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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! Who's the mystery man that kidnapped Black Lotus? We don't find out this week!


The show started with a re-cap of the current storylines featuring Alberto el Patrón & Texano Jr, Mil Muertes & Catrina & Fénix, and Sexy Star & Big Ryck & The Crew.

Alberto was in Dario Cueto's office. He demanded a match with Texano Jr tonight. Cueto offered him Ricky Mandel. He again demanded Texano Jr, and Cueto offered him Famous B. Alberto was not happy and demanded Texano Jr again but Cueto said that a match like that would take two weeks to promote, and offered him el hijo del Havoc.

Alberto got angry and cleared Cueto's desk, and Cueto agreed that it did sound like the making of a great main event. Alberto thanked Cueto and left the office, leaving Cueto fingering his bull...


Matt Striker and Vampiro welcomed us to the show, thanked tonight's band, Amandititita, and said we would see Alberto el Patrón versus Texano Jr for the first time on American soil tonight!


Hey, it's Melissa Santos! She introduced Mil Muertes, who got a huge cheer on his way to the ring. He's fighting Fénix, who also got a huge cheer. Tonight's audience are pumped.


Fénix jumped an approaching Mil Muertes before the bell and they had quite a match. The contrast between Fénix's fast-paced offense, and Mil Muertes's stalking pace, was well-worked.


Mid-way through the match, Catrina came out and walked to ringside, no clue as to which man she was with this week, though sadly I'm not in the running.


The finish came when Fénix went up top and Mil Muertes slammed him to the mat, and hit the Flatliner for the win.


After the match, Muertes beckoned Catrina into the ring but she shook her head at him. He grabbed her by the throat and threw her into the corner. Fénix got hold of Muertes's Mystical Rock™ and smacked him upside the head with it, before knocking him down with an enzuigiri.


Catrina delivered the kiss of death to Mil Muertes and then kissed the face off of Fénix...


They showed a Konnan video, with quotes from Sun Tzu's "Art Of War" about deception in warfare. He vowed revenge on Cage.


Ivelisse was in Dario Cueto's office, demanding she be installed as the number one contender to Prince Puma's title because of her win over Angélico the other week.

Cueto pointed out that she only got that win because Son of Havoc interfered - Havoc shrugged an "I know!" – but that if she wanted to prove herself she could face Angélico again next week, with Son of Havoc prevented from interfering... by being named referee!


Ivelisse grabbed Havoc by the beard and left. Angélico just kind of relaxed his way out of the office, too, before being called back by Cueto to close the door.


In the depths of the Temple, Prince Puma was working out with a punch bag when Alberto el Patrón appeared. He told Puma that he didn't know how Konnan motivated him but that if he wanted to keep the title he needed to man up. He then told him to pay close attention to his match tonight, because if Puma holds onto the title, he's coming for it.


Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced Big Ryck, who was already in the ring, and then Sexy Star, who came down to the ring in her long, black ringcoat.


They're fighting for the reward of a three-on-one match with The Crew, each of them having their own beef, although I'd say Big Ryck's "having his eye burned out by a cigar" slightly outweighs Sexy Star's "had a match once".


So this was a horrible thing waiting to happen that didn't turn out all that horrible. Star knocked Ryck down once but other than that he dominated, and got the win by pinning her, strongly, after thinking better of hitting his big slam.


After the match, The Crew stormed the ring and attacked Big Ryck. Sexy Star tried to help but got beaten down. Cisco tried to push a kendo stick into Ryck's good eye but Ryck kicked him off, and hit a double clothesline to take out the other members of The Crew.


He ripped off his eye-patch and stood in the centre of the ring, daring The Crew to attack. They did not.


After a break, Melissa introduced our main event - Alberto el Patrón versus Texano (who seems to have dropped the "Jr" on Lucha Underground)!


Alberto came to the ring wearing the AAA MegaCampeón belt, which Matt Striker informed us he had won from Texano last year. They showed a video of Alberto detailing his history in the sport, and explaining why he left his previous employer – “they reached out to me with one hand, and slapped me with the other.”


Texano came to the ring and they had a standard lucha libre brawl, which Striker explained for those unfamiliar with that type of match. They locked up early on, and gradually loosened up. Texano rolled to the outside, and Alberto chased him, and was met by a boot on his return to the ring.


Texano landed some punches, and a suplex, and Alberto fought back with a huracánrana. He got the mount and pounded away on Texano, before tossing him outside, and hitting a topé suicida. Texano was first up, and threw Alberto into the barricades and a ringpost.


Texano kept the heat on Alberto back in the ring, until he climbed to the top rope and Alberto tripped him. A huge superplex left both men down on the mat, and when they recovered they traded blows. Alberto hit some clotheslines, and then a backbreaker and a backstabber. He readied a superkick but Texano dodged it and hit a spinebuster.


He set Alberto up on the top rope and then kicked him in the head. Nice. He undid the opposite turnbuckle pad, which referee Marty Elias did not like, and - while the referee was fixing it – he took his bullrope and beat Alberto with it.


Alberto fought back and signalled for his armbar submission but Texano powerbombed him for a nearfall. Alberto grabbed Texano’s arm and drove his knees into it, preparing it for the armbar, and Texano went for his bullrope. Before he could grab it, Alberto hit a DDT.


Spying the bullrope, Alberto picked it up and began whipping Texano with it. The referee, by this time finished with the turnbuckle pad, had no choice but to call for the DQ.


In Dario Cueto’s office, King Cuerno – looking SWANK in a cowboy shirt and cowboy hat – told Cueto he would face Johnny Mundo next week. In a cage match! And that’s your show!


This was a Good Show. The in-ring action was variable, but the whole package delivered. Yes, it lacks a feeling of building to a particular point, but it keeps on rolling along. And Rey Mysterio isn’t far away…

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I'm going to Arena Mexico for their Tuesday night show in a few weeks (shortly after Mania). Anyone been before? Any tips, or things to avoid? We're doing a an organised trip put together by Viator,

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I'm going to Arena Mexico for their Tuesday night show in a few weeks (shortly after Mania). Anyone been before? Any tips, or things to avoid? We're doing a an organised trip put together by Viator,

Forum poster Phil Jones has been - 

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I'm going to Arena Mexico for their Tuesday night show in a few weeks (shortly after Mania). Anyone been before? Any tips, or things to avoid? We're doing a an organised trip put together by Viator,


Forum poster Phil Jones has been -
Yep, went a few years back and did three Arena Mexico shows (our trip coincided with the one Sunday a month they run Arena Mexico so we missed out on Arena Coliseo although we did go and have a look at it) plus a Lucha Fan Fest event.


We went before they started doing organised tours so we went on our own steam.


We got ripped off by a tout on the first night - we thought we were buying off an official outlet but a tout was sat next to a ticket window and sold us a ticket for double face value! After that we learnt to go to the proper ticket booth (last stop on the video above).


They are loads of cool merch stalls outside selling old magazines, bootleg DVDs, bootleg figures, bootleg shirts and masks of various qualities. You can haggle with these guys and get a good deal on multiple purchases. There is a small official merch stand inside.


Beer service is awesome. You can order from your seat and the beer gets passed down the row. As does your change, you may have to wait a bit for your change but you will get it!


They don't like cameras in Arena Mexico. They frisk you before going in and any cameras will wind up in a holding area until after the show. You can take smartphones in. A developed the technique of holding my phone in my hand as they frisked me. I did get told off by Arena Mexico security for filming the above video as well.


Some bars are a bit dodgy. We went in for one for a quiet drink. We then got asked if we wanted to buy some girls a drink, they tried to get us up dancing. We weren't having any of it, beers got knocked over, people got angry and we ended up legging it. That was the only issues we had a Mexico City (not counting a very bad stomach on the last day!).


Have a great time, Mexico is amazing!

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God Myzteziz vs Perro from last week is a bit like a time warp. Everybody bleeds. Perro busts open Myzteziz and smears the blood on himself like war paint (not unusual for Perro) but then proceeds to wipe the blood on the faces of his fans and their t-shirts. He also terrifies a bunch of them at one point because it's pretty believable he's a nutter I suppose. Then Perro bleeds an absolute gusher, the most disgusting blade job since Eddie, and then finally the referee bleeds because why not? It ends up looking like a grindhouse movie.

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Brilliant, though, wasn't it?


This was my review of the main:



Hey, it’s our main event! It’s Myzteziz vs el Hijo del Perro Aguayo!


The fans went wild for el Hijo del Perro Aguayo. I told you they were rudo. One of the fans tried to take a selfie with Perro and he acted disgusted. Good lad.


Myzteziz came out to terrible music. The announcer tried to get the crowd chanting for him. Only kids responded. Sucks to be Juan Cena, eh?


El Hijo del Perro Aguayo is so suave. And he cemented that suaveness by attacking Myzteziz before the bell. And then whacking him with a chair. SUAVE!


This was announced as a Mano a Mano match. Whether that means you can use chairs, I don’t know. Hardly anyone gets DQ’d in AAA anyway.


Myzteziz busted out the first topé of the match. At this point it very much looked like he was going to need them to combat the rampant chairshots.


Perro got straight to the mask tearing. Which is odd, because he hasn’t really got any hair to speak of – certainly not enough to put up against Myzteziz’s mask. Maybe what used to be a trail for a lucha de apuesta is now just a transition move?


During the mask tearing, Myzteziz got colour. And Perro was biting at the wound. And licking the blood. PG! Of course, during all this, the old man referee, Rafael el Maya, looked on, ineffectively.


There was more tearing, more biting, and then Perro began wiping blood on the camera. And on the fans. A fat woman in the crowd had a poster of herself and Perro, captioned “Perro (dog), aqui está tu Perra! (here is your bitch!)” She ended up with his blood all over her. I hope she doesn’t use the DNA to clone him for sex purposes.


Obviously at the end of his tether, Myzteziz began dealing out chairshots and Perro got colour. Myzteziz then grabbed a table. And a plasterboard. Because LET’S DO THIS.


Back in the ring, Perro got smashed through the plasterboard, It looked all explosive and cool. Both men, by this point, are a bloody mess. And I’m not channelling William Regal when I say that.


Myzteziz had his working boots on. He’s stepped up with no el Patrón Alberto around. And soon he’ll be shoved down to number three on the card. Such is life.


A sad looking man walked down the aisle carrying a broom, resigned to cleaning up this mess.


Remember that table Myzteziz set up? Yeah, he just got pushed off the top rope through it. And then Perro grabbed the sad man’s broom, and broke it over Myzteziz’s back. Regardless, men were sweeping up and taking away wreckage as the match continued.


Myzteziz found his FUEGO~! but the old man counts so slowly. Myzteziz got three nearfalls that could have been Bundy five counts.


Perro reached the end of his tether and just punted Myzteziz in the balls. The ref told him off so Perro hit him with a chair and then stood on his head. I think that might be a DQ.


Some goons hit the ring and pulled Perro off as the ref lay covered in Perro’s blood. A white-coated doctor came out to check on the ref, and Myzteziz and Perro brawled until goons kept them apart. All the while, a baby in the front row looked on, nonchalantly.

They brought out a stretcher for the ref and Perro walked around ringside, wiping blood on anyone that wanted it, and fistbumping a small child…


This was fucking GREAT. And it was to set up a TAG MATCH. Awesome.

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I think they might actually be heading to a mask vs hair match between the two. Perro has never lost his hair so it'd be a big deal, although it'd be nice if he started growing it out again. It's either that or Perro vs Alberto which seemed to be their original plan but seems to have fallen by the wayside because Alberto isn't always around. If it's the former it presumably means Alberto is facing Texano again which isn't remotely interesting at this point. That leaves Rey floating around. Rey and Fenix against Pentagon and Fantasma would be a lot of fun, and good for everyone involved but seems unlikely.


They've got the variables to put on a great card for Triplemania, with both matches with a lot of history and fresh matches but that's not their style.


Also there's no way the fans who jump the rails during Perros entrances aren't plants. There's always one.

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Then I don't know what you're looking for in wrestling. It's the best wrestling story: unstoppable monster heel brutalizes never-say-die babyface who fights valiantly for his life.


But yes I suppose like all matches if you don't know the build-up it's never quite as good. So you should be watching Lucha Underground then...it's fantastic.


Mil Muertes is a scary motherfucker. He's like a wrestling equivalent of Jason Vorhees. Plus his trousers are hella' snazzy.

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I haven't watched LU in a month or so now. It just felt as though each episode was the same thing, probably because there was nothing to build towards. It's a shame because I was getting really into it. The first four or six episodes were the most I'd enjoyed a wrestling TV show in years. I watched the first five minutes of that video but I struggle to enjoy wrestling if I don't appreciate the reasons for the match. At least with NXT you feel like there's an end goal to what's happening.

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