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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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Daenerys has been insuffereable ever since the character fell into the white saviour trope, it doesn't help that Emilia is piss poor and even managed to bring down scenes with Tyrion to a complete bore. Something drastic has to happen to where she's working from underneath, I can see her dragons being buried before they get any real offence in.

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Several people have now independently agreed that they would have liked to have seen a shot of grey worm's non-junk. They really did tease a reveal.

Arya is such a wimp for fucking off back north. I thought you were off to kill Cersei? Anyway. We know Jon won't be there by the time she gets up there. So presumably she'll get to watch Sansa fuck everything up? Although so far she keeps narrowly missing seeing family. Maybe sansa will be dead by then...

Euron has been great value since he turned up with his 'build me a thousand ships' nonsense. A total idiot, but now apparently a pretty savage and badass one.

Edited by Chest Rockwell
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1 hour ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Several people have now independently agreed that they would have liked to have seen a shot of grey worm's non-junk. They really did tease a reveal.

Arya is such a wimp for fucking off back north. I thought you were off to kill Cersei? Anyway. We know Jon won't be there by the time she gets up there. So presumably she'll get to watch Sansa fuck everything up? Although so far she keeps narrowly missing seeing family. Maybe sansa will be dead by then...

Euron has been great value since he turned up with his 'build me a thousand ships' nonsense. A total idiot, but now apparently a pretty savage and badass one.

I'm hoping that Arya fucks up whatever Littlefinger is planning. Preferably with needle through his throat.

That or she joins up The Hound again. She's hitting the Ale like him lol.

Anyone else think that Daenerys has a traitor in her inner circle? Seems convenient that Euron attacked at the end of the episode that had Daenerys grill Varys about loyalty. He also knew where the fleet was and seemed to be targeting the Sands who he shouldn't have known were on board.

Or maybe they are just rushing some things and I'm over thinking it or missed something obvious.

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Euron is one of the highlights of the show right now. Shockingly for me because I've hated him since day 1, but Samwell is starting to actually be ok.

I had to look up a recap of what happened with Littlefinger because I automatically tune out scenes he is in. 

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12 hours ago, hallicks said:

Good. Fucking terrible song.

Not sure about leaving Sansa in charge. She's either turning heel or is gonna fuck something up badly.

The weird thing for me is that Jon didn't assign her a bodyguard or an advisor or anything. He didn't even warn her about Littlefinger, which is daft, since she's most likely to turn to him with Jon and Davos gone. He's essentially went "I'll kill you if you touch my sister.....but I'm fucking off to Dragonstone so, you know.." If things get fucked up, I'm guessing it'll be Littlefinger's doing.

I am looking forward to seeing Jon reunite with Tyrion, and meet Daenerys and Varys.

I know it's meant to be the Medieval times but if I had greyscale then peeling it off would be the first thing I'd try. It seems a bit mad that they've spent hundreds of years going straight to chopping off limbs instead.

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Jon doesn't need to assign her a bodyguard, she already has Brienne, and Sansa knows more about Littlefinger than he does. She doesn't need to be told about him. You are right though, if shit goes wrong Littlefinger will be the one stirring it. 


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I did forget about Brienne. It just struck me as weird that Sansa was standing alone in the scene when Littlefinger was looking up at her, after everything that's happened in the series. She's the last living Stark as far as anybody in Winterfell knows. Someone should be following her around like the Mountain follows Cersei.

Sansa's spent more time with Littlefinger but I still think she could've used a "Watch out for Baelish when I'm away. I spoke to him in the crypts and he's just desperate to fuck you" and some sort of council to help her rule. As it is, most of the people she's expected to lead are solely united because of Jon. If she needs advice, she's not going to approach Lyanna Mormont or Tormund, she'll go to Littlefinger, who she at least knows will listen to her.

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42 minutes ago, Lion_of_the_Midlands said:

The cut from Sam and his blade to the pie crust was very well done. 

Yeah that was disgusting.


Who the fuck eats a chicken and mushroom pie?

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