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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Rock vs. Cena is much, much better on second viewing. You can really appreciate the story they're telling, and how terrifically constructed and well-paced it is. I wanted Cena to win, too, but that ending is note-perfect. I'd put it above the Cell match now (which I also re-watched), because, while still excellent, that often tipped over into too hammy and too contrived.

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The dark match served its purpose well, fast paced, got the crowd going, easy. Gaybriel looked a bit nervous, I think, slipped a few times, and seemed to land knees first on the poor sod who took the 450. I fancy Rosa Mendez now, so you all know. Sometimes it takes watching a woman gyrate on a massive screen to realize it's true love.


Bryan vs Sheamus was the PERFECT opener. Not just because it popped the crowd, gave the Daniel Bryan character the perfect comeuppance, and set up future matches between them. No, the best part was that it took the wind out of the sails of the perverts. I can't stress enough to anyone who wasn't there how annoying the "YES!" chants were before the show. Every six seconds it would break out. It got old long before I got to my seat. "The will call guy just handed me my tickets, YES, YES, YES!!" "What's that, I can get my Coke in a souvenir cup? YES, YES, YES!!" "Look at me mum, I can do it exactly like Bryan Danielson can *starts walking in a circle raising his hands in the air* YES, YES, YES!!" I have no doubt if WWE didn't break their hearts, they'd have been up for ruining the show with their idiocy. Great accidental booking.


Orton vs Kane was better than I thought it would be. Randy's at the point now where he can have a good match with anyone.


Rhodes vs Big Show was nothing, but it was nice to see Show get his moment, he deserves it.


Last year, Undertaker and HHH surpassed my impossible expectations. This year, yeah, they fucking did it again! Knee-jerk reaction and live bias has me thinking it's the best match in Mania history. If WWE had a camera pointed at my section they could make a music video out of my reactions alone. I KNEW it was over when the SCM/Pedigree combo hit, I think I was sat with my head in my hands for a while after Taker kicked out, lost for words. The match was brutal, and not in a spectacular "fall off a fifty foot ladder through eight tables" way, but in a "I really believe HHH is willing to kill this man to end the streak" way, those chairshots were sickening. The atmosphere through the whole match was great, and turned into a warmer reaction for the post match stuff, which came off really genuine. When you've been to war like that, how could you not respect the other guy(s)? Given the guys in there and the nature of last years match which gets better every time I watch it, I think this one will come off even better on tv. Incredible. Oh, and for the record, my ranking of Taker's last four Mania matches goes 28, 27, 26, 25. Gets better every year.


Only caught the end of the Team Johnny victory, right result.


Punk/Jericho got very good after a slow start, the closing stages especially had the crowd really into it, no mean feat, considering they were still knackered after the HIAC. Well played.


The Funkasaurus/bridge club segment was class! Huge laughs for the camera cutting to the guy actually calling his momma (I swear it wasn't me!)


The live songs were awful, nobody in my section was reacting. Which is funny because a good portion of the arena was singing along to the song in the pre-match video package.


Rock vs Cena was pretty much what I expected it to be, epic! The atmosphere, while not quite at Rock vs Hogan levels, was phenomenal. There were people near me cheering on Rock like their lives were on the line, the place exploded after he won. With some of those same people jumping up and down hugging each other sceaming "HE WON!!!" Another great match, though I'm not sure this one will come across as good on tv as it did there. I feel bad for Cena, but there's definitely money in a rematch further down the line, I'm sure Rock would have no problems giving him his win back.



Amazing experience. I'm looking forward to watching it on the telly. My dad says he's recorded it for me, but I won't believe it til I get up there and watch it. We're talking about a guy that regularly has to phone me to ask what channel MOTD's on!

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Lolz of the week. The fake attendance figure WWE announced was made up so they could beat a college football game and claim the stadium record. Unfortunately they were looking at the wrong football game and even the number they made up would only be #2 in the building if it were true.

How do you know the attendance figure was fake?

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Lolz of the week. The fake attendance figure WWE announced was made up so they could beat a college football game and claim the stadium record. Unfortunately they were looking at the wrong football game and even the number they made up would only be #2 in the building if it were true.

How do you know the attendance figure was fake?


From the Observer:


The WWE announced a sellout crowd of 78,363 fans, claiming it to be the largest crowd in the history of Sun Life Stadium. It should be noted that the 2009 BCS championship game at the stadium with Florida vs. Oklahoma held the record for the stadium with a number that was announced and is still listed as 78,468. The WWE claimed to have set the record, even with announcing a lower number, claiming they beat the mark of 77,912 for the 2005 BCS championship game.


At the show they made a point of noting that there have been five Super Bowl games, a number of World Series games (the Florida Marlins were in the 1997 and 2003 World Series), Paul McCartney and U2 concerts held in the 25-year-old stadium but WrestleMania drew the biggest crowd. In actuality, because of the large set, which blocks far more seats in the stands than the number of seats they can put on the floor, WrestleMania, even with seats on the field, can

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It makes WWE look like idiots, but by the time the real numbers come out nobody really cares anyway. It's a good move by them if you ask me, assuming there aren't any legal ramifications.

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It makes WWE look like idiots, but by the time the real numbers come out nobody really cares anyway. It's a good move by them if you ask me, assuming there aren't any legal ramifications.


I'm quite surprised they've got that number listed on their WWE Corporate site seeing as that's somewhere between borderline and flat-out illegal for a publicly traded company. I think they've tried to get away with it before by claiming stuff they say on air is just part of the entertainment show, but press releases are a different matter.

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It makes WWE look like idiots, but by the time the real numbers come out nobody really cares anyway. It's a good move by them if you ask me, assuming there aren't any legal ramifications.

Someone in their research department's not gonna be popular! I actually don't think it is a good move to inflate their figures like that because when a legitimately good attendance is reached it means very little against all the bull.

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Someone in their research department's not gonna be popular! I actually don't think it is a good move to inflate their figures like that because when a legitimately good attendance is reached it means very little against all the bull.


The thing is the vast majority of people will think it was a legit sell out as that is what they have been told, and apart from the people that read the Wrestling news sites people will be none the wiser. I bet the majority of press regarding Wrestlemania has described it as a sell out, which obviously makes the WWE look better so I don

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Someone in their research department's not gonna be popular! I actually don't think it is a good move to inflate their figures like that because when a legitimately good attendance is reached it means very little against all the bull.


The thing is the vast majority of people will think it was a legit sell out as that is what they have been told, and apart from the people that read the Wrestling news sites people will be none the wiser. I bet the majority of press regarding Wrestlemania has described it as a sell out, which obviously makes the WWE look better so I don

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No it hasn't. 600,000 people were in attendance to see Hulk Hogan slam the ten-foot-tall, 925lbs (after a big shit) Andre The Giant, only half an hour before Andre sadly passed away.


That was such an over-exaggeration...Andre only weighed 924 lbs :)

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