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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Couldn't they at least salvage something with Bray if the two lackeys lost a couple of matches and then he brought Kane out to destroy them? start a new family with him, Kane and then brainwash some lads who aren't doing much (Ziggler)


In fact Ziggler doing a Kidman in the flock gimmick would be ace, at least until he starts gyrating his arse in the middle of a match for no reason

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Couldn't they at least salvage something with Bray if the two lackeys lost a couple of matches and then he brought Kane out to destroy them?

That's a class idea. I hope they do something like that. The only thing left to decide is whether Kane putting on the sheep mask after the beat down would look suitably creepy or just cause the crowd to piss themselves.

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Considering Lesnar turned up out of the blue to stop Punk giving Heyman a hiding, and subsequently went to war to ensure this never happened, it'd be peculiar if Lesnar doesn't turn up if/when Punk goes through Axel at Night of Champions.


In other news;




What the living shit have they done to Cesaro's face?

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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So what's been everyone's favourite Wyatt Family moment so far? Mine was Rowan nearly burning his face off and shitting it at Summerslam as he was too thick to realise that wearing his plastic sheep's mask close to the fire isn't a great idea.

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I said at the time that was fucking hilarious. Dumb shite.


From the same show, I quite liked Bray bumbling about like a pissed fat lad trying to rush off a bouncy castle to be sick.


He definitely needs a better belt.


Ooh, I like that Harper always sacks it when he delivers a big boot, too. Big oaf.

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Considering Lesnar turned up out of the blue to stop Punk giving Heyman a hiding, and subsequently went to war to ensure this never happened, it'd be peculiar if Lesnar doesn't turn up if/when Punk goes through Axel at Night of Champions.


I'm thinking they will have the newest "Heyman guy" save Paul once Axel is destroyed.

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Have RVD win the belt and then come out and save Heyman later on in the show and you have Punk vs RVD for the World title for the next few months. It would rejuvenate the world title and the idea of heel RVD vs babyface Punk with Heyman in the mix is something any one of us on here could write and not fuck up.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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That leaves Ricardo high and dry though, doesn't it?


Because a stable of RVD/Axel/Ricardo and Heyman would be fucking bizarre.


If I had to pick anyone to become a new Heyman guy, I'd go Ryback. You could have Ryback explain that he knows first hand how effective Heyman can be. And, to reference history, he should point out how he loves the irony (he seems the sort of fellow who likes irony) in that Punk/Heyman once tried to ruin his career, and now he and Heyman will end Punks career.


I could get on board with that.


But, it'd make more sense to let Punk beat the piss out of Heyman.

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Ooh, I like that Harper always sacks it when he delivers a big boot, too. Big oaf.

Pretty sure that's deliberate. Always looked to me like it was just him trying to put his own little twist on the move. I actually think his big boots look great.


Anyway, picking a favourite Wyatt moment since they debuted is difficult, as there is no doubt that their stock has dropped with every appearance since the night they first showed up. I will say that Bray saying goodbye to NXT was fantastic though, even if it was basically a face promo.

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In other news;




What the living shit have they done to Cesaro's face?

More importantly who did Nash piss off for them to use Glen Jacob's Fake Diesel in the game?


I don't really follow these games at all, but most of those pics just appear to be actual pictures with a slight animation effect on top. Some of them (Razor, Flair Retro, Slaughter) I even remember the original photos. They're not trying to pass those off as actual game graphics are they?

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Considering Lesnar turned up out of the blue to stop Punk giving Heyman a hiding, and subsequently went to war to ensure this never happened, it'd be peculiar if Lesnar doesn't turn up if/when Punk goes through Axel at Night of Champions.


In other news;




What the living shit have they done to Cesaro's face?


And why have they got Ricardo Montalban in JBL's picture?

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Darren Young sticks out like a sore thumb, there.


Everyone else is a main eventer or a 'legend'.




Or Ziggler. Or Cesaro.



So, yeah, my point is void. And, I'm an idiot. But it's still weird they didn't put the PTP in together.

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