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Random thoughts thread v2 *NO NEWS ITEMS*


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You can call Punk scrawny by wrestling standards sure, he absolutely is, I don't disagree with that at all. I only named him as an example because he sprung to mind when you brought up the "Oh, look at that little weakling. I can be him! YAY!" point.

I was just suggesting that there are other valid reasons why people don't relate to Cena other than him being a more dreamy specimen of a man than they could ever hope to be.


I also fully agree that Zach Ryder is a useless turd. Apropos of not much, but this is the random thoughts thread after all.

Edited by JLM
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Cena certainly is dreamy. Also, dreamy's not used half as much as it should be these days. I went through a stage when I was 18 of using the term Dreamboat a lot. That term needs to come back.

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There are many male celebrities I consider to be dreamy. Aside from not wanting to have sex with or be romantically involved with men, I think I'm extremely gay.

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It's quite funny that anyone is making the case that Cena is "like those cool 80s action stars", because it was that thread that made me think "that's what a real man is like - the opposite of Cena".


If Cena were in a film, he'd never be the bad-ass Arnie/Stallone/Seagal type, he'd be the dork that runs around with the bad-ass, making shit jokes and being a sap. Or he'd be in a silly rom-com or something. The bloke is a total white-meat ponce. He's hasn't an ounce of the gritty, balls-to-the-wall, cool-as-fuck, ass-kicking, lady-laying 80s Action Star's qualities. The only thing he has in common is big muscles - but he often negates the "bad-ass" factor that big muscles bring by dressing like a toddler or grinning like he's "special".


Steve Austin would punch out a snake - just like Van Damme did, while Cena would try to not get angry at the snake, do a "funny" impression of the snake, then try to be the snake's friend.


You can't really just be "immune" to Cena's crappy comedy because he does it almost ever single time he's on telly. It's not like it's the odd bad joke you could forgive. He might not be as consistently "lame" as someone like Zack Ryder, but then he has about a 100 times the airtime to piss you off with.


Batista - now he was 80s Action-Star-Tastic, no doubt.

Edited by Dirty Eddie
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I think one of my other big problems with Cena is that he never comes across as actually being tough whatsoever despite being a huge muscle-head. Back in his prime I reckon Hulk Hogan could have wiped the floor with most people with no problems. Cena just looks like a big muscle-y pussy.


I'm sure he isn't a pussy, but he just doesn't have that aura in my eyes.

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For all of Cena's good qualities he really is not a mans man. I'd quite happily shag his missus knowing he'd turn around and just say "I don't like what you did, but I respect you and just plan to make poopy jokes about you." Stone Cold, Batista, The Rock, Tripple H, Lesnar and Punk wouldn't never react the way he does to conflict. Even when The Rock would make jokes about opponents he looked like he would kick your teeth.


At the end of the day it doesn't matter. Cena is shit and Punk is great, which is just fine. I am Punk's target audience, not Cena's. As long as there is someone for the adults to like along with someone for the kids to like WWE are doing fine.

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The new finisher Damien Sandow busted out on NXT this week, The Silencer, looked sweet


Oddly, Ted DiBiase's Dream Street was renamed The Silencer on Superstars this week. Joined-up thinking as always.

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At least we are being more constructive about it rather than the whole "he's shit, can't wrestle, 5 moves of doom!" stuff that would always be thrown around. I think now alot of people can see that he's good, usually delivers on the mic when it counts and always delivers in the ring when it counts but hate his character rather than the man himself.

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I think his character is fine.


I agree that he's not a naturally funny man. But, I don't think I can say with any objectivity that his sense of humour wouldn't appeal to kids. it's like trying to watch a modern kids TV comedy or those Kids Choice awards, I think its horrendous (and do the really clich

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Cena's the best in the biz 90% of the time but when he goes into "middleclass white dad trying to be cool" mode he's the fucking worst too. I'll shit on Cena way more than anyone else on the roster because i know just how brilliant he can actually be unlike shitehawks like Ryder who are awful no matter what.


Also, I've only just realised that the LOD 2000 gimmick is the worst thing to ever happen in wrestling, that whole deal was just Vince making a point, wasn't it?

Edited by Merzbow
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Cena is simply the most unlikeable headliner in wwe/wwf history. What are these claims about hes a big match performer etc.. about. Hes had 2 good main event matches ever in my opinion. Punk, then umamga and umanga wasnt the real main event. Who else? Pls dont say hbk, they were long boring shitfests. Hbk prob has 100 matches better than that. Cena maybe one. Doesnt that tell you something. Cenas terrible. Hes a facking mag and danny dyer needs to stick the nut on him nxt time his steroid stiff big arsed body is on these shores.

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Cena has the strongest, most well established and developed, real, consistent character going.


Indeed he does but not 100% of the time, no-one in wrestling has managed that. Cena's bad days are maybe so glaringly obvious to me because he is that good.

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