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Richie Freebird

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And if it's demeaning to women to only have one name, it's surely demeaning to the men who have to go by just a single name.

Yeah, but you're only proving his point. Look at the kind of male wrestlers who only have one name. Again, it's just the sexy bum-wigglers who are there for viewers to ogle:












And so on.

That's 'The' Undertaker to you.

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Since you want to play this game though, how many credible male WWE Superstars can you list who have been officially known by just an ordinary forename, like Dave or Jim or Kevin - not gimmicks like Yokozuna and Undertaker?

There's no hard and fast rule and I'm not sure it's sexist more than it is cultural, but I'd agree there is something gender specific about largely giving the girls first names that makes them sound like Page 3 Models.


Even the ones who have Surnames, there's something culturally where you're more likely to refer to them as "Becky", and "Sasha" rather than "Lynch" or "Banks".


There's men like Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns or Randy Orton where people interchangeably use both names so it's not hard and fast - but there's loads where it'd be weird if we just exclusively called then "John", "Steve", "Daniel", "Kevin" or "Chris". I can't think of a female example where we don't do that.

Edited by Benno
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Even Just Joe wasn't just Joe...


But for male wrestlers with just an ordinary forename, Sheamus, Christian, Jesse and Rodney come to mind. The Heart Throbs were just first names as well. Faarooq arguably. All five of the Spirit Squad. Eugene. It's not common (though it feels more common each time I edit this to add another one!) but it does happen.

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Kindly highlight the parts of my post where I:

a) said only women with one name had ever been demeaned,


You said the following;


it's probably the most demeaning aspect of the way Divas have been presented over the years


In your opinion it's more demeaning for Lita to be called just Lita than Stephanie McMahon and Vickie Gurrero - two women both going by their full names and representing two of the biggest wrestling families in the history of the sport - to be wrestling in a mud wrestling match. The fact you still refer to them as "divas" is much more demeaning as they're doing everything in their power to be known as women and/or superstars in their own right. 


Now if you don't believe it's only women with one name who have been demeaned, how the fuck is having just one name the most demeaning thing to a woman in the world of wrestling?


b) said no woman with one name had ever been successful (by whatever measure you choose),


Which proves the point that it isn't demeaning. As I said last night/this morning if you're given the right material, the right breaks and you have the right amount of talent then having a single name isn't going to affect you. Hence why your post was a load of tosh.



c) placed men in the same context, because lord knows they've always been viewed as equal by WWE.


You didn't place them in the same context, which is what you're accusing WWE of doing so themselves. If something is demeaning to a woman, it's demeaning to a man. That's how equality works. If you're complaining that the most demeaning thing to female wrestlers is going by one name, then that is the most demeaning thing to happen to Rusev, Cesaro, Neville and every other single name male wrestler as well.


You've taken my point to extremes when that's not how general patterns and attitudes work. There are exceptions to every rule but that doesn't mean it's not an influence.


No I took your point on face value and proved them to be a load of tosh. Now stop digging the hole any deeper will you.




Since you want to play this game though, how many credible male WWE Superstars can you list who have been officially known by just an ordinary forename, like Dave or Jim or Kevin - not gimmicks like Yokozuna and Undertaker?


There's five world champions who spring instantly to mind; given a bit of thinking time I could probably rattle off a few more but I really can't be arsed continuing this rather one sided debate any longer.





Andre The Giant (The Giant isn't a surname to the best of my knowledge)

Samoa Joe (again Samoa, to the best of my knowledge, isn't a forename)

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The 'divas' got really OTT with the one name thing around the time of the original NXT series. 'Maxine', ffs, it's like you made your Mum's mate as a CAW (Nia Jax being the physical embodiment of that)

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The spirit squad all went by first names only at the time didn't they?

How could you possibly forget?
Minds clouded, I just hear a voice whispering Dykstra in to my ear and I'm getting confused about when that started being mentioned.


I'll be honest, I missed nearly everything from 2005-2008 and haven't really revisited much from that period. Probs a network binge in the making once I get it sorted.

Edited by Kaz Hayashi
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