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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! It's a Wednesday Night War and they're WINNING!

The show started with the usual weekly re-cap. This week it was Big Ryck, Sexy Star, Aero Star, and Pentag贸n Jr...

Big Ryck walked into Dario Cueto's office, flanked by two dudes. He said that word on the street was that he was starting a trios division, and he wanted in on it. Ryck introduced his pals as The Mack and Killshot.

Cueto said Ryck could enter the tournament, which was starting tonight. Ryck accepted and then demanded money with menace. Cueto, wisely, gave over the money.

The announcers welcomed us to the show - Sergio Arau was the musical act tonight - and Striker said the trios tournament would take place over the next four weeks.

Hey, it's Melissa Santos! She introduced Ang茅lico, who was already in the ring, and his opponent - Johnny Mundo!

So they had a good match. The story was both men using kick-based offense, and lots of counters and blocks because of that. Mundo got the win with the End Of The World.

They showed a Black Lotus video. She was explaining what had happened since we last saw her. She'd encountered Matanza, behind bars in the Lucha Underground cellar, but had been abducted by a man she called el Drag贸n Azteca.

Drag贸n, she explained, was there when Matanza killed her parents. And now he was training her in lucha libre so she could get her revenge. This was unbelievably hokey and amazingly cool.

Backstage, Alberto el Patr贸n congratulated Johnny Mundo on his win. They traded couched insults and Alberto walked off...

Sexy Star was in Dario Cueto's office. He said he wanted her in the trios tournament but that her usual partners - Mascara Sagrada & Pimpinela Escarlata - were still injured. So he gave her new ones - Super Fly & Pentag贸n Jr - to face Big Ryck and his pals tonight.

Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced Drago & Aero Star for the next match in their best-of-five series, which Aero Star leads 2-1.

These two work so well together and they had another decent match, which Drago won with a roll-up to even the series. This wasn't as flashy as some of their contests, but that leaves something for the decider.

Ang茅lico, Ivelisse & Son of Havoc were in Dario Cueto's office. He said they'd all disappointed him as singles - Ang茅lico lost to Son of Havoc and to Johnny Mundo tonight, Son of Havoc was on a losing streak before beating Ang茅lico, and Ivelisse got dumped by Son of Havoc.

Ivelisse protested that she did the dumping but Cueto didn't want to hear it. He put them together as a Trio for the tournament, and they stormed out. Before he left, Son of Havoc made sure to tell Cueto that he did dump Ivelisse and Cueto gave him an "I don't blame you" look.

Hey, it's our main event! It's Big Ryck & The Mack & Killshot versus Sexy Star & Aero Star & Pentag贸n Jr.

During the match, Striker got Vampiro to explain how the concept of the Trio came about in Mexico, and Vampiro said that "over a hundred years ago" CMLL invented them because they had too many wrestlers. I don't know if that's true but I do know that CMLL is only 85 years old.

The Mack started the match with Pentag贸n Jr. They did a lot of lucha-style moves, which surprised me because I've never seen Willie Mack before. The crowd obviously had, because they chanted his full name. He did an awesome version of the POUNCE that ruled.

Pentag贸n Jr dropkicked Mack and chopped him in the corner. Killshot tagged in along with Super Fly, much against Pentag贸n Jr's wishes.

They went back and forth and then Super Fly tagged in Sexy Star. Killshot hit a huge chop to Star's chest but Star came back with a huracanrana. Ryck came in and grabbed Star and threw her to the outside.

Ryck ordered Killshot & The Mack to dive to the outside. And they did. Sweet. Big Ryck then teased a dive but Sexy Star went to the top rope and hit a cross-body on him before he could.

Pentag贸n Jr attacked Ryck, but Ryck took him down, and then Pentag贸n Jr and Killshot faced off. They went back and forth until Pentag贸n Jr launched Sexy Star onto Killshot for a huracanrana, which was followed by a splash from Super Fly.

Ryck broke the pin and slammed Super Fly, but Pentag贸n Jr broke up Ryck's pin. Ryck threw Pentag贸n Jr to the outside, went out after him and clotheslined him.

Back in the ring, The Mack hit a brainbuster on Super Fly, and Killshot hit a double foot stomp off the top for the win.

After the match, disappointed with his partners, Pentag贸n Jr tried to break Super Fly's arm but Sexy Star stopped him. She just made a powerful enemy...

Good match, this, and a great start to the trios tournament. It's not pure trios action but it's decent enough, with Lucha Underground's own spin on things.

This was a Good Show. At some point they're going to have a Bad Show. I don't know when that will be because they're giving us the good stuff EVERY WEEK now. What a time to be alive!

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First week watching Lucha Underground for a few weeks and very happy to have watched it again. Guaranteed entertainment and the short length program works with my attention span.

Opener surpassed my expectations. Some great sequences. They seemed to have a good understanding of each other's moves which helps so much.

Drago and AeroStar was great again. The final match should be a great statement. I'm sure LU will let them go all out, possibly with a different stipulation. Ladder?

The main event was great. The Mack and Killshot (AR Fox?) Are great additions to the company, both work the right style and combined well with their opponents. Ryck is just a beast, power all the way which breaks up the flying. Stand out for me though was Pentagon Jnr. Every time I see him, he excels. He needs to be pushed to the moon. He's very over with the fans, brilliant in the ring and has a mma crossover within his moveset.

Fantastic show and already nicely building to Alberto versus Mundo. Promising times

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Pentagon Jnr is definitely my favourite guy to watch right now. He is just cool as fuck. Lucha Underground reminds me how much I love wrestling every week. It's just so much fun without the shroud of negativity that WWE has.

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Agree on Pentagon Jr, he's probably my favourite of all of the Mexican guys on the show- good worker, great look and the whole 'Cero Miedo' catchphrase is getting over brilliantly with the LU crowd. He just carries himself like a badass.

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Lu delivers again, possibly the best episode yet.. The back stage stuff was immense inc Black Lotus, the in ring stuff Jonny Mundo vs Angelico was deffo MOTYC.. Aero star vs Drago is building to greatness and the 聽Trios had a story.. WWE should take note. Best thing on he box by a mile

Pentagon Jr is also awesome

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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! It's gone trios crazy!

The show started with a re-cap of the recent storylines featuring Ivelisse & Son of Havoc, Sexy Star & Pentag贸n Jr, and Price Puma & Hernandez. So that's your line-up for tonight.

In Dario Cueto's office, Konnan and Prince Puma were told by Cueto that they should find two partners for the trios tournament. They would face King Cuerno next week, and he'd already got his partners.

Also, Prince Puma would be facing King Cuerno tonight. And it would be for the Lucha Underground title. Sweet.

The announcers welcomed us to the show and Vampiro gushed about Sergio Arau, our musical guest for the week.

Hey, it's Melissa Santos! She introduced the team of Ang茅lico, Ivelisse & Son of Havoc - and then Drago, F茅nix & Aero Star - for the opening trios tournament bout.

The story of this match was partners not getting along. Drago and Aero Star, torn apart by their best-of-five series, bickered and came to blows, and cost their team the match.

Ivelisse wanted little to do with either Ang茅lico or Son of Havoc, and outright walked away when Havoc tried to make a tag. It didn't matter, because he made his own save and got the win with a shooting star press.

This was very spotty, as you'd expect, and suffered a little for that. Still, I've seen worse. This week.

Backstage, Prince Puma was training and was interrupted by Konnan. Konnan said he'd found Puma a partner - Hernandez - which Puma didn't seem to like. It's weird, because Hernandez has done nothing wrong to Puma yet, so he's acting like a jealous child.

Johnny Mundo appeared and said that Puma had already found a partner, so I guess that's their trio. He said he'd have Puma's back in the main event tonight.

Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced Super Fly, who was already in the ring, and then Sexy Star, who made her way down the steps in a very short skirt.

The announcers told us that this match had been made for reasons. I'm really not sure why. Does it matter?

Dario Cueto leaned out of his office and told them that he wanted a fight tonight, and that because they were friends he'd have to add something to the mix. He made it a m谩scara contra m谩scara match - loser has to unmask - and they both lost their shit.

Now here's a thing: luchas apuestas, as these stipulation matches are known in Mexico, are usually pretty big deals. The loser often gets a HUGE pay-off to compensate for losing their mask or their hair, and they come at the end of months of feuding.

This was made just now, with no prior tip-off, and thus is contrary to luchas apuestas tradition. BUT Super Fly lost his match in Mexico last year, and has wrestled a few times here without it, which really shouldn't happen. So think of this as simply putting the universe straight...

I guess I gave away the winner there, didn't I? Yeah, Super Fly lost, when Sexy Star pinned him with a roll-up of all things. It wasn鈥檛 a great match, truth be told. Functional. After the match, he offered his mask to Sexy Star, who reluctantly took it, and we all got a good look at Super Fly - he's one of the rare luchadores who looks better without his mask so he'll be okay.

Suddenly, Pentag贸n Jr appeared, and knocked Sexy Star out of the ring and then broke Super Fly's arm. Sexy Star stopped him from doing it last week so payback's a bitch. I suspect this isn't over...

Pentag贸n Jr rules so hard.

Hey, it's our main event! Melissa Santos introduced the champion, Prince Puma, who came to the ring with Hernandez & Johnny Mundo, and wearing a puma skin as a headdress.

King Cuerno then came out, wearing his deer skin headdress, and we waited for his partners to emerge. They soon appeared, and it was Texano & Cage! This is BIG TIME.

They locked up and King Cuerno caught Prince Puma in an armlock. They went back and forth, with Puma trying to escape, but Cuerno kept it on.

Puma launched into some kicks but Cuerno rolled out of the ring. He tried to come back in, but Puma kicked him out again and then hit a dive. Unfortunately, he was caught by Cage and Texano, who threw him to that mat, and Cuerno hit a neckbreaker on the outside.

Cuerno brought Puma back into the ring and hit some kicks, and stomps, and a clothesline in the corner. Cuerno distracted the referee and Texano & Cage attacked Puma. Puma fought back with a Superman Punch and a flurry of punches, and then threw Cuerno to the outside.

Puma dived onto Cuerno and then Mundo hit a corkscrew onto Cage and Texano. Cage dragged Cuerno back into the ring and Hernandez told Puma to get back in, too.

Puma botched a springboard into the ring but then hit a side slam for a nearfall. Puma missed a 450 splash, then Cuerno hit a series of German suplexes. Hernandez got up on the apron and clapped Cuerno round the ears, and Puma kicked him to set up the 630 splash.

Puma seemed to scold Hernandez for his interference, and then hit the 630 for the win.

After the match, Hernandez got in to celebrate with Puma, who wanted nothing of it. Jealous child. He eventually acquiesced into letting Hernandez raise his arm but they were attacked by Cage, and an all-out brawl ensued as the show went off the air.

This was a Good Show. Not a great show, but a decent effort. Storylines are moving forward and we've got another big show next week. And it's all moving towards Ultimo Lucha in a couple of months. Great stuff.

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LU is going on a long hiatus by all accounts, after next month. No idea when they're going to start taping again, because the producer Eric Van Wagenen is doing the Apprentice. It was only supposed to be a 3 month break, but now its looks like its going to be longer. Which is a bit of a bummer.

Its going to be interesting to see the look of the show when it comes back, because they are planning on some big changes. They want Jim Ross, they want some big names in so they can start touring and selling merch. It looks like there's going to be some recognizable faces on the show now. Maybe the long stretch off will get their ducks in a row so they can start making money on this thing. Just a shame its going to be off air for ages.

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They've enough in the can to see them through August, when they're having the big 2-hour season finale, so it's a case of if and when they start taping Season Two.

Well bugger me. I read it as 8/5/2015. Not 5/8/2015. Fucking Americans. Glad its still got a couple of months left.

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The original plan was for 39 weeks of shows (plus 2 weeks off over Christmas) and 11 weeks off. Not sure how much that's changed but apparently ratings are *much* better lately.

If I were them I'd transition Cuerno into el Hijo del Fantasma (or explain why he's adopted a different gimmick in the US) and unmask Mil Muertes as Mes铆as. That way they could at least use some AAA footage in the break :)

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