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Scottish Wrestler on Indecency Charge


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"Sunday Mail" must have a guy following Wallace daily. Always seem to have the scoops about him. Well done.




That's at the Wallace thing. I honestly feel like I SHOULD care about this thing. Like I should be outraged. I dare say if it was someone I personally didn't like, I'd be over it like a rash. But ultimately, I don't give a fuck.

There's also a link at the bottom to an article posted today about James Wallace/Jay Phoenix.




The Wallace thing seems to be more of a shill for the gym than anything else, listing their prices and facilites :laugh:


Its a shame the SPWA is mentioned as Colin is not involved now and the article tarnishes their reputation


His departure did seem very abrupt when he left, now we know why. Kid Fite (the head trainer of SPWA) said on fb that almost all the allegations were from Highlander job outside of wrestling and when he heard of the investigation by the police Highlander was kicked out of SPWA . I hope SPWA doesn't get tainted with this as he has nothing to do with them now, I take it BCW is dead (or on hiatus) now or will someone else take ownership of it?

What is the status of commenting on this on the thread, isn't Colin in court over the allegations?


Unfortunately it would appear there's an individual on FaceBook already at it in regards to SPWA. Regardless, thoughts and prayers go out to the innocent parties that will no doubt be caught up in this mess.

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There have been rumours flying around about this for ages. You may remember when he was voted into the 2010 UK SHIT LIST (see UKFF Gold) that some of the various supporting comments from voters included "Possible nonce" and "Fumbles McStupid".

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Is that guy got anything to do with "Rob McKay (or McKai)" that used to hang around here YEARS ago? His name seems awfully familiar. Especially the "Highlander" part.


Sorry if I've lumped you in with a nonce if you're not connected Rob!


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