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The Why Don't You Get a Job Thread

kendal mint cake

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Sounds like you got issues with anxiety there Ralphy, is that something your aware of/looking in to?


I can't help with your decision but a lot of companies might be waiting for the new financial year to recruit, I know Royal Mail are.

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If you're looking for Horticultural jobs, now is the time to start looking. I recently started a new job for a new company, for a better hourly wage and more hours than my previous job. There is also a better chance of promotion. The only downside is that I am only on a 6 month contract, so I am hoping to get taken on full time come the end of September.

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Research the school, background, type of pupils etc. Bring solid examples of excellent things you did at your last job as a caretaker. What schools need more than anything is reliability, so emphasise timekeeping, self responsibility and attendance. Have a question in your back pocket to ask at the end, they always like that. If all questions you have prepared get answered as part of the Interview, a good fallback one is "you would have had lots of applications for this position, what stood out in mine that got me to interview stage?" It will give you another chance to plug your good bits, and possibly talk about things you may have forgotten.


Very difficult to get an interview at the moment, as I mentioned in then question, they would have had loads of interest (these jobs always do), so you have done bloody great to get to interview, well done. All you are doing is proving they were right to bring you in.


Best of luck with it.

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I've got a job interview later on today. Could be a great job, way better money than my current one. But I'm kind of torn about what to do - presuming, of course, that I do well and they actually offer me something.


My current job annoys me sometimes, but other times I love it. So while a week ago I wouldn't have minded leaving, I had a great day there yesterday and there's some really cool stuff coming up I wouldn't want to miss out on. I don't want to be someone who moves job for the sake of it, but I know my cv is a bit unimpressive when I've only been in one place.


This possible new one might necessitate moving. Which I kind of don't want to do because I kind of like where I am; I've got groups, friends, family etc where I am. It's not too far away, all things considered (1hr 40 if I drove it, about the same for public transport) and I wouldn't want to move unles I have to... But I might have to. On the other hand, there are way worse places to move to.


My partner's currently looking all over the place for work - she's currently focusing on where we are now, and where I'm having this interview. I obviously want to go where she's going to end up (we've already done 3 years long distance and I really don't want to go back to it) but that's such an unknown quantity I really don't know what to do about it. Huge number of what ifs, the main two being - she gets a job where we are now and I end up taking this new one, or she gets one in the place where I'm being interviewed and I've stuck with my current job. In which case I'd move and do the commute but the other way round? I don't know.


So as I sit here waiting, fucked if I know what I want from this interview. My current attitude is to just go in there, see what goes on, and think about all the above if I don't do terribly and they end up wanting me. Totally uncertain right now. So I do what all sensible folks do and write all about if on the UKFF!

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It was alright, they just asked the standard sort of questions so it's hard to say if I did well or not. I got the feeling that as a job it's not going to end up being as rewarding as my current one, but it is arguably a 'better' job (certainly in terms of money). I'm still totally unsure but if I had to pick right now I'd maybe veer towards not taking it... It just seems like a lot of upheaval for something I'm not buzzing about. This time tomorrow, or down the line, I might feel differently, and I might regret even thinking of having doubts, but part of me's secretly sort of hoping I did badly and they're not going to want me so I don't have to make a decision.

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Not looking for a new job but I have a work related question:


I've been absolutely swamped recently and have had to delegate a couple of routine tasks to two of my colleagues (of the same seniority) so I'm able to hit my Friday deadline. They've been really good in just being efficient and doing what I asked to the letter with no fuss, and its made my week 10x easier, and so I feel like I should thank them for it beyond the usual 'Thank you' via email or in person.


I was thinking to get them each a bar of chocolate or something similar as a small token of appreciation, but in doing this would it be seen by the rest of the team as playing favourites or arse-licking? Should I just offer to buy them a drink when we next go to the pub? Or am I simply overthinking this?

I never involve myself in confrontation or office politics, but would the others in the team and my boss take it the wrong way as me trying to get a leg-up by buying them presents?

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After thinking it over, I think that should I be offered the new job, I'm probably turning it down. On reflection it's more of the parts of my current job I don't like, with less of the stuff I do like, and the promise of more money doesn't overrule that. Not worth the upheaval at this point. I think.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone have any input on what the best sites for job searching are? Someone told me LinkedIn is the place to be these days. Monster, Reed and Gumtree all have the same crap they had 4 years ago, none of which i'm interested in, qualified for or willing to stoop to.


I just finished up a 3 year sentence of managing a Ladbrokes in North London just before christmas and I refuse to go back (the door is open) as i feel i had to quit that one for my mental health.


Luckily i have some savings so i have some time but as usual, i don't know where to aim next to make a few grand extra a year.

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With LinkedIn, use/download the LinkedIn job site and app, better than the full website.


Monster is the best of a bad bunch, most of them aggregate the same shit.


Find a decent recruiter, and try and work with them. I work in recruitment, for a decent biz, had 3 years at huge international firm, so feel free to ping me a message if you need a steer.


Good luck.

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When I was looking I found Totaljobs to be a good one for me. Gumtree is good for smaller local employers, but there is a hell of a lot of dodgy other stuff on there. What is it you are looking for?

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There's approx 2 million unique job postings live in the UK at any one time. About 300,000 of them get shared ("aggregated") between each other.


It depends on your field. Different job sites have different specialties and relationships with types of employer.


For North London Reed and Indeed usually have that tied up between them, but it depends on the field you're aiming for.

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