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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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Crying shame Garrett Bischoff is one of the worst wrestlers on the planet. He's got a great look, I reckon. He smartly went for the cut off leather jacket as opposed to the waistcoat, like his mates have. So he qualifies for the beard and leather jacket combo, which is the proven formula. But yeah. Garrett should have been in developmental and then brought up ready. Even if he becomes good (which he wont because he doesn't work enough to get good), he'll be tarred with the shit brush. Shame. He looks the part so much, but there's nothing there. If Bischoff was still the GM and in with WWE, I imagine Norman Smiley and Regal and all those down in NXT would have done wonders with him. Brad Maddox is what Garrett should have been.



What is shit, though, is that he hasn't got his Dad's charisma. He could have been a wonderful character if he was half as good as his Dad. He wouldn't have even have had to have been as good. Just enough to get by would have done, with the way they hate him already. But he's pretty wooden. He's got the unfortunate thing of having a great look of a heel upper card act, yet he cant wrestle. And he's got the potential to be what his Dad was, yet he hasn't got the personality for it. Really unlucky in the talent department. But I bet he gets some fanny, so its all good at the end of it.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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Garrett Bischoff is a fucking handsome lad. I remember when TNA could get a chat room out of it and it was the common consensus.


But fucking hell he's shite. But he's cheap. Probably free. Probably gets a crack at his mum, Bubba's wife and whoever Jason Hervey's fucking these days in lieu of cash, as lord knows the first two ladies I mentioned are both fit and aren't shy.

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He's as green as grass, Garrett. Why are he and Brisco not regularly working tag team matches? They need lots of house show experience. I reckon he could be ok actually, Garrett, given time, but then again I quite like Brisco so I'm easy to please.

Edited by Loki
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The Royal Rumble usually has someone that wouldn't usually be getting a title shot taking on one of the champs, such as Hardcore Holly & Dolph Ziggler. Anyone see Cody Rhodes getting that spot this year against Orton presuming he's still the champ and Bryan is off winning the Rumble?


I can't see Orton going into Mania as champ and I think he'll drop it to CM Punk at EC so we get to see Punk/Bryan at Mania 30.

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He's as green as grass, Garrett. Why are he and Brisco not regularly working tag team matches? They need lots of house show experience. I reckon he could be ok actually, Garrett, given time, but then again I quite like Brisco so I'm easy to please.

Could it be due to him being on a pay per appearance deal or something, considering TNA are trying to save cash left right and centre.

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Somebody has done an average of Meltzer's star ratings and listed wrestlers by order of their average star rating. Which wrestler do you think has the highest star rating? Bret Hart? Kurt Angle? Ricky Steamboat? Ric Flair?


Davey Richards!


Wrestlers with Highest Average Weighted Wrestling Observer Newsletter Star Ratings


Edit: Obviously this shouldn't be taken as "Meltzer thinsk the best US wrestler is Richards" but it does make for some interesting reading.

Edited by Vamp
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Somebody has done an average of Meltzer's star ratings and listed wrestlers by order of their average star rating. Which wrestler do you think has the highest star rating? Bret Hart? Kurt Angle? Ricky Steamboat? Ric Flair?


Davey Richards!


Wrestlers with Highest Average Weighted Wrestling Observer Newsletter Star Ratings


Edit: Obviously this shouldn't be taken as "Meltzer thinsk the best US wrestler is Richards" but it does make for some interesting reading.



Love it, some things in that raised a smile:


223 Shannon Moore

224 Sting


228 Koko B. Ware

229 Lance Storm



These two men tied:


Honky Tonk Man

Ted DiBiase


And were beaten down by these two men who tied:


The Warlord





This run amused also:


61 A. J. Styles

62 Ricky Steamboat

63 Alberto Del Rio

64 Nick Jackson

65 Chris Benoit


Del Rio and Steamboat tied... and where's the other Buck?

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The Royal Rumble usually has someone that wouldn't usually be getting a title shot taking on one of the champs, such as Hardcore Holly & Dolph Ziggler. Anyone see Cody Rhodes getting that spot this year against Orton presuming he's still the champ and Bryan is off winning the Rumble?

If the big corporate screwjob had happened at Survivor Series and this was early December, then yeah. But I'm expecting the angle to have evolved/moved on between now and January. He could get a title shot at Battleground or maybe Survivor Series, or at least one on Raw. But I think he'll have cooled off and be trading wins with Wade Barrett by Rumble time.

Edited by King Pitcos
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You'd think Bryan would be the champion going into the Rumble. I think he'd probably wrestle people he'd easily roll over on a card where the Rumble is the focus. Someone like Cesaro or someone. You could get anyway with someone of Cesaro's level wrestling for the belt on a show where the Rumble is the selling point. I still think a heel Sheamus will wrestle Bryan at Mania. Sheamus needs to come back strong if you ever want to get any value out of him, and he needs to come back as a heel. He'd benefit so much from a change of direction. When I think of Sheamus I think of someone who isn't particularly interesting. That needs to change.


Cody is like Ziggler for me. He's just someone who they will always try and heat up and then get bored with him. He's another John Morrison. Someone who they go "Should we run with him? nah, fuck it we'll try again in a few months".

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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It was amazing to see Stan Lane in at number 47, Butch Reed at 122 and Dusty Rhodes at 191 (who Meltzer never seemed to have much good to say about in the late 80s) with a average of 2.58. Not sure it means much, but a very interesting list.

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