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The actual proper Wrestlemania 29 Thread

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I am still looking forward to mania even though the main event matches are re-runs. It will still be interesting to see how the matches are laid out. There is still enough intrigue for the undercard matches.


My predictions for the matches:


Pre show - IC Title Barrett v Miz - I reckon Miz will win, WWE like to have title changes here to encourage fans to watch the pre show. Would this count towards his undefeated at mania streak?


Mixed tag team match - I can see Rhodes Scholars and Bellas winning. Also worth a cheeky bet as they are outside favourites. (See the separate mania betting thread)


Ryback v Henry - Only one winner here - Ryback. Lets hope he can hit the shell shock but I have my doubts. I reckon he could only hit it if Henry was perched on the top rope ala Barrett did a couple of years back with wasteland.


Tag Titles - Team Hell No v Ziggy and Biggy - I reckon the titles won't change after what has been happening on Raw the last couple of weeks.


Fandango v Jericho - I don't see Fandango losing his debut match. I reckon his dancer's shoe will be involved with the finish.


Shield vs Orton, Sheamus and Show - The Shield should win here, they deserve it.


World Title - Del Rio vs Swagger - ADR to retain but Ziggler will cash in or at least I hope so. (It would be great if Ziggler could win the world and tag titles at the same time. It would make up for the jobs he has done.)


Punk v Taker - Taker to win and he will put punk out for a few weeks probably with Hells Gate.


Triple H v Lesnar - H to win here with a little help from HBK.


WWE Title - Rock v Cena - John boy has to win here. I don't see a heel turn because who else could carry the company as a face?

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Guys can somebody please answer this directly as the Sky help forums are an absolute cluster fuck of information and contradictions.


I am watching this around a friends house - he has Sky HD, but he does NOT have a phone line.


Can we record this in HD to watch Monday evening by ordering over the phone - or to do this does your box have to be hooked up to a phone line and ordered via the remote?



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Guys can somebody please answer this directly as the Sky help forums are an absolute cluster fuck of information and contradictions.


I am watching this around a friends house - he has Sky HD, but he does NOT have a phone line.


Can we record this in HD to watch Monday evening by ordering over the phone - or to do this does your box have to be hooked up to a phone line and ordered via the remote?




I've been reading on Sky help forums online that you are unable to record it when ordering it over the phone. Its abit shit that.

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With Sky, if your box is connected to the phone line, you can order via the remote and record the show. If like me, you don't have it hooked up to the phone line, you can still order the show (by phone or online) but you will not be able to record it. Instead you must watch the replays if you don't catch it live.

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If your Sky box isn't hooked up to your phone line, then you can either order it in HD without the option of recording or order it in standard definition and be able to record it. I don't have tomorrow booked off from work so I'm going to have to order it in SD unfortunately and record it.


Edit: this is what Sky have always told me anyway, you can record but only if ordered in SD. Very annoying that Sky boxes aren't wi-fi.

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Anyone care to throw out an actual prediction for the finish to the main event then? I'm a long way from being confident, but I will predict Cena over via Attitude Adjustment. I think they might mirror last year's finish, with Cena popping up as The Rock tries to deliver the People's Elbow. Heel turn will be teased big time (probably a ref bump offering an opportunity for Cena to cheat), but not delivered.

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For anyone in Leicester Demon FM is currently broadcasting a Wrestlemania show which has myself and a fellow presenter from the station discussing Wrestlemania. Just tune into 107.5 FM. Unfortunately the online servers are deader than my ability to tell jokes, so it's only people in Leicester I'm afraid.

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I can see the main event ending with Cena getting a lucky win, a roll up or something like that. I just don't think tonight will be Cena's definitive winning moment and a clean but flukey win could fuel a rematch somewhere down the line...it'd also play into Cena's desperation without going overboard on the cheating too.


That could be a really weak way to end a Wrestlemania though unless Rock refused a handshake afterwards or something.

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