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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Lolz of the week. The fake attendance figure WWE announced was made up so they could beat a college football game and claim the stadium record. Unfortunately they were looking at the wrong football game and even the number they made up would only be #2 in the building if it were true.

They're really not doing well with that lately, are they? Sheamus/Bryan failed to beat the Kane/Chavo WM record and now this.


Did they actually fuck that up though with ringing the bell at the wrong time? Bryan always kisses AJ after the bell has rung so they would never have been able to break a record with it, then you just had Cole claiming throughout the evening that they set a world record for the match, but didnt say what record exactly.

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I think I can remember Owen and Bret going on for this period as an opener and not burning the crowd??


You're right. The crowd weren't fairly quiet for the next four matches because they were burned out, but because they were rubbish matches, clearly.


Got to disagree with Loki (as usual) and probably most of you that Taker-Triple H this year was better than last years. I adore the story and performances from last years match.


Most, but not all. I'm with you on that.


This years, easily. The more I think about it, the more I think it's the best example of storytelling I've ever seen in a match.


Really? I think last year told a much better story of "look, he's not invincible any more! He's an old man barely clinging on! PUT HIM DOWN, TRIPS!" without the additional props of a Cell and a potentially biased guest ref.


I thought Wrestlemania was crap. And in some places it was an utter shambles, as well. The 'YES' signs were the best bit.


You feeling alright man? "Crap" is a bit strong, I thought it was miles better than last years which plodded along, failing to ignite the crowd other than for the HHH/Taker match and at times the Rock. There were three exciting matches which for me made it three times better than 27.


For me, this years HHH/Taker match is the worst of the lot. It was just like a really badly acted soap opera.


That's pretty much pro wrestling in a nutshell, isn't it?


Get a life guys.


Context plz!

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I thought Wrestlemania was crap. And in some places it was an utter shambles, as well. The 'YES' signs were the best bit.


You feeling alright man? "Crap" is a bit strong, I thought it was miles better than last years which plodded along, failing to ignite the crowd other than for the HHH/Taker match and at times the Rock. There were three exciting matches which for me made it three times better than 27.


Well, for me it had two great matches, two above average matches, the rest were pointless-to-utter crap, a load of shit music, some stupid vignettes including a Heath Slater appearance of all things, HBK with the worst entrance ever, a shit crowd except for one match, and Lawler and Cole putting on arguably their worst commentary performance yet.


Having said that, which Bella twin was supporting Teddy Long? For some reason, she gave me the right horn in that outfit. Yet the other one did nothing for me. Hmm.


But yeah, crap.

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Gladders opinion is more popular than you think. A few 'casuals' I know have told me they thought it was disappointing, the two main events were very good but they had to sit through 3 hours of shit to get that.


'Mania was mince until the HIAC match saved it.

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'Mania was mince until the HIAC match saved it.


Pretty much.


We all knew what we were going to get with HIAC and I expected Punk v Jericho to be a good match and it was. I wasn't let down by The Rock v Cena because I didn't think there was any way the match could live up to the hype and it didn't, but I still expected slightly better.


But I don't think it would have been unreasonable to ask for something of note in the whole of the rest of the card.

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Gladders opinion is more popular than you think. A few 'casuals' I know have told me they thought it was disappointing, the two main events were very good but they had to sit through 3 hours of shit to get that.


'Mania was mince until the HIAC match saved it.

Of our group of six that all chipped in three were complete casuals who were only watching because Rock was back and only really knew Rock, Undertaker and Triple H out of the entire roster. Going in the only matches any of us were bothered about were HIAC and Rock/Cena and in that sense it more than delivered. The rest of the show was pretty fucking dull though. Punk/Jericho seemed to last an eternity because nobody really cared about who won and all anybody wanted was to get to the main event. Top two matches aside I wouldn't want to sit through any of it again.

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For me, this years HHH/Taker match is the worst of the lot. It was just like a really badly acted soap opera.


That's pretty much pro wrestling in a nutshell, isn't it?



True, wrestling is all about getting a story across but they way they went about it was just ridiculously overboard. As you said, last year told a much better story without the need to go all 'Days of our Lives' with the dramatics.

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I thought WrestleMania was fantastic, but that is largely because the only two matches that I was actually bothered about both delivered for me. I would not expect a 4-hour show to be red hot from start to finish, but I thought Punk vs Jericho was very good and was actually pleasantly surprised by Kane vs Orton and Big Show vs Cody. I think you have to be watching with a pretty critical eye to say that the show was crap. I certainly thought it was miles better than last year's.

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I thought WrestleMania was fantastic, but that is largely because the only two matches that I was actually bothered about both delivered for me. I would not expect a 4-hour show to be red hot from start to finish, but I thought Punk vs Jericho was very good and was actually pleasantly surprised by Kane vs Orton and Big Show vs Cody. I think you have to be watching with a pretty critical eye to say that the show was crap. I certainly thought it was miles better than last year's.


Well, last year's was crap, too, clearly. I'm not really that interested in comparisons with other Wrestlemanias because it muddies the waters for me. I wasn't asking for a top to bottom great show as very PPVs ever have managed that. But I'm not going to rake over the same ground again as I think I've already pointed out my reasons for thinking it was crap - if the general consensus is that it was a good show, no problem. I disagree, though.

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Haven't given my thoughts on the show yet, so in the words of Keenan & Kel 'here goes':


Bryan VS Sheamus: Was very disappointed, purely because I was looking forward to seeing these two have a decent match. But it serves for the longer purpose- they will have a match at Extreme Rules I'm sure and I think it helped with the angle and Bryan's character.

Kane VS Orton: Why the fuck was this booked for Wrestlemania? Nothing match you'd expect on a poor edition of Smackdown. Should've really given Orton something better at Mania after the superb year he had last year, and fucked Kane off the card entirely.

Rhodes VS Show: I thought it would be better than it had any right to be and I guess it was. Not great, but an ok match. Totally surprised by the outcome, but it makes sense after the whole 'Show cannot win at mania' gimmick. MOTN so far, which is quite worrying.

HITC: Fucking hell, this was absolutely blinding- one of the best matches I've ever seen. I didn't like the fact they threw HBK into the mix as I don't think it needed him, but I was totally proved wrong. He added so much more to this and both Taker & HHH were on top form. Some genuine awe moments that took me back to my younger mark days, such as when HHH held the sledgehammer aloft and tried to shatter Taker's skull. An epic bout.

12-man tag: Was a decent little clusterfuck, better than I thought it would be. Delighted with the result and the Eve turn at the end was a pretty decent way to finish it. Not bad.

Divas: This might have been earlier on the card, I can't remember because I didn't care. I just noticed the Greco-Yank had poopoo on her bumbum. Boring. Neeeeeext.

Punk VS Jericho: Brilliant match, really good. It got better and better as the match progressed and they seemed to give it a decent amount of time. I thought they would have a decent match, and to be honest it was even better than I hoped.

Cena VS Rock. Another very good match. Wasn't quite as good as I hoped it would be, in fact I'd probably place Punk/Jericho higher, but it was still a really good match. Had a feeling The Rock might win after the rumours started buzzing around that Rocky would be popping back now and then but the finish still caught me by surprise.


Overall, a decent Wrestlemania but it needed the HITC to wake it up- after the first 3 matches it was well on it's way to becoming shite. Good thing is that it has opened up a lot for WWE to do over the next year or so. What will The Rock do next if he is sticking around? What's next for Cena? How will Jericho/Punk develop? Will this have raised or damaged Bryan's stock? Will Sheamus fare well as a face champion? Will HHH or Taker ever wrestle again? Exciting times indeed.

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Well, for me it had two great matches, two above average matches, the rest were pointless-to-utter crap, a load of shit music, some stupid vignettes including a Heath Slater appearance of all things, HBK with the worst entrance ever, a shit crowd except for one match, and Lawler and Cole putting on arguably their worst commentary performance yet.

Obviously you're entitled to an opinion, but the part in bold is just so wrong on so many levels. I thought it was one of the best Wrestlemania crowds in recent history.

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One thing to add (if I posted my thoughts earlier, which I might not have, whatever): That bit in HIAC when Triple H was on the floor reaching for the sledgehammer, and Taker stands on it, then HHH looks up at him and Taker just shakes his head was SO badass. Like something out of a western. Probably my favourite thing on the whole show (well, my favourite deliberate thing - it's hard to top Cody getting speared right in the nuts).

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