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This was my dog last night. Acting really weird and then weed inside a few times which really isn’t like her 


Took her to the vets this morning, turns out the dog was high as a kite! Must have found and eaten some cannabis during last nights walk. She’s got the munchies now ? 

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Happy 5th birthday to the legend that is Nova (aka the Niv aka the Niv Bon Biv aka Nivvy Bon Bivvy aka Nova Bovine Joni aka Neemv) who initially came to stay for a week and then was made a permanent fixture of my house when she got hold of the chameleon about 4 and a half years ago.


A constant pain in my arse and a cat who costs me a fortune (she will only really eat Dreamies so she's expensive!) but one who has got me through some really tough times in recent years, especially before I moved to be nearer my family again, as it really was just us two for a long time.

She wakes me every morning at 5am by gently pawing my face and only spends time with me when she deem it appropriate, but that's fine as she is a cat.

She loves and hates the dogs in equal measure but suspect she quite enjoys winding them up when they're over. She is a bit of a shit :)

She's not supposed to even be living with me and it stresses me out that she will be spotted up at a window when I'm out all day, but its worth it. She's wicked and I honestly couldn't imagine not seeing her every day.


Just a brilliant cat. 

Here she is enjoying a Sour Cream and Chive Jacobs Cracker Crisp as a birthday treat. Her favourite. Idiot.



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1 hour ago, Hugh Thesz said:

She is beautiful @SuperBacon

Did the Chamelion survive?

Oh yeah, he was a bit beaten up and shaken, but he went for a good few years. At the end of the day she IS a predatory animal (despite her never having been out of any house apart from small walks in the garden) so of course she went for a small scurrying fella (even though we are still baffled as to how she got into him)

I'll never forget my ex screaming down the phone at me that she was dropping the cat off at mine and me being all "Yeah yeah you'll never give her up-" as the buzzer went and she's been with me ever since. 

It's fairly fluid households we both have, so it's strange when I post pics of all the other animals that live with her and the girls, but I still consider them 'my' pets as well as I'm always over there and vice versa. They live 20 seconds away and I walk the dogs more than she does! :)

Nova is the only one that lives with me though. She's enough to be honest. 

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Sorry to bring some sadness to the thread but I need to get some words out. I had to put my cat down today. He was called Stella (sold to us as a girl, named by my nieces, and didn’t realise he was a boy until much later and it was too late then to change his name). To say I’m devastated is an understatement. It came out of nowhere but he had a really bad bladder blockage and started pissing blood. He also had some really bad kidney damage. 

They say dogs are a man’s best friend. But my cat was the greatest friend of all. We had such a great connection and bonded instantly. He chose me to be his human. He’s irreplaceable. He was soppy and loving. He would stand on his back legs and literally hug me. Two paws on my shoulder or chest and rest his head on me. I’d also have to pick him up. I probably babied him too much but I didn’t care. He would follow me every where round the house, sleep next to me, or on my lap or chest, he would chat to me. We really loved each other. 

A few years ago, I was at my lowest point in life and planned suicide. I couldn’t cope anymore and wrote notes for people. Then I looked at him and realised I couldn’t. Because no one could look after him like I could. And he would miss me. He saved me. And I’m so thankful because I got a few more years with him.

I stayed with him right until the end. I’ve lost all my grandparents, one of my best mates… but seeing the light go out of his eyes and losing him is the worst pain I’ve ever had. I don’t know how life is going to be without him now. But I’m glad he won’t suffer anymore or be in pain. I’ve got some photos of my wonderful boy


Edited by TheBurningRed
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I'm really sorry to hear that. There's just something inexorable and profound about when a cat chooses someone like that. It's okay to not know how life will be without him, but it will be. Keep a hold of what Stella pulled out of you. He pulled it out, but its yours! 

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