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vice magazine documentary "the british wrestler"


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Not really a great representation of Pro Wrestling EVE fans in part 2.... :-s

TBF that wasn't a full EVE show, that was a mixed show with guys matches on, very casual audience. Though I know what you're getting at I'm not going to apologise about the fact that we work with local charities as Sudbury is my home town, where I live, run a well known and long established business (through which we do lots lots of charity work including last weekend helping raise
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Gonna try and go to this, could be the weirdest mix of Vice kids and wrestling fans (not sure what are worse.)

Not that all wrestling fans are bad but you know what I mean, barricade slappers with leather coats and replica belts.

Depending on how many fans ICW bring from Glasgow you may be surprised. Their crowds aren't the usual wrestling fans mostly.

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Sorry I should have clarified yesterday - I was only really talking about the guy who comes across as a perv. It almost seemed like they'd asked everyone who came for the wrestling and who came for the women and interviewed the one that was there for skirt.


In fairness, if there was only one guy there who was self-aware and honest with them, they might as well interview him.

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Really enjoyed that. ICW really provide the best nights out and I think the videos captured that. Looking forward to seeing them again though I have to wait a bit as the November one sold out. And I noticed to some amusement that UKFF favourite Anchor made a brief appearance in one of the crowd shots.

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