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Bonfire Night

Richie Freebird

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Yeah, it says a lot when people are so easily entertained by colours and noise. It's essentially a louder night time version of pre-school TV. There was a massive fireworks show thing by my house last night so I spent most of the night trying to calm my dog down and hoping she didn't end up pissing on the carpet or something.

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You can have a social gathering and stuff any day though without the massive waste of money which are fireworks (Weeeee BANG! That's a fiver) though. That comes with the bonus of not annoying awesome people, tormenting the poor sods with new borns and putting the shits up animals. It's probably the most anti-social day of the year. People should remember gunpowder, treason and plot with silent recollection in their own houses so I can hear the telly interrupted and it doesn't get the annual "nob throws rocket into fire, innocent party gets rocket in leg" story that surfaces around here every year.

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Is it just me seeing a large amount of knobheads on fb and twitter calling it 'bomb fire night', boxer Tyson Fury is the latest in a long line to call it this, what the hell!?

I don't know if it's a Birmingham thing, a working class thing or a moron thing, but I have relatives who call it "bumfire night."


My wife's a Catholic and although she likes fireworks, I always feel uneasy around her on National Burn a Catholic Day.

I grew up catholic and have been around catholics my entire life, and I have never known anyone to give a religious shit about bonfire night. If anything, it's National Burn a Terrorist/Assassin Day, so it's the muslims and ninjas that you should feel awkward around.

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Well, it comes from a period where they were celebrating the victory of protestantism/Anglicanism over Catholicism in Britain. They stick an effigy of a Catholic conspirator and throw it on the bonfire, it couldn't be more clear what it is! I know when you go to a fiesta in Andalucia it's very pretty and everything but they're still clearly reenacting kicking the black and Muslim people out of Spain!

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