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On 19/09/2017 at 9:36 AM, Carbomb said:

That's disappointing to hear. John Lewis are one of the major examples I point to when discussing how co-operatives are a successful business model, and therefore a genuine, worker-beneficial alternative to the more common corporate structures.

Late to the party but I've never worked for a business less caring for its staff or community than the co-op. I saw people written off before an interview started because they were on crutches. I was openly dismissed for roles because I was from a working class background. They made people who they 100% were making redundant believe they had a job secured so they would stay on until the replacement started. They paid the worse in the retail market. They didn't care about my health, or others health, as long as they got what they wanted. 

The co-op doesn't live the ideals it speaks of. 


Edit: one director once said it would be a much better business without members in the way. The members are what made it a co-operative, and it was being a co-operative that made them hate the people who shopped in their stores. 

Edited by Tommy!
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7 hours ago, Tommy! said:

Late to the party but I've never worked for a business less caring for its staff or community than the co-op. I saw people written off before an interview started because they were on crutches. I was openly dismissed for roles because I was from a working class background. They made people who they 100% were making redundant believe they had a job secured so they would stay on until the replacement started. They paid the worse in the retail market. They didn't care about my health, or others health, as long as they got what they wanted. 

The co-op doesn't live the ideals it speaks of. 


Edit: one director once said it would be a much better business without members in the way. The members are what made it a co-operative, and it was being a co-operative that made them hate the people who shopped in their stores. 

Sounds just like what happens when co-operatives are run by the kind of people co-operatives were set up to oppose. It happens all the time. A big part of the problems the trade union movement faces is that, in quite a lot of organisations, a lot of the senior positions are occupied by people (usually middle-aged white men) motivated purely by self-interest, and whose behaviour is quite decidedly right-wing. 

I still believe co-operatives and collectives are better than traditionally-run companies. When run well (and there quite a few that are), they are a working demonstration of the basic understanding that we cannot have true social or political democracy without economic democracy underpinning it. Companies in which workers actually have a stake in their jobs, as opposed to just showing up to conduct a transaction for their labour, should be the way forward, at the very least for SMEs, and, with the technology and connectivity we now have, for large companies as well.

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I’m pissed at a ‘friend’ on Facebook right now. I’ve known him for almost 20 years, he lives in New York, he’s a waster, calls himself “a writer” and thinks he’s above everyone else and the world owes him something. I tolerate him to a degree - that degree is that we’re friends on FB but I muted him a long time ago because I couldn’t be arsed reading his long- winded rants that read like he’s swallowed a thesaurus (think Joey’s letter in Friends where he signs it “Baby Kangaroo Tribiani”).

Anyway, his latest hobby seems to be taking photos of people in public (unbeknownst to them), posting them on Facebook and slagging them in a rambling diatribe of crap. A mutual friends tells me he’s off on one again and I tend to just roll my eyes but today she screengrabbed his post and it made me really fucking angry.

Just who the hell does he think he is?



So I left a comment:

He looks like a normal average guy who's not bothering anyone and going about his own business to me. If anyone took a photo of me on the Tube like this and started making assumptions I'd be pretty pissed off.

He left reply #1:

Well that's you, not me.

And reply #2:

And he does look like Hipster Trash.  At least in this country and there are a Fuck-Ton of these holier-than-thou douchebags running around New York these days.  Hipsters ARE insufferable, they look alike and they are for the most part, condescending creeps.  I can't stand them.

Plus this guy looks ALMOST EXACTLY LIKE about 20 other posh little bastards I've seen around town on the Subway....And that's the truth Ruth!

And reply #3:

And I'm not going to stop taking pics of people...Why should I?  It worked for Vivian Maier and I'm having a blast doing it.  You're attempt to shame me out of it won't work.

I’ve not replied. I said my piece and I’m done with him. I’d love to call him out publically but I don’t think I’m that sort of person. I’d also like to warn people on the Subway that this dick is taking photos of random strangers and posting them on social media. But what good would that do?

So I just posted it here and had a rant instead...

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I don't think there's any need to do anything, Monkee. If that guy is prepared to live by that sword, he'll die by it soon enough. He's going to eventually piss off enough people who don't have your sense of restraint, and who will probably tear him a new one, maybe physically, and certainly verbally/online, in short order.

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@Monkee I mean you really should've just replied *your to this line and left him to wallow in his defeat... :)

And reply #3:

And I'm not going to stop taking pics of people...Why should I?  It worked for Vivian Maier and I'm having a blast doing it.  You're attempt to shame me out of it won't work.

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1 hour ago, SuperBacon said:

@Monkee I mean you really should've just replied *your to this line and left him to wallow in his defeat... :)

And reply #3:

And I'm not going to stop taking pics of people...Why should I?  It worked for Vivian Maier and I'm having a blast doing it.  You're attempt to shame me out of it won't work.

Oh that is amazing. I’m so tempted! ?

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1 hour ago, Monkee said:

Oh that is amazing. I’m so tempted! ?

You should, he sounds like the kind of insufferable twat that would lose his shit. In fact, you should just go back and do this to all of his previous posts in which he’s being a complete nob.

It’s the adult equivalent of “I know you are, you said you are but what am I”.

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8 hours ago, Keith Houchen said:

Yeah I've got Astro on my Facebook as well.

The very best arrows!

I love that @Monkee's mate clearly just saw Humans of New York and thought "I'll do that, but cynical, which is better!" and that he lives in fucking NY, and the most outrageous thing his talented photographer's eye could pick out was a completely normal bloke with a bag. A bag! Heavens to Betsy! You should take a photo of his profile pic on your monitor and post it with a withering, pretentious commentary.

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What a cunt.

Like Astro said, even if you are going to do something like that - and why would you? - you live in fucking New York and the best you can come up with is a bloke on the train who wouldn't remotely catch my attention if I saw him in the street? And to have the gall to call anyone else "condescending" after that sub-Will Self word soup is  joke.

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Where can I find this shop where mayo is only eight bucks?

Like people said above, why pick on some perfectly normal bloke on the subway when there’s something genuinely cool and weird to see every ten minutes or so? Astro knows, I harass him with pictures of adverts for psychics and shop fronts constantly.

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