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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Watched it again last night. Fantastic episode.

Although I think someone had just watched Jurassic Park the night before. When Jon was taking them into the cave of Dragonglass, I was expecting the slow theme to kick in and when Bronn asked Jamie if he could hear that, there was a prime chance to cut to some rumbling chalices

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A mother fucking Goonie adventure beyond the wall! Should make good viewing providing it doesn't open up next week with the gang arriving at King's Landing with a sack of white walker.

I think Dany is going to cark it by end of this show. She's a bit burn happy and I can't see them doing a big happy love story ending between Aunt peg and Jon Snow. 

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Nah she's got to be playing Jamie, I think that'll be the revelation that tips him over the edge. 

Pretty impressive swimming skills from Bran and Jamie though.

What's Littlefinger upto? 

Oh and Davos' line about the rowing had me chuckling.

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Hmm, interesting re: Cersei playing Jamie. Chatting about this at work last week, because of when Cersei said about their dynasty and Jamie said all their children were dead, I then asked the question, well why don't they have more kids? She doesn't look like she's that much past child bearing age (wiki says Lena Headey is 43, God knows how old Cersei is supposed to be at this stage). Apparently, it was hinted at some point previously that Cersei had already started the menopause.

Just read that Littlefinger knows that Arya's spying on him, so plants the letter that Sansa wrote under duress whilst married to Joffrey/being held hostage in King's Landing, knowing that it'll create more tension between them. Why is Arya so sceptical about Sansa, have I forgotten something that happened between them?

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@hallicks I don't think that's a spoiler, it had a proper cheesy Littlefinger-in-the-shadows reveal in the episode. I think Arya is much sharper than when she left, and think's Sansa is making poor decisions in Jon's absence. She's already suspicious of what's going to happen.

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To me is seems they're giving Littlefinger something, because he's looked pretty weak for a while now. 

The beef between Sansa and Arya plays into that and gives 'Finger even more leverage. 

Someone on Reddit mentioned that Ravens can be heard sqwarking constantly during the LF/Arya scenes. So there's a good chance Brann was watching all of it and will drop some knowledge. 

I feel this is Littlefinger's final act before the Wolfpack takes him out for good. 

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Yeah they're just heating him up to make his getting shanked by Arya more poignant. No way does she go through her JCVD blind training to become a ninja assassin who gets killed off by Creepy Pete.

I take it that Gilly link is the Rhaegar marriage annulment she started reading before Sam cut her off. I think she'll have had to take that big book with her. 

This series is great and all but it does occasionally feel like they're winking at the audience and milking the fan theories.

Also, if Hound survives the adventure I'm betting he'll end up taking the Whyte down to Kings Landing thus placing him in the direct vicinity of his brother.

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2 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Also, if Hound survives the adventure I'm betting he'll end up taking the Whyte down to Kings Landing thus placing him in the direct vicinity of his brother.

I hadn't even considered that, but it makes sense that his arc ends with him facing off with his brother. Resurrecto-Hound vs Zombie Mountain could be very fun indeed.

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11 hours ago, mim731 said:

Resurrecto-Hound vs Zombie Mountain could be very fun indeed.

I'd like to think the final season will have them battling constantly throughout, with other stuff going on during, like the Hardcore Title match at Wrestlemania 18. One of them dies each episode, but gets brought back by their respective stables to continue the fight.

Speaking of stables, loving the random faction that has formed to go north of the Wall. new Westeros order.

Ser Davos is my MVP too. Surely he's saving Jon from a wight or something soon? He bangs on about being shit at fighting too often to not have a big combat moment.

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