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WWE at their most offensive


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In fairness, you'd have to be a mong and a half to think wrestling should or can be be left-wing. 1980s Arnie films don't end with a twenty minute peaceful negotation scene where everybody gets an equal share and everybody in the world chucks their guns in the bin, and the WrestleMania main event will never be The Rock and Brock Lesnar agreeing that fighting is never the answer. Trashy action is built on conflict, war, jingoistic shite and baddies getting clattered. If that sort of thing offends or upsets you, why would you even watch wrestling in the first place?


You'd have to be a massive hypocrite to think it's bad for a TV show to be overtly right-wing but fine for other TV shows to be overtly left-wing. And if every TV show ever was neutral it'd be dull.

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In fairness, you'd have to be a mong and a half to think wrestling should or can be be left-wing.


You'd have to be a massive hypocrite to think it's bad for a TV show to be overtly right-wing but fine for other TV shows to be overtly left-wing. And if every TV show ever was neutral it'd be dull.


Nail on head. Regardless of your political agenda, there is no way that you can take the piss take seriously. If you were to, then you would be need to take the vast majority of western mainstream films in the same light. If you are 'that' offended, chances are you arnt a fan nor watching the show any way.


There's the odd time I think 'hmmm' but that's about it. These days, if anything seems 'a bit sketch' I tend to think, 'I wonder how the media will jump on this in relation to lindas political shite' at most.


Fact is, WWE is right wing, I'm not, but I deal with it. If you can't deal with it, don't watch. Anytime I watch a blockbuster movie, chances are it's pro USA and against my general ethos, but it's simply a movie. If you are stupid enough to be brainwashed by American TV, you should not be allowed a TV.


Strange rant, but anyway, peace to the left and long live VKM

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The Bill Clinton impersonator being brought up has just reminded me that when I was a kid, I really thought that was him at Survivor Series 95. I remember even arguing about it with those who were older and wiser. Wow I was a stupid kid.

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The Bill Clinton impersonator being brought up has just reminded me that when I was a kid, I really thought that was him at Survivor Series 95. I remember even arguing about it with those who were older and wiser. Wow I was a stupid kid.


As a kid, I argued with people that Jackie Onassis got shot in the JFK assassination because that's what happened in Quantum Leap before Sam changed it.


I just watched a bit of Survivor Series '95 in the week (that top-rope powerbomb was pretty daring), and I did laugh at the secret service boys all covering Clinton when Bam Bam's pyro went off. He was awful, though. Same as all the other impersonators WWE gets in. And I bet that Clinton lookalike was booked solid all through that decade.


Was WWE's Rosie O'Donnell played by Rosie Lottalove or have I imagined that?

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The Bill Clinton impersonator being brought up has just reminded me that when I was a kid, I really thought that was him at Survivor Series 95. I remember even arguing about it with those who were older and wiser. Wow I was a stupid kid.


As a kid, I argued with people that Jackie Onassis got shot in the JFK assassination because that's what happened in Quantum Leap before Sam changed it.


I just watched a bit of Survivor Series '95 in the week (that top-rope powerbomb was pretty daring), and I did laugh at the secret service boys all covering Clinton when Bam Bam's pyro went off. He was awful, though. Same as all the other impersonators WWE gets in. And I bet that Clinton lookalike was booked solid all through that decade.


Was WWE's Rosie O'Donnell played by Rosie Lottalove or have I imagined that?


Nah it was somebody else I believe.


In regards to the right wing aspects, it was more the use of real politics and in some cases no real effort put into characters (La Resistance etc). Not a case of wrestling itself and the natural right-wing elements of wrestling, though it's a good point King. Wrestling could do without being jingonistic, surely it's possible.

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Kane Electrifying Shanes Balls


Kaientai/ Val Venis angle where Val get's his member chopped off NSFW (possibly) Chuck in some torture and then some racial stereotyping for good measure, why not make it as offensive as possible.


Rey Mysterio vs Eddie Guerrero for custody of Dominick was also, part of your fun loving wwe and really not designed to offend in the slightest, clearly

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I don't think it has been mentioned but the whole Mcmahons vs Shawn Michaels and God at Backlash 2006 offended quite a few people if i'm not mistaken. Didn't offend me personally but you know.


As soon as I read your post, my main memory of it is Vince doing Triple H's water taunt and Shane's reaction:



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In fairness, you'd have to be a mong and a half to think wrestling should or can be be left-wing.


You'd have to be a massive hypocrite to think it's bad for a TV show to be overtly right-wing but fine for other TV shows to be overtly left-wing. And if every TV show ever was neutral it'd be dull.


Nail on head. Regardless of your political agenda, there is no way that you can take the piss take seriously. If you were to, then you would be need to take the vast majority of western mainstream films in the same light. If you are 'that' offended, chances are you arnt a fan nor watching the show any way.


There's the odd time I think 'hmmm' but that's about it. These days, if anything seems 'a bit sketch' I tend to think, 'I wonder how the media will jump on this in relation to lindas political shite' at most.


Fact is, WWE is right wing, I'm not, but I deal with it. If you can't deal with it, don't watch. Anytime I watch a blockbuster movie, chances are it's pro USA and against my general ethos, but it's simply a movie. If you are stupid enough to be brainwashed by American TV, you should not be allowed a TV.


Strange rant, but anyway, peace to the left and long live VKM


I think this a very interesting issue, I think you are probably right and you are both outlining your argument very well.

But part of me somehow disagrees, I don't think that left wing is necessarily synonimous of pacifist. I think there are many ways in which you can have storylines averting existing tropes about wrestling. I remember the interest Billy and Chuck's announced wedding attracted and how it all backfired on WWE. I think it could help WWE regaining an "edge" in those periods when business is not so high. Obviously when business is booming history shows us that the "right wing" approach works just fine.

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I don't think anything in wrestling could actually offend me to be honest.

Not even a hypodermic needle embedded into the sole of a foot? :)


That's not offensive, its just gratuitous and stupid.


Incidentally Richie, I really must get around to putting up a quick review of those death match shows you recommended,

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