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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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But the way they dress up the arena wouldn't add or take away from my enjoyment of a wrestling show one bit to be honest.


I get what you're saying but dressing up the arena a bit does tend to make the show feel special as well as fresher. Wrestling's a spectacle no matter what you're watching, aesthetics are important.

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I was listening to a Torch interview with X-Pac recently and he brings this match with. Its X-Pac and Chyna vs Mark Henry. They planned a match out during the day, but before they went through the curtain they were told to more of less go home in a few minutes. So X-Pac told Mark Henry to just eliminate the beginning sequence, which included a spot with Henry throwing X-Pac out of the ring. When they got their, Mark panicked and did it anyway. Without X-Pac knowing about it.


Here's the match. Check out the opening spot. He just launches him. X-Pac is so fucking lucky. His back bounces off the top rope and he flips over. I know X-Pac isn't a big man, but Henry just throws him without any trouble. And that is without X-Pac giving him his body. Imagine what Henry could do to you if he wanted to hurt you?


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I guess you either don't watch Raw, or it doesn't bother you as much as you think it does, because Raw's had white ropes for a good few years now.


Yeah, I don't watch as often as I used to. It doesn't bother me exactly, I'm just not keen. The colour of the ropes wouldn't make me switch off or anything, I just think the white ropes look wrong.


But the way they dress up the arena wouldn't add or take away from my enjoyment of a wrestling show one bit to be honest.


I get what you're saying but dressing up the arena a bit does tend to make the show feel special as well as fresher. Wrestling's a spectacle no matter what you're watching, aesthetics are important.


True. WrestleMania VIII in the big tent, SummerSlam at Wembley, settings like that really added to the whole atmosphere of those shows and gave them the proper big time feel. The production values now have come so far since the 90s, and of course you can't go back. The shows look top notch now, as you'd expect in 2013. But I just meant that the simple, minimal arena set up of the 80s/90s PPVs still felt special at the time. I guess there were enough larger than life, colourful characters back then though, that you wouldn't even notice all the trimmings if they lit the arenas up like a Christmas tree.

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I was listening to a Torch interview with X-Pac recently and he brings this match with. Its X-Pac and Chyna vs Mark Henry. They planned a match out during the day, but before they went through the curtain they were told to more of less go home in a few minutes. So X-Pac told Mark Henry to just eliminate the beginning sequence, which included a spot with Henry throwing X-Pac out of the ring. When they got their, Mark panicked and did it anyway. Without X-Pac knowing about it.


Here's the match. Check out the opening spot. He just launches him. X-Pac is so fucking lucky. His back bounces off the top rope and he flips over. I know X-Pac isn't a big man, but Henry just throws him without any trouble. And that is without X-Pac giving him his body. Imagine what Henry could do to you if he wanted to hurt you?




Fucking hel!!!



Was Triple H doing a monkey impression towards a black guy as Menry was walking up the steps?!?

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Rowan's using the big splash as his finisher, I saw someone else use it randomly in a match on Raw where it wasn't a finisher, and I thought, it's bad enough that it's being used a finisher anyway, without other people using it during matches without it being an impact move. That Rowan's a big lad, surely he can do something else less shit?

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It's a combo finisher though really isn't it? Always coming after Harpers big boot or discuss clothesline? Two big power moves from two big oafs. I don't think it's a bad move for Rowan to have as his special...it's the sort of thing you imagine someone with not much going on upstairs to just instinctively do with aggression with their big frame.

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It's a combo finisher though really isn't it? Always coming after Harpers big boot or discuss clothesline? Two big power moves from two big oafs. I don't think it's a bad move for Rowan to have as his special...it's the sort of thing you imagine someone with not much going on upstairs to just instinctively do with aggression with their big frame.


I think it's the way he executes it - obviously he's an oaf and he's been told to protect the other guy, but it's really up there with a Swagger Bomb in terms of how obviously little contact there is during the move. Just loses any kind of believability for me.

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I haven't seen it yet. Is it similar vain to brodus' splash?


For me, even a transition to a second rope splash would be a mile better, in regards to any splash.


Clays splash is the worst ever! Also a move Menry has never pulled off too well.

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