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WWE Wrestlemania XXVIII Discussion Thread


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If they couldn't be arsed giving them a storyline besides number one contender match, they probably wouldn't give them twenty minutes on WrestleMania, either. And they've had matches that seemed about twenty minutes long on television. If they had about the same match that at WrestleMania that they had in their forty matches on TV in the last five months or so, it might be heightened just because it's at WrestleMania, or it might leave people disappointed because they expected more on the grand stage. If they had a match that was given less time~ and actually fell short of their TV matches, everyone would be disappointed. All in all, it works out about evens having Orton's throwaway WM feud/match being with Kane as it does being Ziggler.


I don't think the time issue matters much, they've proved they can have cracking matches in short time already so that's irrelevant. If it was used as just the start of a full-blown feud between them then it wouldn't matter at all, in the same way Angle-Benoit was worked at X7. I don't know what matches you're referring to that have seemed like 20 mins, i'm sure they've only had short matches that were good and exciting, which is impressive considering they had little basis behind them. Even if the match was short, having them both making a case for being deserving of title shots in the lead up and some minor grumbles about becoming afterthoughts due to Rock/Cena and others being about (teasing post-Mania issues with them) because they are the best and the match was designed to put Dolph over, then that's plenty different and more productive than what Kane/Orton offers. Whatever outcome there, probably won't matter in the grand scheme of things. Their previous matches have just been Dolph bumping around making Orton look great i think. I don't think it would be a logical move now but, had a Dolph push continued through from the Rumble than it could have worked. I like new stars arriving and being made at 'Mania and this could have been this years (deserving) case of it. Having Ziggler go over Orton in short time would actually be a great move i reckon. Ziggler could look incredible, a lengthier match to really deliver could be saved for further down the line and post-Mania, with Ziggler boasting of his accomplishments and demanding a title match as a result, the argument could be made of Ortons recent injuries being why he was out of his element, setting up another clash.


Also wouldn't work now because of the Jericho-Punk feud being over 'Best in the World'. Had that not been the case, then that being the basis of Ziggler/Orton and why they're upset not being on WrestleMania and feel they should be in the title matches and why they then end up wrestling each other would have been a more worthy fit in my opinion.

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Assuming it's just Orton-Kane and possibly a womens match to be added, we're talking a 7 or 8 match show. Looks like the top matches are going looong.


Well I'd expect HHH/Taker and Rock/Cena to get 30 minutes each, give or take. Then there's skits and the Hall of Fame stuff and whatnot.

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Cena vs Rock and Undertaker vs Triple H should get an hour or so each, including build-up, entrances and aftermath. Which would leave an hour and three quarters for everything else, and that everything else includes Hall of Fame stuff, a "look how great Axxess was and here's the time Kofi Kingston and the Bellas went to read with kids" video, a B A Star video, a video about next year's WrestleMania, and at least one or two backstage bits.

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Id like to see Mick Foley added to the 12 man tag, no way do I want to see Khali and even less so Jackson in the match, a short role in the match would be good for Foley and would add a bit of star power on the face side.


Rey/Foley/Santino/Truth/Kingston/Gabriel vs Ziggler/Otunga/Swagger/Henry/Del Rio/Christian sounds pretty entertaining.


Orton/Kane preferably in a gimmick match (falls count anywhere as previosuly mentioned sounds good).


Then Ryder & Kelly vs Eve & Miz would round of the card nicely.


Rock/Cena and Taker/HHH need to go 45 mins each with entrances, and hopefully the two world title matches will get 20 mins, I like the shouts for the world title match to be on the first but I think actually id like Punk/Jericho on first, the crowd would be really hot for it and would produce a excellent opener.


Id go in order





Elimination Match



Mixed Tag


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Id like to see Mick Foley added to the 12 man tag, no way do I want to see Khali and even less so Jackson in the match, a short role in the match would be good for Foley and would add a bit of star power on the face side.


Rey/Foley/Santino/Truth/Kingston/Gabriel vs Ziggler/Otunga/Swagger/Henry/Del Rio/Christian sounds pretty entertaining.


Orton/Kane preferably in a gimmick match (falls count anywhere as previosuly mentioned sounds good).


Then Ryder & Kelly vs Eve & Miz would round of the card nicely.


Rock/Cena and Taker/HHH need to go 45 mins each with entrances, and hopefully the two world title matches will get 20 mins, I like the shouts for the world title match to be on the first but I think actually id like Punk/Jericho on first, the crowd would be really hot for it and would produce a excellent opener.


Id go in order





Elimination Match



Mixed Tag



20 minute under-card matches? This aint ROH

They bumped Bryan and Sheamus to the dark match last year, there is no way they are going to give them 20 minutes a year later. Im guessing Bryan/Sheamus to go 10 minutes (tops) and Punk/Jericho to get between 10-15 minutes

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I can see a dance type thing with Brodus, Rikishi, maybe Godfather, Flash Funk and a few divas, kinda like the backstage dance thing at WM 23 (I think) with slick, dusty, etc.


Foley did get a smacked by Big Johnny before the Rumble so he has an in to the match.


Looking like a tasty card

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I imagine the tag titles won't get a place now, although it did seem as recently as Smackdown that they were setting up Primo and Epico vs Team Black. Perhaps Kofi and Truth will win the belts this week to get the champs on the show, as there's nobody else for Rosa's guys to work with. Shame for them, they'd probably get a decent reaction in Miami, and they've had a bunch of good matches since winning the belts. Hell, do a Mania 15 and have some wacky team win a pre-show battle royal and challenge on the show. Epico/Primo vs Regal/Brodus for five minutes? Won't happen, but I'd love it.

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Hell, do a Mania 15 and have some wacky team win a pre-show battle royal and challenge on the show. Epico/Primo vs Regal/Brodus for five minutes? Won't happen, but I'd love it.

I'd enjoy that. It's certainly the only way Primo and Epico warrant a spot on the card, and the odd couple team is always fun if the characters are right.

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A few weeks ago I was involved in a debate on here wether Orton was a new 'Superman'


SmackDown! pretty much did my arguing for me last week, Orton attacks Kane, gets the upper hand. Kane later attacks Orton, Orton still gets the upper hand.


Is it a bird . . .

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I'd enjoy that. It's certainly the only way Primo and Epico warrant a spot on the card

They should be on JL's team. It's a 12 man tag team match. If you can't find room in that for your tag champs, you're doing something seriously wrong.


Obviously too late now because they've had no interaction with Long or Ace but they should've been built into it if they had no plans for a tag match.


I'd much rather have seen Primo/Epico vs. Swagger/Ziggler vs. Truth/Kingston at WM and some other guys being used in a 10 man tag. 12 too many.

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