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2012/2013 Scottish Football Thread


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I wonder if any Celtic fans will bother turning out on the boards for their SPL title win. Lately they only seem to flock to this thread when there's Third Division news.


Or when they're discussing the biggest story in Scottish football. The story that has dragged this countries football from a bad place that could be recovered, right down into the gutter.

Bollocks. Scottish football is all too willing to walk itself into an early grave. Stuart Cosgrove has been one of the staunchest critics of this 'ARMAGEDDON' tabloid nonsense and I think he's absolutely spot on. Regardless of their relative size, one club is not the whole of Scottish football and both fans and media alike need to stop acting like they are.


The biggest stories of Scottish football should always be on the pitch. Celtic are about to win the title tomorrow, their own form permitting, and there's been hardly any comment on that whatsoever. Who gives a fuck what Sevco's Green and Whyte army are cocking about with? But it sells papers and people will always have far more to say about doom and gloom than they will about success. I blame the paying fans who haven't turned up for home games since Rangers left the SPL just as much as I blame the incompetent, idiotic authorities for the shocking state of Scottish football.


The focus should be real change, not 'look what these daft cunts are doing now'.

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More importantly the Clyde ownership have agreed in principle to negotiate a move to East Kilbride that will involve a name change to EK Clyde. Not sure how I feel about this. I grew up in Cumbernauld and have been a Clyde fan since they moved there in 1993. I used to go regularly but since I got a girlfriend and moved to Glasgow about 5/6 years ago I go rarely, maybe once or twice a year. I'd like to go more but job/studying/girlfriends/other friends take up a lot of my weekends and I moved to Dublin recently so unlikely I'll be going any more regularly in the future.


Now they're leaving Cumbernauld to a place I think I've been to about once in my life and changing their name I don't know what connection I really have with them anymore. I don't know if it'd feel like the same team I used to go watch every week when I was at school. Might be time to get a new team.

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More importantly the Clyde ownership have agreed in principle to negotiate a move to East Kilbride that will involve a name change to EK Clyde. Not sure how I feel about this. I grew up in Cumbernauld and have been a Clyde fan since they moved there in 1993. I used to go regularly but since I got a girlfriend and moved to Glasgow about 5/6 years ago I go rarely, maybe once or twice a year. I'd like to go more but job/studying/girlfriends/other friends take up a lot of my weekends and I moved to Dublin recently so unlikely I'll be going any more regularly in the future.


Now they're leaving Cumbernauld to a place I think I've been to about once in my life and changing their name I don't know what connection I really have with them anymore. I don't know if it'd feel like the same team I used to go watch every week when I was at school. Might be time to get a new team.



The owners and/or supporters trust have voted for this yet, strangely, there are no publicly available plans from either them or South Lanarkshire Council. The proposed move to develop the land on and around East Kilbride Thistle's ground was apparently abandoned which is just as well as that area simply can't accommodate large crowds that an SPL club would bring. Information is similarly vague concerning developments in the Auldhouse area or thereabouts.


The former proposal is a classic example of the difference between choosing to move next to a football ground and having one placed nearby. Clyde are like any other club in that they want to play in the highest level. This means a prospect of having the Old Firm fans coming in four times a year. It is an insane proposition. No doubt the usual 'It's not my club who have the worst fans' wet biscuits will decry all and any opposition as NIMBYism but few residents seem to want it. Both Old Firm clubs and their fans deserve great credit for supporting many charitable causes but this doesn't excuse the behaviour of a small percentage of their support.


It's all very well for local newsagents to create petitions which at first sight seem to be in opposition but are in fact sneakily worded in favour of the move but they are not the ones rho have to live next to it.


The Auldhouse site seems to be less intrusive and could similarly add to the local economy, create a new fanbase and in doing so use local communities to create opportunities for young people without the disruption a move to the middle of the fucking village would bring. This could only be a positive.


As I mentioned previously I have sciatica and am currently loaded on both Amitripyline and Tramadol so I hope this all makes sense. It's taken me about hald an hour to compose.



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More importantly the Clyde ownership have agreed in principle to negotiate a move to East Kilbride that will involve a name change to EK Clyde.

Really shouldn't have moved from Shawfield Stadium in 1986. Club has probably been on a downward spiral and life support since then. I don't see this East Kilbride thing working at all.


P.S. To be fair, they were chipped out of Shawfield Stadium by that nutter stadium owner for absolutely no reason at all.


Club also held talks about doing up Rutherglen Glencairn's junior stadium and moving in there. Probably would have worked that. Don't know why they didn't vote for it.

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Rutherglen probably would have been a better move but you have to wonder how many of that old fanbase is still there. After all it's been over 25 years since played in the south side as you say. Staying in Cumbernauld and trying to engage with the local community a bit better would have been my preference. Get more involved in local schools and coaching and try and build a new generation of fans from there. Apparently the council are a nightmare to work with though.


You wonder how many of the Cumbernauld fans will follow them to EK (I probably won't) and how many of the Glasgow fans are left. Very sad and our downward spiral is about complete.


On the new team thing, there's not a chance I could ever support Rangers. Odd, as my dad and grandad supported them and I did as a young kid but the more I've seen of them the more distasteful I find them. Firhill for thrills!

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On the new team thing, there's not a chance I could ever support Rangers. Odd, as my dad and grandad supported them and I did as a young kid but the more I've seen of them the more distasteful I find them. Firhill for thrills!

Aye, was just a wee joke. Firhill's a good shout - after all every single Glasgow-based journalist supports the Whistle ;)

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What's going to happen to Broadwood Stadium? I heard that a rich benefactor has basically bought it for his wee kids team, Cumbernauld Colts. Seems very odd the whole thing.


Cumbernauld Colts are an amateur team, although they may have youth teams as well. Not sure how its come about but I do know that Colts and their community/B team have exclusive use of Broadwood on Sundays. Their signage is also up on the outside of the stadium next to the Clyde badge.

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Basically another reason why Clyde had to move wasn't it? Cumbernauld Colts didn't like the idea of sharing.


Don't know anything about that. Although I'm sure I read that Clyde have been planning to move since 2010? Colts only started using the stadium either the beginning of this season or the end of last.

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Well done, you remembered!


Read a report on BBC Sport today that had Lennon saying his 'gut feeling' is that Gary Hooper will stay and sign a new contract. I can't see that at all considering I think at 25 he will probably still harbour international ambitions and with only a year left on his deal he may find himself higher up the league than if he were being bought mid-contract. Could also see Forster hitting the Premiership, especially now that Ben Foster is back in England contention and he'll be contending with him as well as John Ruddy to be Joe Hart's understudy.


That said, Celtic will still almost certainly win the league again next season, although without those two I think the Champions League campaign is likely to be less successful.

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