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WWE Male Talent Forced to Train Naked (NSFW)


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I can't help but think this has been blown out of all proportion. Worse shit happened on a weekly basis in my old rugby club and I'm sure it's not confined to just rugby and wrestling. Anywhere you get a group of athletic, young, and sometimes-not-the-sharpest-knives-in-the-drawer together, there's going to be japery.

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I can't help but think this has been blown out of all proportion. Worse shit happened on a weekly basis in my old rugby club and I'm sure it's not confined to just rugby and wrestling. Anywhere you get a group of athletic, young, repressed homosexuals together, there's going to be japery.


Agreed, but I think it might actually just be rugby and wrestling though.

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I just believe that folks should be able to do go about their business without people fucking with them.


Carrying on glossing over the fact that they chose to do this rather than train, hmm? No one forced them to do it. They were lucky not to get told "fuck off then" for not wanting to train as scheduled.


He was goldbergs first match and made him look great, as I recall.


Only by letting Goldberg kick out of No Laughing Matter then getting Jackhammered. Anyone on the roster with an over finish could have done that, no baring whatsoever on DeMott's talent either way.


...Imagine the fuss it was a female talent ...


Read the whole article. A female talent WAS subjected to Festus' bare arse in her face.

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The talent should be wanting to train to be the best wrestlers as possible to earn a spot on the main roster and get paid good money instead of this rubbish to get out of training. Unbelievable.

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I can't help but think this has been blown out of all proportion. Worse shit happened on a weekly basis in my old rugby club and I'm sure it's not confined to just rugby and wrestling. Anywhere you get a group of athletic, young, repressed homosexuals together, there's going to be japery.


Agreed, but I think it might actually just be rugby and wrestling though.


And the Marines. This is tame as fuck compared to the sort of shit that goes in the Marines.

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The talent should be wanting to train to be the best wrestlers as possible to earn a spot on the main roster and get paid good money instead of this rubbish to get out of training. Unbelievable.


tommy is right.

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I had a very good mate that joined the Marines. The shit those boys get up to makes all this naked training nonsense look like fucking playschool in comparison. It's all about building trust, and camaraderie and weeding out the weak. Wrestling's actually pretty similar in that respect. I have no problem with it.

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There's 2 sides to every story, this could have just been on 'rib' on the guy on the receiving end of the stink face (litterally), we don't know that the guy didn't see the funny side and after they went back to their proper training. There could be more too it and if there is then who's the dumb ones for agreeing to take part in such activities. I can't believe that 2 grown men were forced to take part in something they didn't want to do. I'm sure they were just goofing around and its being blown way out of propostion.


It seems to me this guy who's blasting DeMott is bitter or has a grudge, I can't imagine for a second WWE or they other respected trainers and veterans, would allow for something like this to happen.


If what this guy is saying about DeMotts attitude and training methods then I hope it does come out and he gets dealt with but I'm sure it would have come out by now if they guy was an arse hole. WWE I can imagine make good money from their training programme and they wouldn't want to jeopardise it.

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There's 2 sides to every story, this could have just been on 'rib' on the guy on the receiving end of the stink face (litterally), we don't know that the guy didn't see the funny side and after they went back to their proper training. There could be more too it and if there is then who's the dumb ones for agreeing to take part in such activities. I can't believe that 2 grown men were forced to take part in something they didn't want to do. I'm sure they were just goofing around and its being blown way out of propostion.


Have you even read the thread? We know exactly why Ryder ("the guy") and Melissa (not pictured) agreed to take part and they definitely didn't go back to proper training after it.

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