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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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Both him and Del Rio need some serious work with their interviews and promos. The delivery is fine for the most part, but the content is dull, dull, dull.

That's not their fault is it though? Blame the writers for the content, they come up with the promos. I think Del Rio has enormous potential but creative have been a bit uninspired with him for the past year or so.




I didn't say it was their fault. Quite the opposite actually, I said the delivery was fine but the content was bad (which is obviously not their doing).

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Great, great PPV. Loved all of it, apart from Doggy Puff Puff and the pop concert. Thought the opener was brilliant, and clearly a great way of furthering D Bry's character. I didn't think there was a bad match on the card really, apart from the Divas who, let's be honest, are statuesque but crap.


I even liked the Funkasaurus. And the crab eating shit. I love all that, it's what Wrestlemania is all about - silly celebrity appearances and larger-than-life crazy entertainment shit. I'm not a fan of celebrities ALWAYS being made out as tougher than the wrestlers though - they should all get Pete Rose'd.


Standout match was Rock-Cena though. Amazing shit. Started out as a carbon copy of the Rock-Hogan match (and why not) but just went off on its own path. The crowd were mental and the whole thing just bubbled along brilliantly. Cena was immense, and when he hoisted up the Rock after the cross body I was sure that was it.


Gutted for my man John, as I really thought he should have won, but either outcome was fine, it was the spectacle I wanted. What happens to Cena now? By the sounds of it he's just going to roll into a feud with Lesnar, but he needs a rematch and win over The Rock, otherwise it'll have been a waste. Cena made a mistake, he deviated from his game plan and got beaten; he should build on that and get his win back.


HHH and Taker was miles better than last year, and IMO that should probably be it from both men. Time to step aside and let the younger guys get the big matches. They told a great story, but Cena and Rock did more with less.

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Got to disagree with Loki (as usual) and probably most of you that Taker-Triple H this year was better than last years. I adore the story and performances from last years match.


Tempted to start a thread on it but probably best to keep it in here, what do you lot think is the best match of their 3 'Mania efforts?

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Got to disagree with Loki (as usual) and probably most of you that Taker-Triple H this year was better than last years. I adore the story and performances from last years match.


Tempted to start a thread on it but probably best to keep it in here, what do you lot think is the best match of their 3 'Mania efforts?


The first one.


I thought Wrestlemania was crap. And in some places it was an utter shambles, as well. The 'YES' signs were the best bit.


Jason Mayhem and Dirty Eddie can go back to being really daft now.

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I prefer this years by a shade. Having actually seen last year's live I'll always remember it fondly, but this year the general brutality and HBK's involvement added an extra dimension to it. It's been said on here already, but the Superkick into the Pedigree spot was brilliantly done.


Looking back on their 17 effort, it's a great match in it's own right but it doesn't come close in terms of the drama of the recent bouts, which is largely down to how mythical the streak has become and how both men's careers had been shaped since then.

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I thought Wrestlemania was crap.

You're an odd one gladders. You've stuck up for some pretty fucking awful episodes of Raw in the past few months, didn't like some of the better ones recently and then come out with this. There's no accounting for taste, I suppose.


I'd say this was my favourite Trips/Taker match but I honestly can't remember the first one apart form the hideous mattress spot. Will have to give it another watch.

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I thought Wrestlemania was crap.

You're an odd one gladders. You've stuck up for some pretty fucking awful episodes of Raw in the past few months, didn't like some of the better ones recently and then come out with this. There's no accounting for taste, I suppose.


Rubbish, I've liked almost all of Raw for the past 7 or 8 months.


Aside from HHH / Taker and Punk / Jericho, it was piss poor. Rock / Cena never caught fire for me. The rest of the card was worthless with only Orton / Kane being relatively decent. As a whole spectacle, it was pretty crap.

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Rubbish, I've liked almost all of Raw for the past 7 or 8 months.

Not convinced that's true from remembering some comments but you'd know.


As a whole spectacle, it was pretty crap.

I thought it was a pretty good spectacle. It felt like a massive deal, the shots of the arena were great, the stage setup was ace and it had a big time feel to all the main events. i obviously enjoyed Rock/Cena a great deal more than you did but I thought this show had 3 great matches on it that no WrestleMania i can remember has ever matched.

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Random request time


Does anyone know of any links to streams of the Rock and Taker matches. My brother is currently working on a ship in Bali so is planning on watching the matches when he gets shore leave and finds a little bit of internet. If anyone can help I'll get him to suck you off when he returns / buy you a beer :thumbsup:

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Got to disagree with Loki (as usual) and probably most of you that Taker-Triple H this year was better than last years.




I thought last year's match was great, but I've never put it on a pedestal like other people. Given the sort of match these two have nowadays (lots of punches, finishers and not much else) it worked much better in the physical and visual confines of the cage. HBK crying like a baby all the way through was a fantastic extra element, and his super kick provided me with the first moment in probably a decade where I really thought Taker might lose. The HIAC also allowed them to legally use weapons, which again is a big part of their storytelling now.



I will say this though about both matches - the amount of kicking out of each other's finishers has just gotten silly. I guess it's ok because neither of them will probably wrestle anyone else again, but there's a point at which it stops looking like a superhuman effort, and looks like the finishers being less powerful than in the past. It was a big problem after the Attitude era, and the WWE has generally been much better at protecting finishers in the last decade or so.


Those two just have all the advantages - weapons, blood, multiple kick outs, cages, HBK, being booked as the last of an era, all that. It was a great match and a great build-up, but Rock-Cena was better and didn't use any of those shortcuts really.

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They didn't really 'use' blood though, did they? Surely that was an accidental cut, as it was barely noticeable and wasn't called by the announcers..


"being booked as the last of an era". That is a retarded thing to state as an advantage. What about "Once in a Lifetime"?


Also, there was kick outs in Rock/Cena.



Anyway.. this is all nitpicking compared to your most important point that I disagree with which is what really made the difference for me: you say that no other match has made you believe that the Undertaker could lose. I never felt like that in the HIAC. Yet, in last year's effort (and both the HBK matches), I actually felt like it could happen at times.


And I think that's what it all comes down to. You know Taker is going to win, yet somehow they manage to draw you in enough to believe against all odds, albeit briefly.

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