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Minor news items that don't deserve a thread

Richie Freebird

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There goes Dolph's push. They'll probably give him Sin Cara or Ryback or something.




They'll have a good storyline to build it though. Next week, Dolph pins Kofi. Then the following week, Kofi pins Dolph.


It makes no odds to Ziggler anyway, really. He hadn't started a storyline with Orton, and there are only two weeks left til the show. He's had no character development since his last ten PPV-length matches with Orton either, but I guess the split this week might have led to a couple of shows where he gets some whilst building up a bout with the Viper.


Losing Orton is a bit of a massive blow for WWE at this point, but they shouldn't just sit on their hands waiting for him to come back. Plonk another babyface in a high-profile spot for a couple of months. Santino, Truth, Kofi, Ryder, one of them would be worth giving another shot. Not as the top boy, but playing second fiddle to Sheamus. I'd say Christian would be worth a punt as well, but he's been in that spot often enough that it wouldn't have the same novelty value as the others. Santino's got an infinite lives cheat for stop-start pushes, he's always going to be able to get a reaction. They could recapture his magic from around Elimination Chamber and make him the ultimate underdog. He's already involved with the Del Rio-Sheamus feud, anyway.


thought he already had at least two?

No, they fiddled the books on some of Orton's earlier suspensions, I think. Some of them were just for bad behaviour anyway.

Edited by King Pitcos
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In the same conference call someone asked her about an Australian RKK and she flat out said that isn't happening but did tease a UK one so clearly she isn't just talking to pop whoever is on the other end of the line. There must be something there. The question is what exactly. "We're working on something" doesn't exactly clarify things nor does it suggest that it's a done deal. And hey, who knows, perhaps Alex Shane conned her into sponsoring an FWA TV deal with some TNA talent in the mix or something. lol I guess we'll just have to wait and see if something will come out of this. Either way, an intriguing statement there by Dixie. Certainly.


She's selling different things there though. Australia want TNA to come over, supposedly, the real actual show. The UK's already had that and is full of morons who think there's a quick fix to 'our' scene. She's a smart wee bonny lass is that Dixie.

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WWE's lawyers have been busy recently:

There is a ton of Connecticut media both yesterday and today concerning the threat by WWE of a lawsuit against Chris Powell of the Manchester Journal-Inquirer for using the word "pornography" to describe how Linda McMahon made her money. Powell wrote a story today at http://www.journalinquirer.com noting WWE's defense of it not being porn was the PG guidelines and he noted that only came into effect in 2008, and then brought up a number of incidents like Trish Stratus barking like a dog, the short-lived HLA segment (seriously, the minute that clip goes into court the WWE's case is ruined), the Edge & Lita in bed segment.


Linda McMahon claimed that she had no idea the WWE made this threat against Powell in a story at http://ctmirror.org She noted she hasn't been with WWE since 2009. "Yes, I'm still married to the chairman, but really what WWE does, it believes is right for it to do for its own business, is totally what it's doing." Brian Flinn of WWE told the Hartford Courant, "WWE refuses to be bulled and will not allow our content to be inaccurately categorized. This is not about politics or Linda McMahon's candidacy. This is about protecting WWE's business and setting the record straight hat WWE has never been in the business of pornography.


The Norwich Bulletin at http://www.norwichbulletin.com/ on the opinion page said that in their view they wouldn't call WWE pornography, nor would they call it family entertainment. They said it is "crude with a raunchy edge that is clearly intended to exploit sex for purely sensational, and ratings, purposes." They sided with Powell saying, "The threat of legal action is nothing less than intimidation and bullying, and, in our opinion, he company's claims of being unjustly maligned cannot be won on legal grounds. Besides, threatening legal action isn't a very effective means of silencing criticism. Lawsuits are how you make news, not discourage it."


Don Pesci at http://www.registercitizen.com rips on the WWE's strategy here, saying "A journalist who has been accused, however frivolously, of libel, knows he's gotten under his target's skin and likely will keep on probing. And so will other journalists. I can't imagine what the WWE brain trust was thinking when it threatened Mr. Powell."


And the Darien Times wrote, "Let's be fair what that business was about, at least until it softened its image a few years back. It became a multi-billion-dollar empire through violence, degrading women and near pornographic stunts."


Boy that strategy of scaring area reporters to shut up seems to be working out just great. Plus, now WWE on Monday either has to file legal action that will probably get thrown out immediately and suffer a public black eye, or not file action and be seen as backing down. And none of this can be good for the McMahon campaign. You'd think if Linda is talking with Vince, she should have had enough foresight to see where this was going to end up and told him this isn't the right strategy. Anyway, if they hadn't talked about it before, as she claims, and whether true or not, I can't imagine anyone will believe it in the outside world, she needs to talk to him about it pretty quickly.

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Powell says:


But what an entertainment such a libel lawsuit might be, starting with the depositions, the preliminary questioning of potential witnesses under oath.


"Mrs. McMahon, in the video playing now, who is the man in the wrestling ring with the microphone instructing that shapely young woman to undress and get down on her hands and knees and bark like a dog? Your husband? What do you think of that?"


"In this video who are the young women undressing, kissing, and touching each other sexually in the ring? What is conveyed by the big man jumping on top of them as they lie naked on the mat?"


"Mrs. McMahon, this video shows your husband and son pouring paint over the head of a wrestler who seems meant to appear mentally retarded. They beat him up and push his head into a toilet. Did you approve this scene?"


"In this video a bed has been placed in the ring. A man undresses a woman down to her bra and panties, simulates sex with her as they stand next to the bed, places her under the covers, follows her there, and emerges to toss her bra and panties on the mat. Your daughter is now WWE's creative director. Was this scene her idea?


"The scene in the next video appears to take place in a funeral parlor, where a male wrestler undresses himself and then undresses the corpse of a woman in a casket before climbing on top of her. Is this meant to depict necrophilia?


"This video shows your husband and daughter in the ring with the shapely young woman who barked like a dog in the first video. Your husband and daughter force her face into a slop bucket and your husband taunts her for having been 'daddy's little toy.' Then your husband pours the slop bucket on her head. In your campaign's television and radio commercials you describe yourself as a 'job creator.' What are the job descriptions of the women who undress in the ring, behave lasciviously, and are pushed into a slop bucket? If this stuff is not pornography, what is it exactly?


"Mrs. McMahon, in your campaign commercials you say, 'I worry that our grandchildren will have a worse quality of life than we did.' Has WWE's product elevated or coarsened the quality of life for our grandchildren?


"Mrs. McMahon, you cite your success in business as a qualification for U.S. senator. Is there any sort of business success that you might not consider a qualification for public office?"

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This video shows your husband and daughter in the ring with the shapely young woman who barked like a dog in the first video. Your husband and daughter force her face into a slop bucket and your husband taunts her for having been 'daddy's little toy.' Then your husband pours the slop bucket on her head. In your campaign's television and radio commercials you describe yourself as a 'job creator.' What are the job descriptions of the women who undress in the ring, behave lasciviously, and are pushed into a slop bucket? If this stuff is not pornography, what is it exactly?


What kinda porn does this fella watch?



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I would love to be in a court room where they show clips of Vince McMahon. You could take any clip of him from 1998 until now and hilarity will ensue. We are used to Vince and his mental antics. Christ knows what they'd think.


They should just play the McMahon 2 disc DVD.

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Speaking of suspensions...


SuperLuchas.net reports Cody Rhodes recently tested positive on a drug test for a banned substance but was cleared after providing a valid prescription from a licensed and treating physician.


Prior to being cleared, it would appear that Rhodes believed he was facing suspension. The day after dropping the Intercontinental Championship to Christian at Over the Limit, he cryptically wrote on Twitter: "Time off." He appeared at the following day's SmackDown taping in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and all SmackDown shows since then.


The website also reports that another WWE performer whose name has not been disclosed recently had a positive drug test and will be suspended if a valid prescription is not produced.


WWE announced Wednesday that Randy Orton had been suspended for 60 days for his second violation of the company's Talent Wellness Program. SuperLuchas.net reports the suspension stems from a positive drug test for the anabolic steroid Dianabol, which is banned by the United States Congress under its Controlled Substances Act. He also reportedly tested positive for marijuana, which is subject to a $2,500 fine.

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Ok, so where do we currently stand on wellness suspensions? Orton has had two, so has Bourne and Mysterio (I think). Sin Cara and R-Truth have had one...who else? Is it still supposedly three strikes and you're out?


Does anyone have details of all those on first or second strike violations already? We can make a Fair Play league!

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Ok, so where do we currently stand on wellness suspensions? Orton has had two, so has Bourne and Mysterio (I think). Sin Cara and R-Truth have had one...who else? Is it still supposedly three strikes and you're out?


Does anyone have details of all those on first or second strike violations already? We can make a Fair Play league!


Dolph Ziggler 1

Darren Young 1

Heath Slater 1

Ryback 1

Booker T 1 (who quit rather than be suspended a second time I believe)

William Regal 2

Joey Mercury 1

Conor O'Brien 1

Edited by The Dart
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