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The Natural

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To be fair, Caroline Pearce has improved massively. Her interviews leading up to 202 were very good and she got a lot of praise for her post fight interview with Mcgregor after 196 whilst walking through the corridors of the MGM whilst on their way to the post fight presser. 


You can tell she's really put the time in to get up to speed on the sport. That said, I don't think she should be in a presenters role, but I think she's found her calling for BT's coverage with her interviews.

She's not the best but she's got a bit better yeah. And forget how she looks, she seems a nice enough person as well. That goes a long way sometimes in that if someone's fairly likeable or at least inoffensive, you can overlook some of their shortcomings. GAD is awful AND comes across as a pompous smug prick.

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According to MMAFighting.com Rory Macdonald is close to signing with Bellator

personally i'd love to see it, there's not many people left in the UFC that he hasn't fought already.

Yeah, there's not really anything I'm dying to see with Rory in the UFC at this point. Then again, Rory did completely tool the current champ Tyron Woodley a couple of years ago. I'd have liked to have seen him do that again but it'd require him working his way back into contention obviously.


Hopefully he gets a good deal off Bellator. He must be getting a good offer because he said recently that he's all about the money now first and foremost. Whoever made the best offer etc. So Bellator must be making a strong play.

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Rory had come out a few months back and said that he was not behind the 11 month gap between the Lawler and Thompson fight. He wanted to fight but it was the UFC stalling as he did not agree with the new contract they were offering and would not sign it, so his career was put on hold.


I think Rory could see how much they were taking from him physically after the Lawler fight and compared it to how much money they were paying him and thinking things were not adding up.

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Yeah, he was originally meant to fight Hector Lombard on the February London card. He agreed to it then they fucked about and wanted to move the fight to the Hunt vs Mir Australia card and he said he wasn't up for flying half way across the world for a relatively low payday. "That's a long ass flight to make a little money" is how he put it. So they scrapped the fight altogether. Can't blame Rory at all. After that war with Lawler, and with a kid on the way, is understandable he's thinking more about what he'll be left with out of MMA when it's all over.

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What a class act Mcgregor is in that video. Considering his an hour or two removed from a huge loss, he handles himself like a pro.




The difference between him and Diaz this time around is astronomical. As you say, Mcgregor was an absolute pro accepting his defeat last time, yet Diaz this time has come out in what is a typical Diaz Brothers style, talking complete bollocks and making himself look a fool.


The Diaz brothers have never been able to accept defeat and every time they either blame the opponents style or that they are "too real" for the sport. Now more than likely some of it is for show, but good god they come across dim as shit when proclaiming half the stuff.


Nate standing their post fight claiming Mcgregor ran the whole fight, whilst sporting a face like a chewed up rare steak. On top of that posting tweets on twitter laughing at Mcgregor and in general every interview he did post fight.


Again, it's most likely an attempt to drum up talk of a rematch, but the difference between the two fighters in defeat are worlds apart. 

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Anyone seen the 'news' floating around about Robbie Lawler's test results from the Rory Macdonald fight?


Doesn't come as much of a shock if true. He's a fighter in the late stages of his career, he underwent that turnaround and won the title and ATT hardly has a clean record when it comes to PEDs.



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Just comes across as a sore loser that decided to pipe up now after he's left the company.


I don't get that impression at all. He only found out that info and if he was still with the UFC he would be saying the same thing.


Fighters who are still with the company are constantly talking about PED's too regarding fighters who are still with the company as well. It happens all the time.


Even Woodley in the title fight came out with the statement that went along the lines of "Some us still look the same post USADA". Most people took this as a shot at Lawler. 

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I really hope the Lawler thing turns out to be a big mistake. I can't think of many fighters where I'd be more disappointed to find out they were cheating than Lawler.


And if it's to do with the Rory fight at 189, I wonder why it's only just coming up now? Lawler's fought twice since then.


As for Woodley's comment, I guess it could be a dig at Lawler. But it could also just be him having a pop at cheaters in general and not anyone specific. Woodley's a guy people have pointed the finger at before regarding PEDs, because of his ridiculous physique. So he might've just been pointing out that his physique hasn't changed since USADA testing came in. It's not like Lawler's body has really changed so I don't know why he'd be saying it to have a dig at Lawler. Lawler's pretty much always looked the same body-wise, since he started in MMA.


Plus, I don't think Woodley has any problem with Lawler. I don't think they're best mates but they're both affiliated with ATT and have probably trained together at some point/have mutual friends and coaching staff. I reckon Woodley's USADA comment was more of a general jab at cheaters than Lawler himself.


All this said, I won't be surprised if it comes out that Lawler's had a dabble. From the days Royce Gracie and Anderson Silva got popped, nobody shocks me anymore. I would be disappointed though. Lawler's one of my all time favourites.

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I always was still am of the opinion that the majority of fighters and actually alot of athletes use PEDs so I wouldnt be one iota surprised of he did use.


With how piss poor there testing was it was it was almost silly not to use

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