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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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loved the undertaker vs triple H match. last years match was ok for the 1st couple of mins but this years was ten times better.


I can't believe people actually liked last years mania. it was a really bad ppv. i'd say one of the worst mania's only good match was orton vs punk.


as for punk i'm gonna start calling him "the new mr wrestlemania". the guy has had 3 awesome mania's in a row now. loved his match with Rey, he upped his game against Orton last year and stole the show and this year he did an amazing job against jericho.


wasn't the same without see rey mysterio in some superhero outfit this year

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They didn't really 'use' blood though, did they? Surely that was an accidental cut, as it was barely noticeable and wasn't called by the announcers.

'Taker was trying to cut Triple H hard way at the start of the match. Hence why the start involved 'Taker battering Triple H with stiff right hands and planting his face into everything. Once Triple H got a bit of blood they moved on to the proper match. Look at Triple H's left eye (the one with the cut), it's puffy and bruised.

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So, how does everyone rank Taker's last four WrestleMania matches? For me, it's:


#1 v HBK, 25

#2 v HHH, 28

#3 v HHH, 27

#4 v HBK, 26


#1 VS Shawn Michaels, WM25

#2 VS Triple H, WM28

#3 VS Shawn Michaels, WM26

#4 VS Triple H, WM27


I love all four of the matches but I think I have a bit less love for the Triple H match from WM27. This year's nearly tops the list but for me the original Taker/HBK match had a really organic feel that I don't think anyone was expecting. We knew it'd be good but I don't think anyone was ready for them to bust such a gut at their age.

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I can't really say for the first HHH/Taker match as I don't really remember it, but I thought last year's effort was clearly superior to this year.


Me and you Chest, me and you. Always a man of fine taste.



Got to disagree with Loki (as usual) and probably most of you that Taker-Triple H this year was better than last years.




I thought last year's match was great, but I've never put it on a pedestal like other people. Given the sort of match these two have nowadays (lots of punches, finishers and not much else) it worked much better in the physical and visual confines of the cage. HBK crying like a baby all the way through was a fantastic extra element, and his super kick provided me with the first moment in probably a decade where I really thought Taker might lose. The HIAC also allowed them to legally use weapons, which again is a big part of their storytelling now.



I will say this though about both matches - the amount of kicking out of each other's finishers has just gotten silly.


I liked some of role reversal of the year prior story-telling in the match, which had been a theme throughout the build-up but Shawn overdid it a bit for my liking and i have similar feeling with the use of finishers. The Superkick-Pedigree spot was great but it didn't have me like last years 'IT'S OVER!' Tombstone spot did. The performances of both men last year were just phenomenal for me and i don't feel they were on par here, it didn't feel like Triple H had so little left like it did Undertaker last year or Michaels the year before that, like i think it was supposed to. And back on to the subject of too many finishers, that worked within the confines of the story to perfection last year i felt. Triple H having to resort to the sledgehammer and then Undertaker pulling out the desperation Hells Gate. I completely believed everything last year but, in saying that it's a actually a match i've gone on to appreciate much more long after it happened. So maybe the same will apply here.


And one minor gripe, i really feel the match winning Tombstone should have been a jumping Tombstone. That would have topped it off nicely for me. I guess there's logical reasons why that wasn't done though.

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I will say this though about both matches - the amount of kicking out of each other's finishers has just gotten silly. I guess it's ok because neither of them will probably wrestle anyone else again, but there's a point at which it stops looking like a superhuman effort, and looks like the finishers being less powerful than in the past. It was a big problem after the Attitude era, and the WWE has generally been much better at protecting finishers in the last decade or so.

I'd agree with this. I felt a bit disappointed that Triple H didn't kick out of that last tombstone. When they kick out of that many finishers, they do lose impact. I don't want to see someone get pinned by a move they've kicked out of a million times before. I want to see a fucking piano drop on someone before they take the three. It's like purple said, that last bit, Triple H just didn't seem as done in as the years prior. That's why the DX finisher combo near-fall was so great, it had the feeling of that's enough to put someone down. Whereas HHH and Undertaker's individual finishers now seem better-suited to near-falls (to me) than they do to beating each other.

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It's a law of diminishing returns. Kicking out of someone's finisher once is pretty acceptable nowadays - it happens in virtually every match. I don't like it but I can see its use and the explanation - someone goes for it too early, or whatever.


It's when you kick out of the guy's finisher a second time, or even a third time. That's the sort of thing they should save for once in a career. It's a huge deal. People have been kicking out of the Tombstone twice a match for the last 4 years at Wrestlemania, so its mystique (and Takers) is, for me, a little bruised by that. As soon as people stop believing the first time is enough, they'll assume a kick out is coming and move their belief to the second one. And then the third, and so on. You quickly get to the stage Angle is at where I don't know WHAT his finisher is going to be, and it makes the finishes of his matches difficult to get right.


When Austin kicked out of the third Rock Bottom against the Rock, in their last match, it was incredible. But he took the 3 count for the 4th and never wrestled again. THAT is how multiple kick outs should be used.

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I didn't believe that the superkick / Pedigree was going to do it for two reasons. 1) Because I never believed for one second that Taker would lose and 2) Because I certainly did not think he would lose with a screw-job finish.


It was a great match. The constant kick-out matches are okay if done very occasionally and not every event like in ROH, so I was okay with that. I don't think it was as good as their other two, but still great.

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Finally got to watch the show properly and not a stream which buffered every 5 minutes.


For me, this years HHH/Taker match is the worst of the lot. It was just like a really badly acted soap opera. Michaels was cringe-worthy in my opinion and I'm amazed to see him so highly praised as I don't think he added much to the match. Crouching down in the corner about to cry was ridiculously over the top. The dialogue was bad too, "If you don't end it I will", "Don't you dare stop this match" and "You know he's not going to quit" was just complete overkill. HHH defiantly giving the crotch chop when he'd not been beaten that much was a poor mans tribute to Flair, HBK and even Taker himself last year.


Rock/Cena told a better story in my opinion and shows that sometimes less is more. I liked the fact they gassed each other out just throwing everything they had at each other (probably legitimately in Rocks case) and adored the last 5 minutes or so. The roll through into the AA was the best near-fall of the night and the way Cena threw it away in the end by becoming cocky was a better way to go than any amount of cliched dialogue.


Punk/Jericho was really good after the first 5 or 6 minutes of more ridiculous dialogue. Was great to see an old school Lion Tamer and the hurricanrana into the walls was a nice little spot.


Bryan/Sheamus is an odd one. I wish it'd had lasted longer obviously and wasn't happy at the time as D-Bry has been the best thing in WWE for the last 6 months. Be interesting to see how his character plays out next week when they're not performing in front of Wrestlemania crowds. I believe in order to get the "YES!" thing over similar to "What?" he needs someone to play off. Austin had Vince and especially Angle to get it over as much as it did so D-Bry probable needs someone else.


Rest of the show was just average. If I'm honest I've not watched a WM top to bottom since 23 so don't know how it holds up to recent ones but this was quite enjoyable.

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I think what made the 'Mania 27 match better than the one at 28 is the stalling between all the big spots/finishers. It allowed everything to breath a bit more, and you believed both men were on their arse because of the pace/stalling. Whilst very good, it's definitely the worst effort out of the quadrilogy.

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My list goes:


Taker vs HBK: Mania 25

Taker vs HHH: Mania 28

Taker vs HHH: Mania 27

Taker vs HBK: Mania 26


I found the two Triple H matches the hardest to split as I really loved both, while I put the WM25 match on a pedestal as one of my favourites of all-time. I feel Mania 26 has been the weakest entry in the series but was still an utterly gripping, brilliantly worked match. I just hope if any combination of these three men are involved in next year's Mania, they are kept as far away from each other as possible. I feel the last four Wrestlemania matches have told an impeccable story and I don't want them to risk diluting it.

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So, how does everyone rank Taker's last four WrestleMania matches?


1. vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania XXV

2. vs. Shawn Michaels, WrestleMania XXVI

3. vs. Triple H, WrestleMania XXVIII

4. vs. Triple H, WrestleMania XXVII


Number 1 is a lock as is number 4. Another day I might be tempted to swap number 2 and 3 around. I'd really have to think about that.

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