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The High Octane Nightmare Thread


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Based on the amazing section of the same name over at TV Tropes, what are the films, cartoons, music videos, etc. that have really shit you up?


As for mine? I'll do my best to keep my mouth shut. And


Oh and please mark all screamers in spoilers or something, I hate those fucking things.

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When I was really ill in 2009, I was playing through Batman: Arkham Asylum at the time and because of my fever I used to have horrible nightmares of The Riddler. Not even ones with his face in or anything, but just a blank, black image where I could hear his voice screeching at me. I actually had a fear of sleeping and anxiety for a few months after all that, and only got back to normal a few months ago.

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The nightmares where I end up waking up from, all crazy eyed and heart racing, aren't usually that scary. It's more that the dream is convincing me that what I'm envisioning is scary, and so my body reacts accordingly. I distintly remember one from when I was about 17, where I dreamt about an octopus that had grabbed me. That's all it did, but I screamed the bloody house down as I woke up.


I had a horrible one a couple of months ago where I was in a supermarket with my daughter, and she was being a bit of a smart arse with me. I gave her a mild bollocking, and she ignored me, so I slapped the back of her legs. She no-sold it, so I ended up pinning her to the wall and gouging at her face to make sure I was hurting her, except she was still not reacting, so I was getting angrier and angrier. I ended up going for a walk at about 4am, which wasn't wise as I was in another country where I didn't know my way around.

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As a kid I used to dream of a full moon, and that used to make me wake up screaming, well into my teens.


Eventually I realized it was because I'd been shitted up by a Doctor Who about werewolves, where IIRC there is scene where the moon rises and Ace turns into a werewolf.


Once I was conscious to where the nightmare came from, it stopped.

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When I was about 13 I had one where I was playing with a kitten Ollie we had at the time, and for no reason it started hissing at me and then went to town on me scratching and biting me as if he was trying to kill me. So i kicked it away and ran inside to tell mother dearest. She was standing just staring into the mirror we had on out big wall smoking a cigarette. I told her what happened and she replied with "What am I supposed to do" and then flicked the cigarette and it burned through my throat and I choked to death. I woke up coughing and fearing my mum. When one of our cats did end up going for me I never told her

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Getting away from dreams. I used to be shit scared of Bonnie Tyler's Total Eclipse of the Heart song. Every time it would come on I'd have to cover my ears. There used to be an advert for a collection of 80's cd's and this was one of the songs played, it was always on late at night too. I also know why I was scared of it, its played during a scene of the film Urban Legends where a girl gets decapitated. It's a brilliant scene and one of my favourite horror moments.


Had a similar reaction to the trailer for Sixth Sense, just couldn't watch it or listen to it. Remember freaking out one time because it came on and I was on my own downstairs, had to scream up to my parents to make them come down before I could calm down. Weird thing is I had no trouble watching the actual film a few weeks later, it was just the trailer I was scared of.



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Basically any slow burning horror film where little happens will shit me up no end.


Also I went to see a late showing (finished somewhere between 11pm and midnight I think) of The Descent shortly after it's release and I almost fudged my pants during the hour or so it took me to walk home.

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I dont really have bad dreams but I wake up alot in the night and hallucinate. For example I'll awake and swear theres a guy standing in the corner, or I see a rat or a snake on the floor or something.


I get that, are you ever unable to move when it happens?


Nah my heart just beats really fast then I get up and turn the light on, calm myself down and go back to sleep

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I used to shit myself every night about a local chemical plant exploding and taking out the greater area. Also I used to have nightmares about the IRA breaking into my house and killing me and my family with guns using stones instead of bullets when I was about 7 or 8. Fuck knows why, we aren't even Irish.

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I dont really have bad dreams but I wake up alot in the night and hallucinate. For example I'll awake and swear theres a guy standing in the corner, or I see a rat or a snake on the floor or something.


I get that, are you ever unable to move when it happens?


I used to have things like that happen to me when I was a child. I shared a room with my younger brother and we had bunk beds, and being the older, I was on the top bunk. The airing cupboard with the boiler and whatnot were in that room, and there were often old duvets and spare insulation rolls on top of it. Often, I'd wake up in the night and be terrified looking at it because I thought it was a person. Similarly, whenever I looked out of my window, I could swear there was guy stood outside watching me with a weapon of some sort (but in the daytime, that scary guy was actually just something in my neighbours garden that I never gave a second thought to).


The one that spooked me the most though was where I was trapped in my bedroom. My body was still and I couldn't move it. My mind was roaming around, I could only move diagonally and had to bounce off walls. On reflection it seems really stupid but it scared the shit out of me.

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