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Astro Hollywood

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I jumped on the back of a cargo train going through a small rural town, not thinking it would work but it did. It carried me down into (and under) the city. It was great getting a tour like that, actually being able to admire the view without worrying about the road.



In San Andreas you could crouch on a car roof and get a free ride around, but sadly here you go flying when they brake or corner. I've not spotted any pick-up trucks around the city yet.


Stupidest fun thing I've found is that there's a giant exercise ball in Michael's lounge which you can kick around the house. I even got it out the door, but if it rolls downhill and picks up speed, it bursts when it hits something.


I love the consistence between missions and open world, like in the first mission using bikes

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Jimmy's TV stays broken afterwards


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");document.close(); or that if you get into a fight or take a fall in a mission, you have cuts and bruises for some time afterwards.


Apparently some of the "Oh wow, this song on the radio so perfectly fits this moment" incidents are scripted.


The setting up of the heists is taken from one of my favourite parts of San Andreas where you do about half a dozen missions that (while all a bit wacky in themselves) are all preperation for a casino robbery. It's one of the few times where the missions all really seem part of a coherent plot rather than just random events.

Edited by JNLister
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Just had a random event where I picked up two people who were robbing a store, and it turned out that one of them was SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Patrick "Packie" McReary



From the in car conversation it also seems that SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

you can choose to take him on heists (plus there was a reference to the three leaf clover mission from IV)


I had something similar happen to me which I thought was bloody cool-


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I was exploring Blaine County and noticed an up-turned car on fire at the side of the road, with an injured woman. She wanted me to drop her off in Sandy Shores, but not the hospital. She was in a bad state and need urgent help, but I only had a bike with me so I was chatting with her before deciding to jack a car. She was telling me how she hot hurt after a robbery went wrong and her crew were all dead- she was the wheelman. She said she needed a new crew so I thought ideal- seeing as my last wheelman (Karim I think) was shit and kept getting us lost, but unfortunately she died on the way because of her injuries. I'm guessing if I didn't spend so long fannying about at the side of the road before getting a car I would've been able to use her in future heists. Very interesting touch though.


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Just had a random event where I picked up two people who were robbing a store, and it turned out that one of them was SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Patrick "Packie" McReary



From the in car conversation it also seems that SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

you can choose to take him on heists (plus there was a reference to the three leaf clover mission from IV)


I had something similar happen to me which I thought was bloody cool-


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

I was exploring Blaine County and noticed an up-turned car on fire at the side of the road, with an injured woman. She wanted me to drop her off in Sandy Shores, but not the hospital. She was in a bad state and need urgent help, but I only had a bike with me so I was chatting with her before deciding to jack a car. She was telling me how she hot hurt after a robbery went wrong and her crew were all dead- she was the wheelman. She said she needed a new crew so I thought ideal- seeing as my last wheelman (Karim I think) was shit and kept getting us lost, but unfortunately she died on the way because of her injuries. I'm guessing if I didn't spend so long fannying about at the side of the road before getting a car I would've been able to use her in future heists. Very interesting touch though.


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I got that one, and managed to take her back to Sandy Shores before she died. She can indeed be used for heists after that.

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Is she any good? Fortunately I didn't save after that encounter so when I play it again I'll pop back to see her.


I haven't tried yet, just got her added to my contacts after the mission. I've only done the first heist so far, currently trying to break out of a morgue.

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I always kill robbers and things on those random missions. I heard two of them arguing about who was supposed to arrange the getaway car. I wish I'd given them a lift now, instead of murdering them for five grand.


A fun random one I found:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

There was a shootout between the police and some crooks, and I snuck up and took the five grand from one of the fallen criminals while everyone was occupied blasting at each other. As I walked away, I could hear them say things like "Hang on a minute" and "ah, shit!"


[close spoiler]

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Ok, I'm late to the party, and here is everyones chance to collectively groan, then point the finger and laugh at JohnnyChimpo, but;


Does everyone here know that if you scan a UV/Black Light over the Blueprint map that came with the special edition of the game, there are loads of hidden stuff mark on there? Like, the directions to some meeting spot where you are advised to bring $500,000 with you, or an alien head, various submerssibles in the water etc.


If all y'all already knew about this, then move on, nothing to see here. But I just wanted to share that information with everyone.


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Cheers Chimpo! I knew about the secrets on the special map (only because I was googling it yesterday, assuming that map would reveal things the standard one didn't), but that video makes it all a lot clearer.

No problem. I only heard about it today, and I've been following this thread for the last few days and hadn't noticed anyone mention it, and I wasn't going to trawl back through 70 odd pages to be sure. But generally, I'm so behind on these kinds of things, that I would post this and everyone would roll their eyes saying; 'duh noob, thats last months news'.


Anyway, there is some pretty cool stuff on there. I just need to get my own black light now.

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GTA V took $1 billion retail sales in three days.


Take Two are claiming this is the fastest any entertainment property has reached this number. Apples to oranges and all that but for comparison Avengers took 19 days to reach the same amount.

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In brilliant news, if true, some sites are now reporting that GTA Online will support 32 players, instead of the usual 16.


If only it supported cross platform too. I love my PS3 and have no regrets on selling my 360, but no one else I know who plays this has one. I guess I'll just be all 'Cuckolders Represent' on my own in PS3 land.


On a completely separate note, could someone give me an idiots guide on the stock markets? I'm completely clueless.

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In the set of missions Lester gives you when you play as Franklin you get stock tips from him. You can also effect the market say by destroying trucks of a certain company etc it would cause their shares to go down. I think random encounters and the radio can also be handy for stock tips.

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