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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! It's your favourite show! What's that? What the hell is Homes Under The Hammer?

The show started with the usual re-cap, this week focussing on Ivelisse & Son of Havoc, Alberto el Patr贸n & Texano, and Prince Puma & Cage.

The announcers thanked Amandititita, your band again this week, and plugged tonight's matches, including TWO title bouts! In a promotion with only one title!

Hey, it's Melissa Santos! She introduced Ang茅lico, who was already in the ring, and then Son of Havoc, who was accompanied by Ivelisse, came down to fight.

So they had a great match. I really like these two. Son of Havoc has grown on me so much. Good work, fella.

Ivelisse was on the outside and kept yelling at Son of Havoc to get the job done. He had Ang茅lico down and went up top, and then asked for a mic'.

He told Ivelisse that he realised why he'd been losing all the time - her. He told her she was dumped and then hit a shooting star press for the win.

After the match, the crowd chanted "YOU GOT DUMPED!" at Ivelisse as Son of Havoc waved goodbye to her as he left the arena. Ang茅lico tried to offer himself as a replacement but Ivelisse superkicked him unconscious. He's such a good skeeve.

Backstage, Dario Cueto was talking to a mysterious man in his office, welcoming him to Lucha Underground. He said Konnan had recommended him highly and it was revealed to be Hernandez, although if you didn't know who Hernandez was you'd never know that. Cueto offered his hand and Hernandez fist-bumped him. Awkward.

Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced the combatants for our next match - the AAA Megacampe贸n Title Match!

The challenger, el Texano (he's dropped the "Jr" here, which makes me uncomfortable but I'll go with it), came out first, and he had his own bull rope with him. Given this is a Bull Rope match, that seems a little redundant.

The champion, Alberto el Patr贸n, was out next, and the crowd went wild. I was on an island becoming the world's best archer when he was in WWE - how did they drop the ball so badly with him?

So they had a Bull Rope match, which suffered a bit for the rope being too long. But they used it well, and Alberto el Patr贸n even grabbed el Texano's rope for a bit of whipping at one point.

Alberto el Patr贸n got the win as el Texano was beating on him with a cowbell and Alberto locked on an armbar over the ropes for the submission victory.

It was an okay match, but their whole feud has felt a bit rushed, and to go straight to a stipulation match felt a bit off. It's a sideshow, I guess, to bring Alberto el Patr贸n in and establish his BIG IN MEXICO credentials. They did that, alright.

Backstage, Prince Puma was training for his title match with Cage. Hernandez came in and Konnan welcomed him, telling Puma they were together in the old days in LAX. Puma seemed irked by Hernandez and Konnan told him to remember what he taught him...

Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced Cage - who, thankfully, has dropped the Brian part of his name that he's using in Mexico - and then the champion, Prince Puma. Hernandez was shown in the front row.

This is Boyle Heights Street Fight match for the Lucha Underground Championship, earned by Cage when he defeated Puma a few weeks ago when Konnan threw in the towel to save Puma from a beating. In their match before that, Cage had destroyed Puma, and left Konnan a bloody mess. This feud has HEAT.

At the start, Puma dropkicked Cage but Cage clotheslined Puma out of the ring. Outside, Puma threw cage into the ringpost and then went for a huracanrana, but Cage caught him and threw him into the ringpost.

Cage threw Puma into the barriers and then grabbed a chair from under the ring. He went to hit Puma but Puma kicked him to block it.

Puma grabbed a bin lid and whacked Cage a bunch of times. The crowd chanted for a table, so Puma found one and set it up on the outside.

Cage whacked Puma with the bin lid, and they traded blows, still outside the ring. Well, it is a Street Fight...

Puma hit a Shooting Star Press off the top and set Cage up on the table. Puma then hit a 450 splash onto Cage, putting them both through the table. He rolled Cage into the ring and went for a pin, Cage kicked out and pushed Puma out of the ring.

Cage grabbed the chair and put it over Puma's head and then threw him into the ringpost, before going after Konnan, throwing him into the barriers.

Cage grabbed a bin and threw Puma into the ring. Puma came back and hit Cage with a chair shot before going up top聽 for the 450 splash.

He missed and Cage hit a discus clothesline for a nearfall. He hit Weapon X, then hit some strikes, before powerbombing Puma twice.

Cage then called out Hernandez, and Konnan came into the ring while he was distracted and hit Cage over the head with his swank new steel cane. With Cage down, Puma went to the top again and hit his 450 splash for the win.

This was a good match. Not a great match, but a very good one. These two work well together.

This was a Good Show. It's beginning to suffer a little from too much going on, meaning we don't see some of the major characters for weeks on end - where is Black Lotus? - but that helps to keep things fresh. It's still the best wrestling show on TV by a country mile right now - it's up to the others to match it.

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First things first, I like Lucha Underground, but...

Two no DQ style matches on one show is a little bit much. Similarly, the show was always going to be hard pushed to match up to last week's show. That said I don't really 'feel' anything for el Patron or Texano. If you were to describe Alberto's work to me, it sounds good but there is just something that does not add up for me. I don't know what it is but there is just something that stops me from really getting into his matches. He is clearly decent in the ring, decent on the mic but there is that something missing for me. Please tell me I'm not alone?! I think one of the problems, for me, is that El Patron and Texano both wrestle such a world away from the rest of the show. The main event last week and the opener this week have a distinct feel about them. They don't have the WWE/TNA style feel about them that Alberto and Texano seem to have. Maybe the feud has been too rushed, I don't know.聽

The main event, because it was another No DQ style effort felt a bit 'samey' as the previous match to me. And, for all I am saying about Texano and Alberto's style, I don't mind it when it comes to Cage. Maybe it is because his opponent has a different style, I don't know. However, on that note, a bit worried about Hernandez coming in.

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Why would you worry about Hernendez coming in? This is a promotion that had Chavo in one of my favourite tag matches last year. Fucking Chavo of all people. They made Big Ryck and Mundo a million times better than they had been previously. If Hernendez is going to look like a star anywhere, it's here.

(Admittedly I haven't seen the show yet, so I retract my statement if he now looks like shit.)

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You are entirely correct about Mundo and Big Ryck. They've both been stars, although I always liked Mundo anyway. Sure, he lacks in certain departments but he is always entertaining. The thing about Hernandez, he's been around for years without ever really doing anything. He shows glimpses of promise followed by long periods of stagnation. You're right though, that, given their track record, Lucha Underground could be a great place for him. Fingers crossed it is.

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I've found with Lucha Underground to just take things as they come. Hated Ryk as EJ and was never a fan of Morrison but it works on LU. I always liked Hernandez on TNA, interested to see what he does. 聽

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Yeah I liked him in TNA, a hell of a lot more than I liked Morrison or Jackson in WWE. The guy has buckets of potential but needs protecting. With Homicide and Konnan helping hide his weakness he was part of one of TNA's hottest acts. Sadly TNA is a company who didn't know how to book Samoa Joe (probably the easiest person in the world to book.)

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Lu is still the best thing going on, caught up last night. The one and only thing I dont get nor buy into is the Texano/El Patron feud that was hoisted on us and seemingly never dies. I know it's huge for Triple A I know El Patron brings star quality, but, please can they fuck off with it now.

Rest of it, Awesome as usual :)

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According to a report on PWInsider, Lucha Underground have registered to trademark the following names:

Barrio Negro聽
Disciples of Death聽
El Sinestro De La Muerte聽
Pascual Mendoza聽
The Golden Warrior聽
Delavar Daivari

Do any of those ring any bells with any of the Lucha fans on here? Obviously some will relate to North American wrestlers too. There are one or two names there that intrigue me!

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