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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Lucha Future, the group running the Royal Albert Hall version of the July London lucha shows, gas confirmed the following:


Today we are proud to announce fifteen of the sixteen wrestlers:


Blue Demon Jr., La Parka , Psycho Clown, Villano IV, Magno, Hijo Del Fantasma, Pentagon, Fenix, Texano Jr., Blue Demoncito Jr., Mini Histeria, Octagoncito, Mini Abismo Negro, and our two luchadoras Sexy Star, Faby Apache. The sixteenth big star mystery luchador is to be named nearer the time

So, mainly AAA-associated luchadors.

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Lucha Future, the group running the Royal Albert Hall version of the July London lucha shows, gas confirmed the following:


Today we are proud to announce fifteen of the sixteen wrestlers:


Blue Demon Jr., La Parka , Psycho Clown, Villano IV, Magno, Hijo Del Fantasma, Pentagon, Fenix, Texano Jr., Blue Demoncito Jr., Mini Histeria, Octagoncito, Mini Abismo Negro, and our two luchadoras Sexy Star, Faby Apache. The sixteenth big star mystery luchador is to be named nearer the time

So, mainly AAA-associated luchadors.




Great line up though :)


Really fancy going to this :)

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Lucha Future, the group running the Royal Albert Hall version of the July London lucha shows, gas confirmed the following:



Today we are proud to announce fifteen of the sixteen wrestlers:


Blue Demon Jr., La Parka , Psycho Clown, Villano IV, Magno, Hijo Del Fantasma, Pentagon, Fenix, Texano Jr., Blue Demoncito Jr., Mini Histeria, Octagoncito, Mini Abismo Negro, and our two luchadoras Sexy Star, Faby Apache. The sixteenth big star mystery luchador is to be named nearer the time

So, mainly AAA-associated luchadors.

Great line up though :)


Really fancy going to this :)

Very strong line-up, and one that is likely of interest to Lucha Underground fans given the presence of Fenix, Texano, Pentagon, Sexy Star, Demon and Fantasma (King Cuerno).


The La Parka listed, remember, is the AAA replacement version that was originally La Parka Jr, not the one that was in WCW. That one is now L.A. ParK.


The competing Lucha Libre World show across town is currently advertising El Hijo Del Santo, Dr Wagner Jr, Cassandro and Mascarita Sagrada. Wouldn't surprise me to see L.A. ParK added to this one, actually.


Magno, incidentally, is currently being listed for BOTH.


"The London Lucha Wars".



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Another great show this week from LU. They are so damn consistent.


One thing I didn't like was the result of the main event. Nothing against Sexy Star, but The Crew have been made to look so strong in the past few weeks. I get the fact Big Ryck assisted but in my opinion that could have happened after the match.


Ah well, only a minor gripe.


Texano is super cool BTW.

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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! And vengeance is in the air!


The show started with Big Ryck in a church, presumably after giving the confession he gave last week. He declared he would get vengeance!


Matt Striker and Vampiro welcomed us to the show. Striker said that Alberto el Patron is in the building tonight, but so is Texano Jr. He also said Chavo Guerrero Jr was looking to get his revenge on Mil Muertes tonight...


Melissa Santos introduced Mil Muertes, who came down to the ring with Catrina. He looked sad. If that's possible.


He's fighting Chavo Guerrero Jr, and Chavo is angry because Mil beat him up last week. Chavo's also been targeted by Mexican luchadors of late since, well, he started beating them up.


Muertes was all over Chavo to start with, throwing him around like a rag doll. Chavo made a comeback and started working on Muertes's leg.


Catrina then came down to the ring. Man, she looked amazing. She was holding the rock that Mil Muertes draws some kind of power from. While Muertes was distracted, Chavo grabbed a chair and smacked Muertes for the DQ.


Muertes no-sold the chair shot and hit back. He dropped Chavo with the Flatliner onto the chair, and then grabbed Catrina. He forced her towards Chavo and indicated that she should give him the kiss of a thousand deaths, which is licking his face.


She declined and Muertes choked her, and then prepared to hit her with a Flatliner, but Fenix made the save. Catrina kissed Fenix and mocked Muertes. This one isn't over...


Backstage, the woman called Black Lotus picked a lock and walked into the depths of the Temple...


Dario Cueto was in his office with the Crew. They had matching vests that said "The Crew", so you knew it was them. He said they had done well for him and wanted to reward them with a main event match. He made a No DQ six-man, against Sexy Star, Pimpinela Escarlata, and Mascarita Sagrada. He said the Crew's only job was to hurt them so bad that they never come back.


Hey, it's Ivelisse! She was in the ring with Son of Havoc, who was ready for a re-match with Angelico. However, she said that after weeks of losing it's probably better if she fought on his behalf. Poor Son of Havoc.


Angelico came out and did not want to fight a woman. She slapped him and then hit a drop toehold. He still didn't want to fight, and countered all her moves.


She took to the top rope and hit a huracanrana, and he finally threw her up into the air, landing flat on her front in what Striker called a "$12,000 bump".


While Ivelisse was down, Son of Havoc kicked Angelico in the head and he fell backwards over Ivelisse, who pinned him for the win.


After the match, Ivelisse was not grateful to Son of Havoc. Poor Son of Havoc. Angelico got on the mic' and said that if she ever wanted to go one-on-one with him without Son of Havoc around, it would be his pleasure. I think he's talking about sex.


After a break, Melissa Santos introduced Superfly, who was already in the ring. He was wearing his mask, which is all kinds of wrong. He's fighting Texano Jr, who was announced as being from Baja California. So shouldn't he be Baja Californio Jr?


Before the match started, they went to a sit-down interview between Vampiro and Texano Jr, conducted in Spanish. Texano Jr got angry with Vampiro for saying Alberto had beaten him to become AAA Megacampeon, but it was otherwise the usual stuff.


Back in the ring, they traded early on but Texano Jr took over and got the win with a neckbreaker. As he stood over Superfly, Alberto appeared up on the balcony, to a huge response from the crowd.


Texano Jr beckoned him down and Alberto took him up on the offer, and they brawled around the ring, before Alberto grabbed hold of Texano Jr's bullrope and whipped him and beat him with it until some goons made the save. They will have a match next week!


Dario Cueto was in his office, and was interrupted by Cage, who was wearing the remnants of the title belt around his neck. He told Cueto he wanted to be crowned Lucha Underground champion, but Cueto rightly pointed out that he had failed to beat Prince Puma.


However, he gave Cage another shot at Puma - a non-title shot - and if he won that then he'd get a shot at the belt again. Cage told him to make sure it was a proper belt next time.


As Cage left, Chavo walked in. He said he was quitting and Cueto wished him the best with future endeavours. Chavo looked back in anger and Dario muttered to himself that the gods would not be pleased with this.


Backstage, Black Lotus found the cage where Cueto keeps Matanza. She told the monster - still unseen - that the only thing she ever wanted to be when grew up was to be the one to kill him with her bare hands. Before she could act, someone threw a bag over her head and dragged her away.


Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced The Crew, who were already in the ring, and then introduced their opponents.


They all brawled in the ring, and then out of it, until Pimpinela Escarlata and Cortez Castro were left in the ring on their own. Castro grabbed a kendo stick and beat on Pimpi, who rolled out of the ring to the floor.


Mascarita Sagrada came on and Mr Cisco beat him down. Sagrada made a comeback and knocked Cisco out of the ring and hit a tope suicida onto him. Cisco recovered and dropped Sagrada onto the ring apron. They stomped his head onto a steel chair and that was him done.


That left Sexy Star against three men. She took them all out and then hit a DDT on Bael on the outside. She went back and forth with Castro and Cisco, and got a two count, before the Crew put the boots to her in the middle of the ring.


Big Ryck - complete with eyepatch - appeared at the top of the stairs and a distracted Bael fell victim to a roll-up for a Sexy Star victory. The Crew slunk away as Big Ryck stood with Sexy Star in the ring...


This was a Good Show. The in-ring action, although mostly short, was fast and furious and engaging. And the telenovela skits were great. I love this show. You should, too.

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My only criticism of this week's LU was that the Big Ryck appearance at the end wasn't nearly as dramatic as it should have been. I had been properly looking forward to that moment since last week's incredible confession vignette. All the build up throughout this week's episode really helped to heighten my anticipation too, but the way it went down just felt a bit flat in the end. Masterful booking to put that main event together to set the scene for Big Ryck to return, it has to be said, but to have him just appear with no music, walk to the ring and watch the Crew run away was a bit weak. I would have liked to have seen a much more dramatic use of music, lighting and a badass outfit for him to really intimidate those cholos.

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I know Cueto said for the Crew to destroy their opponents rather than win, but I just can't see how Sexy Star beating all three of them makes them look like the badass heels that was intended. Big Ryck does look awesome in LU though, and there's definitely room for some gang warfare there if he can get together a new group. Interesting to see where it goes anyway. In LU I trust.

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Lu+U delivers again. No death defying antics this week which was odd and short but brutal matches. Rycks return was perfectly done in terms of them being marked men ditto with Fenix vs Mil Muertes which should be fun


Chavo's Future Endeavours was funny and I'm assuming but not hoping that things dont go all serious now Mascarita and Pimpinellas have been written out. Sexy Star had some important stuff first few weeks and with not all wrestlers allocated 'a slot' it's good to see some feuds bust out. 


Texano vs Patron is a waste as is like a mini vasion and doesnt really fit, Superfly being buried as well as Angelico's loss was weird. Son of Havoc will be facing Ivelisse at some point?>

During the version I watched there was an ad break with an LU promo. Could swear blind that one of the guys featured in the clips would be Samoa Joe.. Which would be interesting...

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That wasn't very good at all this week for me. The combo of the announcing and all the stuff with Mil Muertes (with added Chavo) really did my head in. Lucha Underground pretty much relies on who is on the show what with the guys they cycle in and out, and this recent episode had a load of shite on it. By far the worst episode. Wouldnt go as far to say it was WCW 2000/TNA level bad like everyone seems to be touting at the minute, but it wasn't that clever.


They need new announcers, man. Fucking hell this pair are dog shit.

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I don't really understand why they've transplanted the Texano vs Alberto feud over really but I suppose there must be a reason. They had decent matches I suppose, maybe that's why. It just seems odd that AAA now exists in terms of this one feud.

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The AAA issues will be odd. Because Mil Muertes and King Cuerno work there under different gimmicks. And Sexy Star & Ivelisse are heel & face there, not face & heel. And Superfly lost his mask. But AAA is an established promotion with an established fanbase, and if LU can bleed off some of that it's only for the best. And, as said, Alberto vs Texano Jr was a great feud. Seeing it again is no penance.


LU's biggest issue is that it has no natural point to build to. No PPV or big special. With a 39-show season, they should have slotted in "PPVs" for every show ending in a 9. Without that, it just goes on and on, like a bad Raw.


However, it's still magnificent. Even on a "bad" week it's still head and shoulders above any other show that isn't called NXT.

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I'm just not sure how much benefit there is in leeching off AAA at this point I guess.


I guess it also feels odd because the AAA feud has just concluded and mostly felt like a set up to Alberto feuding with Perro. And it seems like they could have put Alberto against someone with more credibility to the underground audience. I dunno, just seems odd.

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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! And I'm hooked on this damn soap opera!


The show started with the announcers telling us that Prince Puma was making his return tonight to take on Cage! And it wasn't even the main event!


Aerostar was already in the ring for the first match, and Melissa Santos introduced his opponent, Drago. These two had a match the other week, which was hard-fought and full of highspots. Drago won, and at the end they shook hands, signifying their mutual respect. A MATCH WITH HONOUR!


They shook hands to begin the match tonight - HONOUR! - and then went straight into it. It was a short match, and the first half was littered with errors, but they settled down into a decent contest, which Aerostar won with a springboard splash.


After the match, Dario Cueto came out of his office and congratulated both men. He told them he wanted more, and promised one of his "unique opportunities" to the first man to win two more matches in their series, which is now a best of five. Booking made simple.


Backstage, King Cuerno was shown training in slow motion. That is, the film was slow-motion, rather than him actually being in slow-motion himself. He did a slow-motion tope suicida, which was great because it's a thing of beauty and seeing it like that was awesome. He faces Johnny Mundo tonight. Now that's a main event.


Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced the combatants for our next lucha - Cage and Prince Puma!


This was non-title, and if Cage won he would get a title shot. They had a great match, evenly matched early on but with Cage slowly getting the upper hand as the match wore on.


Konnan came out to inspire Puma - the first time we'd seen him since Cage left him lying in a pool of blood the other week - and his encouragement helped Puma made the ropes to break a stretch muffler submission.


This effort took a lot out of Puma, and Cage took advantage, powerbombing him twice and then striking him from the mount, until Konnan grabbed a conveniently nearby towel, and threw it into the ring to give Cage the win by forfeit.


After the break, backstage, Puma was angry about how things had gone down, but Konnan told him that he'd done him a favour and that they needed to execute their plan...


In Dario Cueto's office, Cueto and Sexy Star sat down for a chat. An angry Sexy Star told Cueto she was tired of men saving her and that she wanted to fight the Crew, three-on-one.


Cueto mentioned that Big Ryck did, too, but she told him that she didn't want to team with Big Ryck. Cueto said that wasn't what he had in mind, and said she would fight Big Ryck and the winner would get to fight the Crew. Sexy Star was keener to have this match than I am to see it.


Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced Vinny Massaro, as the announcers gave us some background on him - a mixed martial-artist from northern California.


He's fighting Pentagon Jr, who's been on a roll lately, dedicating his matches to a mysterious master, and breaking the arms of his last two opponents after the match.


So this went a minute, tops. And Pentagon Jr won with a piledriver of sorts, before powerbombing Massaro through a table and then - yes - breaking his arm with his armbreaker submission move. Pentagon Jr is HUGELY over with this crowd. Maybe Roman Reigns should start breaking dudes' arms?


After a break, Melissa introduced the main event - King Cuerno versus Johnny Mundo! These two have been having a bit of a feud after Cuerno attacked Mundo during his match with Cage a few weeks back.


So they went back and forth for a while, until Cuerno kicked Mundo out of the ring and then hit THREE tope suicidas - the last of them while Mundo was laid out on the announcers' table.


The ref counted both men out, but that wasn't the end of it, as they brawled around the Temple until the show went off the air...


BUT! as the credits rolled, we saw a car driving along the LA streets, and when it finally stopped the trunk was opened and Black Lotus was inside. A masked man, who I think was the guy who was shown training Prince Puma in his video packages way back at the start of the series, asked her, "what do you know about lucha libre?"


This was a Good Show. It clipped along again at a steady pace, always entertaining and never dragging. The first match had some botched spots, which is annoying on a taped show, but it didn't detract too much from the great package this show always presents. If you're not watching it, you're a fool to yourself...

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