Contact Music .com  Run Ric, Run !!!
Paid Members SpiritOfTheForest Posted July 18, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 18, 2013 Things just seem to go from bad to worse for poor old Ric. The dramatic downward spiral over the last few years is depressing to witness.
Sexy Dad Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 Hope it all gets resolved. It'd be too sad to see Flair go to prison.
JakeRobertsParoleOfficer Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 Sad! 64 crippling debt, a squandered fortune, a dead dob, a tarnished rep in the hiz & a slew of unhappy spouses. Â Cant see a way out of this debt for Naitch. Sad thing is that hes going to end up like Ram in 'the wrestler'. Talk about life imitating art imitating life. Flair is going to be doing rf videos till hes 80 and blading & doing his limited routine in front of 200 kids in sports halls till then as well. Â I really think he will end up dying in a ring, aged 70 in some shittsville hall to 70 people
Vamp Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 Meh, he's the dirtiest player in the game, he'll get out of it.
Moderators PowerButchi Posted July 18, 2013 Moderators Posted July 18, 2013 Some overreaction in this thread, I think.
JakeRobertsParoleOfficer Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 Maybe but can anyone predict a different outcome? Those debts and ex wives arent going anywhere!
Paid Members IANdrewDiceClay Posted July 18, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 18, 2013 Yeah. You'd think he's been caught touching a kid or something. "Flair doesn't pay his wife money" is akin to "Triple H won with a pedigree" in terms of news stories. As has been said before, Flair's got more money than he's got time. His debts can't out run him. The bloke's been in financial trouble since the late 90s. Its not news and he'll continue to find ways around it. Celebrities like Flair dont go broke.
Paid Members ColinBollocks Posted July 18, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 18, 2013 Does Flair still have that Coca Cola deal?
Paid Members Devon Malcolm Posted July 18, 2013 Paid Members Posted July 18, 2013 That's Dustin Hoffman!
digforvictory Posted July 18, 2013 Posted July 18, 2013 Ric Flair seems to be in huge perilous debt trouble every year and yet he's still clearly loaded. Â I think being celebrity broke is different to being actually broke.
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