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I hope TNA turn things around, I hope things get better for them and they go on to have great success, I'm not burying them at all.



And I'll tell you what it was with wrestling and this went on to maybe 2005/2006. Wrestling was full of larger than life characters. I would consider Shawn Michaels when he first went solo in WWF as larger than life. George Steele. King Kong Bundy. Again if you really wanna look extra hard at them, they didn't have big costumes or fancy entrances but they stood out, they acted the part. All of the wrestlers from that time period looked the part and when they got in the ring they knew how to make it exciting all the way up the card. That's what wrestling used to be. Stone Cold Steve Austin is a blue collar worker, in some cases you could say he was bland because of the way he dressed with just the black boots and pants, not as fancy as he was in the Hollywood Blondes but what he did in the ring was larger than life. The way he walked to the ring and talked was larger than life. These are people that you couldn't bump into in real life. They looked like stars. They acted like stars. If you had never watched a day of wrestling in your life and you saw one of these men you would say, oh that guy looks like a wrestler or he does something in showbiz. They have a look to them, an aura about them that just screams star and the wrestling business for 30 years was crammed full of them. People like to poo poo all over WCW 2000, go back and look at WCW 2000. The roster is jam packed full of guys that look the part, that can talk without a script, that can do the wrestling. You said I look at the past through the lens of nostalgia, I think you do that too because clearly you have cherry picked what you want to remember. I didn't like everything I saw and I wasn't a fan of everything I watched but the people on those shows deserved to be on them. Even if i didn't like them I knew they deserved to be on the show.


I do dismiss Kevin Owens. Kevins Owens is a regular guy. He is built like one. He talks like one and I'm just being honest with you here, he looks like he would never win a fight in real life and I guarantee you that's what most casual fans will think looking at him. As soon as you see a wrestler on TV and you KNOW you can take them in a fight, just forget about it. It's already a hard enough stretch as it is to sit there and pretend it's real but when you have a guy that's not even in shape for it, doesn't even look like an athlete and now you need to sit there and pretend this guy is a real tough guy it kills any credibility and the numbers prove it. Less people than ever are watching wrestling. If people were watching wrestling Vince McMahon wouldn't need to bring back Bill Goldberg or is it Lesnar or is it the son Shane or maybe it's one last run for The Rock. Why are they there? Cause the current crop aren't good enough. Not doing the job good enough.



Do you not see that? The wrestling business was so full of stars at one point that Roddy Piper couldn't even hold the Title belt. Jake Roberts couldn't even hold it. Mr Perfect couldn't hold it. That's how much talent there was at one point that those guys never even got a run with it but in 2017 Kevin Owens is the Champion? Really? You can't see that? You can't see how far the business has fallen that at one point Roddy Piper couldn't get a look in but Kevin Owens is now walking around with the belt? Never mind me and my rose tinted glasses, if you can't see that then I don't know what to say to you. And that's the best way I can describe it to you. It's looking at people and knowing they look the part. It's a show. It's meant to be a show. It should be the best of the best in there. It shouldn't be regular people on it. Just like the movies. Not everybody has to look like Vin DIesel or Leonardo DiCaprio, it's not always about big muscles or good looks but you have people that just chew the scenery, they act everyone else off the screen. ook at Mick Foley when he makes an effort. He can talk everyone else off the screen and he's not a big muscular guy in a colourful costume. It's talent. People you just can't take your eyes off. That's what I mean when I say larger than life. People that you would just never meet in everyday life and if you ever did and they walk into a room...you notice them. You speak to them and you know they're not like everyone else. They carry themselves differently.



And up until, I would say.....2006 at the latest. Wrestling was that way. Not all good looking. Not all muscular. But wrestlers that were unique, talented, they jumped off the screen, they could do it all, talking, wrestling, entertaining. And there's been guys since then. Randy Orton. Batista. John Cena, they've all lasted longer than the year 2006. Edge was one. Big Show. The Miz. These are guys that I would say are larger than life. I would say from the current crop that Charlotte Flair is near the top. I like Rusev. I like Cesaro. I like Braun Strowman. I like the English guy Jack Gallagher. I like a lot of the women on Smackdown like Nikki Bella and Alexa Bliss. I like Luke Harper. I think every one of them would stand out no matter what year it was. That's wrestling to me. They all do their own thing, they all do it their own way, they work different, they look the part, when they're on TV you can't take your eyes off them. But today you only get little bits of them week to week. They're in amongst a lot of dross. Even thinking about it now, if the WWE was one show a week at two hours. I could sit and watch those names I just mentiond for 2 hours every week and add in your Goldberg/Lesnar stuff, whatever the McMahons are doing and obviously a handful more women wrestlers and some tag teams that would fill 2 hours easy. That to me would be an acceptable WWE show in 2017 and if they add in some storylines then even better, great! And the example I made was WWE but I could do the same for TNA throughout the 2000's. I might not have watched all their shows but I know who was on their roster and it was jam packed with good talent too.

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The reason Mr Perfect, Roddy Piper and Jake Roberts never held the title isn't because there were too many stars, it's because Hulk Hogan was champion for 4 years, Savage for 1, Warrior for 1 etc.  Of course they probably all would have been world champion if there were 12-16 PPVs a year in the 80s.


If the WCW roster in 2000 was so crammed full of larger than life stars, which you say is what wrestling needs, then why was it losing so much money?

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but it's not like they're Shakespearean figures. Neither is the Big Bossman.


The angel where bossman fed Al Snow Pepper (his dog) was inspired by the Vincent Price film Theatre of Blood.


The scene in theatre of blood was inspired by William Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus, although in the play it's children not pets that are consumed.

Edited by drkopen
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NEW RULE: From now one Scots Wizard is banned from talking about Kevin Owens looking like a regular guy as he does it in pretty much every post, in things irrelevant to Kevin Owens, and I'm sure he hasn't got the time to talk about wrestling at length being busy and not a wrestling geek, so I'm actually saving him time. So really I'm doing him a favour.

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Actually it was inspired by Mr Fuji doing that very thing to someone.

Paul Roma told the Fuji dog story on Austin's podcast a few weeks back, he laughed as he told it but i don't think Austin found it particuarly funny.

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Josh Matthews was kicked off commentary in last night's taping.

Magnus, Chris Masters (Chris Adonis) and Matt Morgan all made their returns/debuts, face James Storm is being given a main event push, and a heel turn for EC3 by the looks of it.

Edited by garynysmon
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Josh Matthews was kicked off commentary in last night's taping.

Magnus, Chris Masters (Chris Adonis) and Matt Morgan all made their returns/debuts, face James Storm is being given a main event push, and a heel turn for EC3 by the looks of it.

Plus a random Shane Helms match.


As for Matthews, surely that's not the end of him? Next set of tapings are next month.

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From the spoilers I read, it seems like Josh Matthews just put his spot on commentary up. He's been getting decent heel heat so they'd maybe be wise having him manage. He's a decent talker, has built himself a little online gimmick and can take a bump. That could be fun in the mid-card if they go with an old school stable.

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