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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Why does Sgt Slaughter always make it into these games? Nobody wants to play as him.

Would be fun to play against if you could throw him into the corner and he bounced over the turnbuckle though


Actually, if he could do that knuckle twist to the temple, i'd probably go him now and again.

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Darren Young sticks out like a sore thumb, there.


Everyone else is a main eventer or a 'legend'.




Or Ziggler. Or Cesaro.



So, yeah, my point is void. And, I'm an idiot. But it's still weird they didn't put the PTP in together.


I was just going to post that about Young, suppose he's the token jobber everyone can try the finishing moves on


Big John Studd and Yokozuna will be crap to play as

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In other news;




What the living shit have they done to Cesaro's face?

More importantly who did Nash piss off for them to use Glen Jacob's Fake Diesel in the game?


I don't really follow these games at all, but most of those pics just appear to be actual pictures with a slight animation effect on top. Some of them (Razor, Flair Retro, Slaughter) I even remember the original photos. They're not trying to pass those off as actual game graphics are they?

No, they are just the photos with an effect on, they do the same thing every year for the roster on the site. They'll probably be used on the character select screen though.


But it's still weird they didn't put the PTP in together.

They announced Darren Young early because of the gay. Titus will be in as well, but he won't be announced until the rest of the modern roster is.

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Couldn't they at least salvage something with Bray if the two lackeys lost a couple of matches and then he brought Kane out to destroy them? start a new family with him, Kane and then brainwash some lads who aren't doing much (Ziggler)


R-Truth is the perfect candidate for this, IMO.


He's well-established as being a bit mentally unstable and as having a penchant for wearing bib and brace overalls. His current hairdo makes him look nuts already.


He'd be perfect as the crazy old black guy who hangs out on their front porch chewing tobacco.

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After watching a few old TV shows and PPV's, I've realised one thing I hate about the current product is how every show looks the exact same. I realise the stage set/titantron can't really change much about who is wrestling or what angles are going on but I really miss how all shows had different sets.

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I'm a big fan of those individual PPV entrance set ups. It set the shows apart. In particular I loved the old MSG set up where the hard cam was always directly opposite the entrance way side of the ring. The SummerSlam '98 'Highway To Hell' entrance is a favourite of mine, as is the WrestleMania X sliding doors one which was simple but awesome looking I thought.


By the same token though, the late 80s/early 90s cartoon era which is I guess when the majority of us became fans, had none of that really. Except for this lovely creation in the early 90s of course;




Apart from that, it was pretty much just a black or blue curtain all the way wasn't it? And I don't remember once thinking 'they could do with a touch of neon there, maybe a splash of colour or a screen'. It didn't harm my enjoyment one bit just having a scabby old curtain hanging there. Times have changed and production values are vastly superior now obviously. But the way they dress up the arena wouldn't add or take away from my enjoyment of a wrestling show one bit to be honest. Unless it's the ropes they fuck with, because you're looking at them all show. It's completely irrational but it took me ages to get used to the blue ropes when Smackdown started. And I'm not keen on the white ropes on some of the PPVs either. Stupid, but that's me.

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And I'm not keen on the white ropes on some of the PPVs either. Stupid, but that's me.


I guess you either don't watch Raw, or it doesn't bother you as much as you think it does, because Raw's had white ropes for a good few years now.

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