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Game of Thrones - Season EIGHT (No book wankers)


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I'm so glad I put off watching ep 10 until last night and staying out of this thread. The worst thing is the idiot who spoiled stuff didn't really post here much, so banning him means fuck all sadly.

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  • Paid Members

I don't know. I assumed he'd been banned before I even posted in the thread originally about it. I've been on here a lot today and only got the notification a few minutes ago. I deleted it pretty quickly and didn't catch the username, so no idea if he's got a second account, or if someone sent it for him.

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Now, that's weird, I got one too about 5 minutes ago. I assumed I must have asked somewhere what the spoiler was and that was why I was messaged. Be careful in that case guys, I read it and it was a massive spoiler

Edited by deathrey
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Ok, I've just looked back through my posts and I don't appear to have asked, but I don't want to accuse someone who is innocent either but if you get a PM titled 'Post Suggestion' its a big fat spoiler.

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