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Who was 'Andy Baker' on this week's episode? They said he was English, but I'd never seen or heard of him before.


That's his real name. He's used 'Andreas Rossi' as a ring name in the past. He's been around for a long time. He was formerly under a WWE developmental deal in OVW for 2 years, 2003 to 2005, and has appeared sporadically for OVW ever since then.


He's originally from Runcorn and used to run a wrestling school.


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Former TNA Rudy Charles is now a referee in NXT. This is proper non-news, but it is to me. Stuff like this makes me smile. Rudy Charles is a proper lovely bloke who dreamed of getting to WWE, but gave up on that dream because he didn't think they put any stock in referees they hired. So glad he works for the show now. TNA really fucked him over by sacking him because he was friends with Jeff Jarrett and he was mixed in with Savio Vega, Road Dogg, Cornette and Dutch. That was such a shit thing to do to someone when he did fuck all wrong. If they are pissed off with Jarrett, they didn't need to take it out on someone who wasnt on any money anyway. That's no way to treat someone. I wonder if Road Dogg or Billy Gunn got him the job?

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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He did all sorts. He was one of the first employees. There was no need to sack him. What could he have been making in TNA? He did a shit load for Ring Ka King as well. After they were all sacked and Jarrett had his finger is something Road Dogg, Savio Vega, Dutch and Rudy got on board. No idea why they have such a hard on for Jeff in TNA. That shit is cutting your nose off to spite your face. Road Dogg and Dutch especially are better than anyone in TNA's backroom staff.


I'm chuffed for him. Seems a really good bloke.

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Who was 'Andy Baker' on this week's episode? They said he was English, but I'd never seen or heard of him before.


As others have mentioned , he was formally in OVW for some time before returning to he UK. Opened\operated the Runcorn Wrestling Academy for some time, whilst having sporadic appearances on WWE via the Master Lock challenge, then later in a squash match on Smack down a few years back. He had a try out with FCW a few years back, and also took part in the "Gut Check" try outs with TNA during the last few tours also.


He now resides in the US, working for several local companies in Florida, whilst still trying to achieve the goal of working with WWE.


A really nice chap, who has worked very hard for his opportunity's, so hoping this works out for him.

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Brad Maddox is bloody terrible on commentary. He was pretty weird and funny when he was hi-jacking the commentary booth on Main Event, now he has an 'official' job he's as uninteresting (and annoying) as the rest of them. He should be doing squashes. He was great when he was the overconfident guy doing goofy muscle poses and getting flattened by Big E.


I suppose I have Enzo now though. I'm guessing he can't really wrestle but he's as fun as fuck.

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He did all sorts. He was one of the first employees. There was no need to sack him. What could he have been making in TNA? He did a shit load for Ring Ka King as well. After they were all sacked and Jarrett had his finger is something Road Dogg, Savio Vega, Dutch and Rudy got on board. No idea why they have such a hard on for Jeff in TNA. That shit is cutting your nose off to spite your face. Road Dogg and Dutch especially are better than anyone in TNA's backroom staff.


I'm chuffed for him. Seems a really good bloke.



I also think he got out-politicked by the incoming Earl Hebner. Rudy Charles was TNA's Senior Referee, then Earl turned up, and then about a year later ol' Rudy was gone. Glad to hear he's got a job with WWE, he was always good at his job.

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NXT was excellent (again) this week. The format is so brilliant. Its all about wrestling and short promos and simple angles, and the small stage fits with it. This is a true alternative to Raw. And the mad thing is, WWE is the one producing it. Its the cheapest show they've probably ever produced as well, which is the funny thing. A lot of the production staff and stage hands are help from the University they work with. WWE's has millions to spend and they barely spend a penny on this and its their most consistent show.


Onto the show itself, William Regal's promo has to be seen to be believed. His impression of Adrian Neville is fucking side splitting. I've noticed that Regal and Dusty Rhodes thrive on this show. They are former big name television wrestling stars who haven't had their finger in the pie for a long while now. So seeing them on this, its a joy to see how much fun it looks like they seem to be having. You can tell they love being there. Dusty is great on it. No idea where his little mate has came from, but I love her already. She wears a t-shirt with a cats head on it so we've already established she's completely mental before opening her mouth. She looks like a one to watch. Flair popped up as well. He had his daughter with him. Emma's dancing gimmick is so over as well. I'm surprised she hasnt been called up yet. That's the sort of stuff they like on the main roster. I haven't saw much of Leo Kruger before, but he looks pretty good. He's apart of the Beard Express as well. Everyone in wrestling seems to have a beard. Sami Zayn was cracking as well. Bray Wyatt and his two mates wrestled Regal, Cory Graves and Adrian Neville. Good match. Neville quite special isn't he? Ridiculous athlete. Brad Maddox was good on the head set and has some funny lines.


A lot of good stuff on the show.

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