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The Lucha Libre Thread


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I was always more CMLL than AAA but since I came back to wrestling it's been the opposite. In Dragon Lee II, Cavernario Barbaro & Hechicero, CMLL have three of the best young talents in Mexico but their TV is unwatchable as anything other than a collection of matches, most of which will not capture your imagination.


AAA, on the other hand, runs angles and skits and still has those outrageous characters that it made its name with. It's an easy watch.

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There isn't, unfortunately. You'd be surprised how easy it is to watch the Spanish-language stuff, though. AAA upload their weekly TV to their YouTube channel - and you can use my reviews on (cheap plug) Steelchair to help you follow what's going on.



Did not know this - defo gonna be checking this out now :D

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This might get lost in todays post-NXT glow but another good show this week. The stuff with Matanza is building up really well, the storyline is confusing and mad but I love it. Dario Cuerto has a monstrous brother he keeps in a cage that killed Lotus's family when she was a child. She's been in training for years to come and kill him. Chavo, who's family is in some kind of trouble in Mexico, is using her trainers family to clear his name so that he can protect Lotus from Matanza...? It could either end up completely awful or good fun. I'm betting on good fun.


The main event was enjoyable. Highlight being one of The Crew falling off the ladder into Dario's office while he was on the phone. Hilarious. Then diving out the fucking window onto Angelico! Speaking of Angelico he did that nutty dive again and it's still great. Really looking forward to next week with Fenix vs the returning Mil Muertes in a death match! There last match was brutal so God knows what will happen this time. Especially now as Fenix has one of the seven Aztec amulates to give him extra strength (or something). I'm wondering if this will be a glorified hardcore match or a full on deathmatch with barbed-wire, tacks and the like. Very excited. I miss Pentagon Jnr. though. He needs to get back to snapping arms.

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I imagine it will be a traditional Death Match, as in once you're pinned you have a ten count to make it to your feet.


Angelico is a madman. This week's dive was even better than the last because it ended in a dropkick. Crazy, crazy man.

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This might get lost in todays post-NXT glow but another good show this week. The stuff with Matanza is building up really well, the storyline is confusing and mad but I love it. Dario Cuerto has a monstrous brother he keeps in a cage that killed Lotus's family when she was a child. She's been in training for years to come and kill him. Chavo, who's family is in some kind of trouble in Mexico, is using her trainers family to clear his name so that he can protect Lotus from Matanza...? It could either end up completely awful or good fun. I'm betting on good fun.


I came into this thread wanting someone to explain the whole Lotus angle to me. Read this and I'm still a little confused. Oh well, hoping things will be explained better on next weeks episode.

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Black Lotus was stalking the Temple because she believed that;s where Matanza was. Matanza is Dario Cueto's brother and is, we assume, grotesque and scary and huge. Matanza means slaughter in Spanish. She found Matanza in his cage but was abducted by Dragon Azteca, who told her she wasn't ready to face Matanza. He trained her in the art of lucha libre (more like kung fu, but we'll let that slide) but told her until she let go of her hate she would never be ready. She left anyway.


Chavo Guerrero Jr is a wanted man in Mexico because he beat up lots of luchadors. He's gone to Dragon Azteca to ask him to square things with Mexico, and in return he'll protect Black Lotus.

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This might get lost in todays post-NXT glow but another good show this week. The stuff with Matanza is building up really well, the storyline is confusing and mad but I love it. Dario Cuerto has a monstrous brother he keeps in a cage that killed Lotus's family when she was a child. She's been in training for years to come and kill him. Chavo, who's family is in some kind of trouble in Mexico, is using her trainers family to clear his name so that he can protect Lotus from Matanza...? It could either end up completely awful or good fun. I'm betting on good fun.


The main event was enjoyable. Highlight being one of The Crew falling off the ladder into Dario's office while he was on the phone. Hilarious. Then diving out the fucking window onto Angelico! Speaking of Angelico he did that nutty dive again and it's still great. Really looking forward to next week with Fenix vs the returning Mil Muertes in a death match! There last match was brutal so God knows what will happen this time. Especially now as Fenix has one of the seven Aztec amulates to give him extra strength (or something). I'm wondering if this will be a glorified hardcore match or a full on deathmatch with barbed-wire, tacks and the like. Very excited. I miss Pentagon Jnr. though. He needs to get back to snapping arms.



I laughed when Dario was on the phone but laughed even harder when there was a shot of him a few minutes later and he was still on the phone.


Angelico's dive was insane , trying to work out which one was the best of his two and still can't.  My wife was literally begging me to try and book him after last nights show lol


Just a question , does anybody know how close we are to the end of the season , hoping still miles of but worrying that's not the case.


I can honestly say am so in love with LU it's untrue , just enjoy it in so many different ways :D

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The two-hour season finale is on August 5th, so we still have another 11 episodes to come. For my money, Angelico's second dive is the more impressive, given he had to hit Castro spot on and then take that back-bump! Oh, and if you do manage to book him, you've got a ticket sale right here!


For those of you who are big Lucha Underground fans - and why wouldn't you be? - half the roster are at the Albert Hall for Lucha Future on July 11th. Seeing Pentagon Jr live has me HYPED.

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The two-hour season finale is on August 5th, so we still have another 11 episodes to come. For my money, Angelico's second dive is the more impressive, given he had to hit Castro spot on and then take that back-bump! Oh, and if you do manage to book him, you've got a ticket sale right here!


For those of you who are big Lucha Underground fans - and why wouldn't you be? - half the roster are at the Albert Hall for Lucha Future on July 11th. Seeing Pentagon Jr live has me HYPED.



Yeah can't wait til July 11th , funny enough Pentagon Jr is the no1 reason I'm going but really excited about seeing the Mexicans live.

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Second season of Lucha Underground starts in October. Let's all wank together!



This would have been the biggest tragedy since WCW went under if this got canned. Cant wait to see what they have planned for season 2. I'd so love to see this grow into even a semi-big deal. This is the best wrestling show in years.

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