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TNA Bound For Glory 2012 Offical Discussion Thread (THIS SUNDAY)


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Anderson/RVD Vs Aces & Eights (D'Lo Brown & Mike Knox). Sounds like a fucking 2006 pre Raw Dark Match. Urgh..

Sting is already confirmed for the match and Anderson, D'Lo and Mike Knox haven't even been hinted at. Why would you think that was the match, when Abyss is the obvious partner for Sting.


See, I really do think that it's not so obvious - more than ever, I'm almost positive the partner will be Bully Ray, and he'll end up turning on Sting to reveal his heavily hinted-at involvement, especially when you consider he was one of only three members of Immortal with whom Bischoff never fell out. I wouldn't be surprised if Gunner and Jarrett are already in Aces & 8s.

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I've read elsewhere that it might be Bully Ray and he is the other obvious candidate, but he's currently preoccupied with the main event angle, so something is going down with him there. And if Bully Ray turns on Sting while in the match, that pretty much turns the match into a glorified angle and makes Sting look like a right muppet. He has everyone from Rob Van Dam to The Great Muta to Buff Bagwell to choose from and he picks the bloke he's previously only had hate for and it also happens to be on the other team.


The reason I find it so obvious (or at least the thing they should do) is that they have Abyss brother locked up in a seller with a torch to his temple. You'd think Abyss would be pretty miffed at that. Bully Ray probably is with the Aces and Eights, but if he's turning they'd probably do it where he runs in rather than have him to that old "tag me, tag me" and drop off the apron shite.


I've pretty much checked out of the storyline anyway. The new Observer says the lack of Hogan involvement could be a swerve leading to seeing how Hogan is feeling around the time and he still could be in it. But we'll see. After all that build up since May, the fact Hogan and Sting aren't the ones fighting is so mental.

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Well, we've got, what is it? another two weeks? until BFG, so it'll be interesting to see what they do - they're not particularly given to staying on a steady course, TNA; they might be intending to put in a couple of new developments in the next two Impacts.


On a separate note, they really do need to start finding a way to up their game presentation-wise. I know WWE's sort of queered the pitch for them, but it still doesn't feel like they're doing all they can do to make Bound For Glory seem like the massive deal it's supposed to be. Not to mention that, whilst that moving Titantron thing is a great piece of kit, they've used it sufficiently on both their touring tapings and their non-IZ PPVs that it doesn't seem special any more. Obviously cash is a factor, but I'm hoping they may be able to start investing in PPV sets at some point - nothing majorly expensive that will lose them their arse, just something to make their PPVs stand out from their TV.

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Given how good TNA have been in the last few years at committing to long-term storyline builds, it's bizarre that they've changed tack on the two major ones, which were Roode v Storm for the title at BFG, and Hogan-Sting v Aces&8s. I mean, those two were clearly at various points the mainstay of Impact programming.


I can only assume something went wrong. Someone suggested Aries as champ to Hogan and they've gone with it. As much as I enjoy Aries, he's not the heavyweight future of the company, Roode is. Roode and Storm, if they play it right, which recently they've not done.

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What they should of done was had Robert Roode win the title back from Aries and Storm winning the BFG series. Then have Aries facing Hardy for no 1. contendership at BFG. Then they could have Storm win the belt and fued with a heel-turning Austin Aries.


Unfortunately they've made a right cockup of things.

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What they should of done was had Robert Roode win the title back from Aries and Storm winning the BFG series. Then have Aries facing Hardy for no 1. contendership at BFG. Then they could have Storm win the belt and fued with a heel-turning Austin Aries.


Agreed with all that, except for the Aries turning heel bit. It would be too soon to turn him heel after his initial face turn (to be honest, I think it's a bit soon even now) - if he'd lost the belt back to Roode, he wouldn't have been so exposed with the belt, and, more importantly, they wouldn't have put him up against Hardy who, let's face it, gets cheered over everyone these days, maybe even Sting.


If they'd had Aries drop the belt a month later, they could've put some work in with him, building on his evident popularity by putting him in some programmes with other heels, prepping him for an eventual showdown with Hardy that wouldn't be quite so one-sided in terms of reactions.


Also, I still think there's mileage in Roode/Angle right now - they can just make a big deal that Roode's never been able to beat him for the belt, and do a whole series of angles where Kurt gets into the head of Roode by demonstrating that he can take the belt from him any time. Then, of course, you have Roode beat him in controversial fashion in the initial match, and a bit more decisively in the re-match, thus cementing him further.

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What I don't get is if Hogan was so bothered about his back, why not use Styles/Angle in a better spot and make it an 8 man tag. You have three men there that know how to do all the heavy lifting until the final few moments where Hogan comes in and cleans house. Then again, maybe Hogan not being involved has everything to do with the fact Aces & 8s are going over, brother.

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The most stupid bit is that now nobody really knows if Hogan's going to be on the show. The whole point of this, surely, is to have Hogan's name on the card?

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I think they will have Jarrett as one of the Aces and Eights in the match along with possibly Wes Brisco as he has been heavily featured with Bischoff on the side. At least then the reveals (if they happen) will be enough to provide some sort of shock reaction from the crowed


After last weeks TV title situation I fully expect Garret to run back to daddy as well and possibly turn in the match or following BFG as he did not look happy when he was cut and they seemed to focus on that a bit more than normal.


I dont think Aries will go heel either, I think he is just being more heelish for his match with Hardy.


As for the sets as that was mentioned above they haven't used the up/ down screen stage for a while, perhaps even this year Lockdown had a quite low key set where they used the same "follow them out" camera work they had at Wembley tapings, and Slammiversary was a nice new set with one screen. I would expect something new or that set again. So long as they dont go back to some of those awful framework sets

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Well, we've got, what is it? another two weeks? until BFG, so it'll be interesting to see what they do - they're not particularly given to staying on a steady course, TNA; they might be intending to put in a couple of new developments in the next two Impacts.


On a separate note, they really do need to start finding a way to up their game presentation-wise. I know WWE's sort of queered the pitch for them, but it still doesn't feel like they're doing all they can do to make Bound For Glory seem like the massive deal it's supposed to be. Not to mention that, whilst that moving Titantron thing is a great piece of kit, they've used it sufficiently on both their touring tapings and their non-IZ PPVs that it doesn't seem special any more. Obviously cash is a factor, but I'm hoping they may be able to start investing in PPV sets at some point - nothing majorly expensive that will lose them their arse, just something to make their PPVs stand out from their TV.

From looking at the Seating Plan set for BFG, seems there going for the 'wembley' look of having no entrance way what so ever! I'm all for the idea.



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I don't like that at all. That was one of the things I thought looked small-time at the Wembley shows - massive arena, massive turnout, and the wrestlers look like they're coming in from one of the service entrances? They need to either make it wider, have a WWE-style ramp or have the NJPW-style walkway to the ring like they had before.

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What looked small time about packing 6-7,000 people into an arena? And who would consider it small time? The regular fans used to seeing TNA in front of a studio with 800 people? The casuals who watched for the first time and see a promotion capable of packing a full house in an arena? The arena set up means nothing if you pack the house. Overdoing the set design and looking like a tarted up B-show has more chance of looking small time. The Wembley set up was focused fully on the crowd.

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What looked small time about packing 6-7,000 people into an arena? And who would consider it small time? The regular fans used to seeing TNA in front of a studio with 800 people? The casuals who watched for the first time and see a promotion capable of packing a full house in an arena? The arena set up means nothing if you pack the house. Overdoing the set design and looking like a tarted up B-show has more chance of looking small time. The Wembley set up was focused fully on the crowd.


I said "one of the things that looked small-time", not that the entire thing looked small time. The entrance-way, I felt, was one of the few things that didn't quite match the rest of the event. In itself, not a big deal, but if it was improved upon, would help contribute to a big-time atmosphere.

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