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Astro Hollywood

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One thing I will complain about is the shit radio. The list of songs simply isn't as good on this one as previous games, and there's so many radio stations that the songs are so thinly spread you hear the same ones on a loop every time you put the radio on.

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The list of songs simply isn't as good on this one as previous games, and there's so many radio stations that the songs are so thinly spread you hear the same ones on a loop every time you put the radio on.

I've noticed that as well. Every Franklin mission, if I don't change the station, I'm gonna be hearing about how Dre's still got love for the streets and someone fucked someone's daughter on spring break.

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It's pretty amazing how Rockstar looked at LA Noire, which I found a massive disappointment and barely qualifying as a "game", and managed to pull out everything that was good about it: authentic LA streets (including the site of the first $100,000 gate in wrestling, trivia nerds), a switch of controllable players, a background score, and a "three times then skip" option for action sequences.


I like the Telegraph's theory that Michael = Tommy Vercetti, Franklin = CJ, and Trevor = The human playing the game who has no empathy for the storyline or character and just wants to raise hell without fearing the consequences.


One thing I didn't notice in reviews is that although the driving has better handling (meaning less realistic but more fun), they've tightened up the impact of other objects so, for example, you can't just hit accelerate and push another car out of the way, you have to back up and move around it. Solid objects like telegraphs poles seem to be more of an obstacle this time.


I was both happy and a little disappointed that you can land the blimp on a mountaintop without recreating the Hinderberg Disaster.


Neat also to see the "the world changes according to your actions and doesn't reset" really works -- I got into a scuffle and knocked out a couple of guys while going into a barbers and when I'd had my haircut and shave and left, their bodies were still lying outside.


Only a couple of hours in, but the animals are my highlight so far. There's *that* comedy moment with the dog. And then there was the moment I was happily driving in South Los Santos, driving in downtown, driving in Vinewood, driving up into the hill --- WHAT THE FUCK, THERE'S A GOAT IN THE ROAD.

Edited by JNLister
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Trevor is fantastic. Franklin seems a bit one-dimensional, the "token black guy" and Michael, while somewhat interesting, still just seems like a slight reworking/aging of Tommy Vercetti as a parent. Trevor seems totally fresh as the unhinged nutter, and is completely hilarious. I've also made him look like a hick version of Damien Sandow, which makes everything he's involved in way more fun.


That first plane mission though... nearly made me rage-quit. I really lack the finesse for landing that fucker. Flying and steering wasn't too bad, but I must have attempted to land it about 10 times, maybe more.

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Trevor is fantastic. Franklin seems a bit one-dimensional, the "token black guy" and Michael, while somewhat interesting, still just seems like a slight reworking/aging of Tommy Vercetti as a parent. Trevor seems totally fresh as the unhinged nutter, and is completely hilarious. I've also made him look like a hick version of Damien Sandow, which makes everything he's involved in way more fun.


That first plane mission though... nearly made me rage-quit. I really lack the finesse for landing that fucker. Flying and steering wasn't too bad, but I must have attempted to land it about 10 times, maybe more.


I landed it and the wing clipped a pole and blew off. I failed and had to fly all the way back.

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It's pretty amazing how Rockstar looked at LA Noire, which I found a massive disappointment and barely qualifying as a "game", and managed to pull out everything that was good about it: authentic LA streets (including the site of the first $100,000 gate in wrestling, trivia nerds), a switch of controllable players, a background score, and a "three times then skip" option for action sequences.

As soon as I started playing as Franklin round the house, it reminded me more of LA Noire than previous GTAs. But as I've gone on, it has really got the best of both, as well as Red Dead. It's phenomenal.


When you build stats up by playing tennis/swimming/going to the shooting range, do they decrease if you don't do those things or do you level up and that's it?

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Franklin may be a bit one-dimensional and token, but the hook with him (from what I've seen so far) is his relationship with Lamar. Some funny dialogue back and forth between these two. The Employee of the Month bit made me proper laugh.


Has anyone done any hunting yet? I've heard there are some 15 different animals to hunt, can anyone vouch for this and list them? Can't find a list of them online anywhere.

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Trevor is fantastic. Franklin seems a bit one-dimensional, the "token black guy" and Michael, while somewhat interesting, still just seems like a slight reworking/aging of Tommy Vercetti as a parent. Trevor seems totally fresh as the unhinged nutter, and is completely hilarious. I've also made him look like a hick version of Damien Sandow, which makes everything he's involved in way more fun.


That first plane mission though... nearly made me rage-quit. I really lack the finesse for landing that fucker. Flying and steering wasn't too bad, but I must have attempted to land it about 10 times, maybe more.


I landed it and the wing clipped a pole and blew off. I failed and had to fly all the way back.

Yeah, things of that nature happened to me just about every time. Eventually I figured out that I couldn't keep the plane moving down the landing strip to turn into the hanger, I had to come to a complete stop then restart the engine to park it. Damn co-ordination (or lack thereof).


PunkStep, I agree, a lot of the dialogue is piss funny, they've made a real effort overall in that department. Normally I get bored of the main storyline in a couple of hours and start rampaging, but I'm quite hooked this time.

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The acting's so much better now too. I think this was the case for GTA 4 too, but the actors doing the voice are simultaneously doing the mo-cap for the scene too, so there's none of that detached flatness from Ray Liotta reading lines down the phone or however they used to do it.


Sales-wise, Rockstar pulled in $800m on Tuesday, and GTA 5 sold more in its first day than GTA 4 did in its first year.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Sales-wise, Rockstar pulled in $800m on Tuesday, and GTA 5 sold more in its first day than GTA 4 did in its first year.


To be really nerdy, total sales revenue was $800 million rather than Rockstar's take being $800 million. Either way, they are already in substantial profit. It's somewhere around 13 million units, which is what some analysts were forecasting for sales by the end of the year.

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When you build stats up by playing tennis/swimming/going to the shooting range, do they decrease if you don't do those things or do you level up and that's it?


Can't find confirmation anywhere, but all the reviews use the term "level up" or "levelling".

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The GTA outrage continues!




Here's another nice small touch in the game. Not only are game events discussed on the radio news like previous GTA games, they are also discussed in the Twitter parody 'Bleeter' web site too.


Fucking aliens!


This was really fun!

Edited by windoesnot
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