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Alternative break up songs

Herne's Son

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During my break ups if I'm dropped I go through the normal routine of absolutely hating her mixed with "WHY DOESN'T SHE WANT ME BACK?" and I listen to this a lot while drinking heavily at home before going out and trying to have sex with any woman. Any will do.


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As opposed to break-up songs or break-up playlists, I have two break-up albums.


I've had two really, really tough break-ups; ten years apart at 18 and 27 and it just happened that these albums happened to come out at around the same time and, lyrically, dealt with a lot of what I was going through.


Glassjaw - Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Silence




Loud, screamy and very, very angsty, it seems to have been the sound of break-ups for just about everyone who was in their teenage years around the time it came out in 2000, spawning about a hundred emo bands whining about their departed girlfriends. It's pretty all encompassing with anger and agression shown in songs like '

' with it's opening scream of "Who you fucking now?" followed by other gems such as "Suck on the end of this dick that comes lead" and "I don't give a fuck about your dignity". It also have softer moments dealing with heartbreak in a more well-reasoned way such as '
' including the line that teenage me clung to - "This all hurts me so much that I honestly believe you're the one this is hard for." And, of course, the downright angsty with "Who could ever take the place of me?" and the repeated "Pack your shit and leave and take my memories of her with you" from '


La Dispute - Somewhere At The Bottom Of The River Between Vega and Altair




One of "The Wave" a self-labelled bunch of hardcore bands with more ideas above their station that Hundred Reasons although with similar influences and, in many cases (notably this one), much more justified. Musically, this is by far the superior of the two albums I've listed, technically, creatively, thematically. But on a much more personal note, it deals with exactly what I was going through at the time - as described by the bands lead singer "Two of my good friends parents got divorced at the same time, and as the situation progressed it became apparent that the reason that they had split up simultaneously was that the husband from one relationship was having an affair with the wife from the other." With songs from different perspectives of those involved, I related to this probably more than I ever have anything else. In this case, it's more whole songs as opposed to snippets of lyrics like above but '

', '
', '
' and '
' all summed up my feelings pretty well.
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