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The Why Don't You Get a Job Thread

kendal mint cake

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I'm finally getting some responses to applications that don't start with "Unfortunately..." - I had a phone interview today for a job with Sega which (I think) went really well and I have an interview next week with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Fingers crossed for both!

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I'm finally getting some responses to applications that don't start with "Unfortunately..." - I had a phone interview today for a job with Sega which (I think) went really well and I have an interview next week with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Fingers crossed for both!

Good luck for both!


If I hear job interview feedback that goes along the lines of 'you interviewed strongly but the Princess is in another castle!' one more time, I may go postal.


I am now at an utter loss as to why I'm not getting jobs. Great CV, great interview, but tiny spurious reasons for not getting the job. 'We liked you but wanted to see more (I had the interviewers question sheet before hand and marking criteria) and had been prepped and gave answers that were described as very indepth and marked as excellent on the interview notes by the other hiring manager. So what more did you want? An inate model of the Cistine Chapel made out of pipe cleaners?


I've had two interviews recently for a sales job, been shown around introduced to the call centrer as a new starter and now they've stalled on the offer and readvertised the post after asking when would be a good start date and await the contract :/


Today I've redone my CV and Linked In profile in a fit of pique.


I've not yet landed a job as 'me' having transitioned in my current role and I'm getting beyond frustrated at trying to land another job. Feedback from an assessment centre on Thursday night was that I was the best in the room. Can't wait to not get the job after Monday's interview.


Grrr, just an almighty grrr

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Monkee, are you any cop at sales? I could probably sort you something out if you are, especially if you've got B2B experience.

Not really to be honest. I'm not very convincing. I appreciate the offer though and depending on the next week or so I might actually have to change my mind so I'll let you know. Thank you.

Edited by Monkee
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Monkee, are you any cop at sales? I could probably sort you something out if you are, especially if you've got B2B experience.

Not really to be honest. I'm not very convincing. I appreciate the offer though and depending on the next week or so I might actually have to change my mind so I'll let you know. Thank you.

B2B sales is a piece of piss Monkee. I'm a terrible 'sales' person but I've done alright at it. Turn away from marketing and join the dark side...

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Does anyone have any experience or advice on working in Dubai/UAE?

I've been offered a 6 month contract there and am thinking of doing it, but just wanted some actual experience other than the biased company I am going with.


Biggest one is: if I earn tax free money over there, ie.£4000 a month, can I send home £4000 a month? Or do I pay duty or something, and is it all a big scam?

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What's the set up is it free accommodation? That would eat into your salary to start. Heard sometimes of you rent yourself they want a years cash upfront.


Apart from that I don't think there are any other restrictions with the cash my friends work over there and I've never heard of any problems sending money home

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Does anyone have any experience or advice on working in Dubai/UAE?

I've been offered a 6 month contract there and am thinking of doing it, but just wanted some actual experience other than the biased company I am going with.


Biggest one is: if I earn tax free money over there, ie.£4000 a month, can I send home £4000 a month? Or do I pay duty or something, and is it all a big scam?

Something I'm looking into too at the moment - hopefully find out next week if I have a job in Abu Dhabi starting in September.


As Simon says it really depends on the overall package. If it's £4k p/m straight, that's going to get eaten away very easily with rent, flights,medical insurance, household bills... However, if you have a typical overseas hire contract all of that should come in on top of your salary and you'll be able to send plenty home. 


Also worth noting that food is comparable in price to London, household items and clothing a bit more expensive and booze at least 50% more expensive. Again, like anywhere, how much you save depends on how you live. I hear though Dubai in particular invites a very sociable lifestyle that may not be conducive with saving!


Sending money home shouldn't be a problem. Just google 'best way to send money to UK from UAE' and there's plenty of expat advice sites and forums.

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If you do get the full package expect to be put up in a nice condo compound with prob pool gym shop. It's quite easy to make a life chilling there without overdoing the social side in bars restaurants if you want. As Biggs said restaurant food is comparative but I never saw what was on the cheaper side


A big regret I had was through being a pussy I didn't go with the compound grounds keeper at my friends to see a local market and the less well off of way of life

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I did my degree in Acting and I think that's now hindering me in getting a proper job which I'm desperate for because actors make no fucking money. Say if I was to change my degree on my CV from BA (Hons) Acting to BA (Hons) Theatre & Drama Studies or something similar, could that in any way come back to bite me on the arse? No other employer has actually checked the credentials of my degree as far as I'm aware.

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Is that specifically the title of your degree? Mine was BA (hons) Theatre: Acting (Devised Performance), which I've sometimes shortened to just Theatre.


I'd be more comfortable shortening than changing. They probably won't check though.


How much experience do you have outside of uni? I've found my degree subject has mattered less and less over time as I've gained more experience in my field.

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It's specifically BA (Hons) Acting, yeah.


I have a fair bit of admin and customer facing experience, but not much else really. I'm seeing jobs that I'm confident I could do well in, and generally have the right sort of experience and skills, but I'm not hearing back from them regarding an interview, so I genuinely think they take one look at my CV and assume I'm an out of work actor (true) looking for something temporary between acting jobs (not true).

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Does anybody have any experience working in utilities? I work planning clean water repairs (mostly mains and service pipes). I actually really like the job despite the fact I never saw it as something I would do but I was unemployed and took a view of fuck it why not have a shot. The problem is in June they moved my office from Brixton to Reading, a vast minority of my colleagues came along and two have since left. The journey in the morning is long and I have to be in work for between 7 and 8am and it is knackering. I just want something in London that is similar. However I have found myself that I am at a level where I am too high permanent recruitment and lower than management so no permanent recruitment but I get offered numerous 3-6 month contracts but am just afraid they will go tits up. Does anyone have any advice?

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I'm finally getting some responses to applications that don't start with "Unfortunately..." - I had a phone interview today for a job with Sega which (I think) went really well and I have an interview next week with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission. Fingers crossed for both!

Had my interview with GWGC last week and thought it went really well. Got the "Unfortunately..." email just now. Gutted. Being unemployed is so fucking demoralising.

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