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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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The last thing WWE need is another top Face that the smart fans boo.

They booed him for one night. You don't really think he's now in the Cena bracket do you? Cena doesn't get booed by smart crowds, he gets booed by every crowd, to varying degrees. When they go back to normal crowds next week, Sheamus mentioning that he kicked Bryan's head off will get a great reaction. The win got a big pop at Mania. Sheamus will be absolutely fine.


Feel sorry for the poor bastard having to work with Del Rio though. Hopefully he can breeze past him and onto something worthwhile, like a re-match with Bryan.

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Read my post at the top of this page...

The one that called people who disagree with you ignorant?


Rick, a "perfect" scenario shouldn't piss any fans off (within reason).


That's what I took objection to.



The idea of perfection here is a personal thing. Rick can think that it was perfect and he's totally right. You can think it was shit and you're totally right. In your own respective opinions. Your first post clearly says that anyone who thinks it was perfect is wrong. You're telling them that their opinion is invalid. That is why Rick is taking issue with you, and he's completely right to do so.


My opinion? (So that it's not just me chipping into your little set-to) If they'd have had a solid 10-15 minute match and then Bryan did the job then they wouldn't have had the same reaction, wouldn't be as memorable in the future compared to the main events, and would have left no real advancement for future shows. The feud has been dead save for Bryan's performance leading up to WM. What we now have is a feud that could end up lasting a couple of months and have a few real barn burner moments.

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The last thing WWE need is another top Face that the smart fans boo.

They booed him for one night. You don't really think he's now in the Cena bracket do you? Cena doesn't get booed by smart crowds, he gets booed by every crowd, to varying degrees. When they go back to normal crowds next week, Sheamus mentioning that he kicked Bryan's head off will get a great reaction. The win got a big pop at Mania. Sheamus will be absolutely fine.


Feel sorry for the poor bastard having to work with Del Rio though. Hopefully he can breeze past him and onto something worthwhile, like a re-match with Bryan.


Oh hopefully it won't carry on at all, and you are probably completely right that it won't.


I just thought it didn't do Sheamus any real favours at all. He must have felt a right dick coming out to boos as the new babyface champ. That should have been his greatest RAW appearance ever, but they had to rush the whole thing to avoid the crowd jeers.


Both him and Del Rio need some serious work with their interviews and promos. The delivery is fine for the most part, but the content is dull, dull, dull.

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There's really nothing left to whinge about.


Sheamus fan? He's the champion now. Hardly a bad thing is it?


Daniel Bryan fan? He's more over than he's ever been in his entire WWE career.


So seriously, sit there and think about everything that is being moaned about, and then look at the end result as it stands right now. What's the problem?

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I've been wondering if there would be YES! chants all the way through RAW, in Miami Heat games and all over the place if that match never went the way it went. I'd be willing to guess no. So I'd be willing to guess Daniel Bryan is now more over than he'd EVER be no matter what happened. Which, when you consider he's not got much charisma and isn't a main eventer at all, is pretty good.

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I've been wondering if there would be YES! chants all the way through RAW, in Miami Heat games and all over the place if that match never went the way it went. I'd be willing to guess no. So I'd be willing to guess Daniel Bryan is now more over than he'd EVER be no matter what happened. Which, when you consider he's not got much charisma and isn't a main eventer at all, is pretty good.

I left this Irish pub after RAW around 4AM. Near Oceans Ten they were about 50-70 fans still chanting YES! YES! YES! all down Ocean Drive. Crazy!

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I've been wondering if there would be YES! chants all the way through RAW, in Miami Heat games and all over the place if that match never went the way it went. I'd be willing to guess no. So I'd be willing to guess Daniel Bryan is now more over than he'd EVER be no matter what happened. Which, when you consider he's not got much charisma and isn't a main eventer at all, is pretty good.


But that's the thing, he has got a ton of charisma. He's not the best face, admittingly but he's always been a tremendous heel, and managed to get indy crowds hating him, when all they really wanted to do was cheer his "workrate".


He's not the largest guy, and that's why WWE probably nominated him for the short match - because unlike Cody (who I'd have gone for), they won't see him as a permanent fixture for the future.


You are right though, this probably did help him - as the angered fans used the YES chants to be all "it's us & D-Bry vs. the evil WWE" and that in turn has made WWE turn around and see Bryan in a different light. But that wasn't the intention, so you can't cheer WWE for that.


As for the match, it made sense doing it - but doing it that early in the show was a mistake. I'd have swapped Cody/Show and Bryan/Sheamus around, to be honest. Maybe put Cody/Show on first, the 12-man in the position Cody/Show got, and put Bryan/Sheamus in the 12-man tag spot.

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Maybe it was because I was stoned when I watched it but by Christ, Taker vs HHH just became my favourite match of all time!!!


Everything from the entrances, to the story , the in ring action and the crowd...was perfect. It was the definition of what Wrestlemania is all about and truly was a spectacle all the way through.


God damn Shawn Michaels is a rock star isn't he? I've always enjoyed his theme music but it just seems so perfect for a stage like Wrestlemania, especially when the guitar solo kicks in.


I personally liked HHH and Takers entrances. Sure they weren't as imaginative as previous years efforts which has already pointed out but they were still a spectacle to behold none the less.


I think it was Lawler who said about forgetting that the Hell In a Cell hadn't even come down yet during the stare down and he was right! I was so engrossed in the build up and the stare down and Taker revealing his new barnet that i'd completely forgotten that the match was to be held in a HIAC. Once the Metallica song played and the cell lowered, I properly lost my shit and started grinning from ear to ear...you just KNEW it was going to be epic and fuck me it was!


I can't possibly be saying anything new that hasn't already been said so I wont comment on the match but it was that awesome that even during the also fantastic Punk vs Jericho and Rock vs Cena matches, I was still buzzing over the HIAC!


I probably watch TNA more than I do WWE and by and large I tend to enjoy Impact more than I do Raw or Smackdown but there's nothing quite like Wrestlemania. It really does hammer home how small time TNA are in comparison and dare I say superior in every way shape and form.

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The last thing WWE need is another top Face that the smart fans boo.

They booed him for one night. You don't really think he's now in the Cena bracket do you? Cena doesn't get booed by smart crowds, he gets booed by every crowd, to varying degrees. When they go back to normal crowds next week, Sheamus mentioning that he kicked Bryan's head off will get a great reaction. The win got a big pop at Mania. Sheamus will be absolutely fine.


Feel sorry for the poor bastard having to work with Del Rio though. Hopefully he can breeze past him and onto something worthwhile, like a re-match with Bryan.


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Bryan vs. Sheamus is being advertised for Over the Limit


[close spoiler]

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Sounds like he's talking toss. For one things he claims WWE is targeting 1.5 million when actually they started targeting 1.3 and reduced it to 1 million. For another it's basically unheard of for WWE to know the buyrate this early. Normally it's a couple of weeks before you get even an indication.

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Both him and Del Rio need some serious work with their interviews and promos. The delivery is fine for the most part, but the content is dull, dull, dull.

That's not their fault is it though? Blame the writers for the content, they come up with the promos. I think Del Rio has enormous potential but creative have been a bit uninspired with him for the past year or so.


Regarding the buys being correct: No chance. Wouldn't 1.9 smash anything WWE or UFC have ever done?

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