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The Lucha Libre Thread


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There's a few sites claiming that Vampiro is in the dog house due to his arsey retorts to some of Strikers commentating. Apparently they have to edit a lot of Vamp's commentary out in post production due to his language and general dickness.


for example: http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2015/0128/588966/lucha-underground-broadcast-team-issues/


If this is the case and he gets sent packing, who would you pick to call with Striker?

JR's name was passed around a bit but he hasn't apparently been contacted according to him. He also said something along the lines of he would need a very tempting offer to call a weekly show.


Is there anyone, preferably with a Lucha background who would fit the void? I don't know enough of the history to hazard a guess as to who is retired, respected and good/decent on the Mic.


Konnan would be a shout for me for obvious reasons, but he really fits well with his role at present.

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There's a few sites claiming that Vampiro is in the dog house due to his arsey retorts to some of Strikers commentating. Apparently they have to edit a lot of Vamp's commentary out in post production due to his language and general dickness.


for example: http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2015/0128/588966/lucha-underground-broadcast-team-issues/


If this is the case and he gets sent packing, who would you pick to call with Striker?


JR's name was passed around a bit but he hasn't apparently been contacted according to him. He also said something along the lines of he would need a very tempting offer to call a weekly show.


Is there anyone, preferably with a Lucha background who would fit the void? I don't know enough of the history to hazard a guess as to who is retired, respected and good decent on the Mic.


Konnan would a shout for me for obvious reasons, but he really fits well with his role at present.


Wow, I enjoy Vampiro toning Striker down. It's like when JR had to do it at WK9 but funnier. I've really taken to Vampiro as colour commentator so out of the two of them I'd prefer Striker to get shafted.

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There's a few sites claiming that Vampiro is in the dog house due to his arsey retorts to some of Strikers commentating. Apparently they have to edit a lot of Vamp's commentary out in post production due to his language and general dickness.


for example: http://www.wrestlinginc.com/wi/news/2015/0128/588966/lucha-underground-broadcast-team-issues/


If this is the case and he gets sent packing, who would you pick to call with Striker?


JR's name was passed around a bit but he hasn't apparently been contacted according to him. He also said something along the lines of he would need a very tempting offer to call a weekly show.


Is there anyone, preferably with a Lucha background who would fit the void? I don't know enough of the history to hazard a guess as to who is retired, respected and good decent on the Mic.


Konnan would a shout for me for obvious reasons, but he really fits well with his role at present.


Wow, I enjoy Vampiro toning Striker down. It's like when JR had to do it at WK9 but funnier. I've really taken to Vampiro as colour commentator so out of the two of them I'd prefer Striker to get shafted.


Same here, Vamp is easily the better half of the commentary team for me. His attitude and his look fits the presentation so much better than Striker or anybody else that I could think of to be honest. As much as I love Lucha Underground, I'd hate it if I had to put up with Striker alongside Jim Ross.

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I hate them both. They were OK on the first few episodes, but they have no chemistry whatsoever and just grate on me. Striker is worse, because at least Vamp shuts up for a while on the headset. Striker never does. Look at when Brian Cage ripped the belt in half. Matt Striker was more interested in referencing a time when Superstar Graham did the same thing, than try and get the angle over. That's why he was taken off WWE's announce table. I dont think people have still forgiven him for being there for Shawn Michaels retirement match and dulling it up. He just wants to prove how smart he is rather than do his job. Both have their own agendas on commentary and its not to get the wrestlers over. I'd like to see JR and Konnan doing Lucha Underground. Mauro Ranallo would be a good shout as well.

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I am gutted to concede it but I agree on the announce team front, the Cage/belt incident was unforgivable from a commentary standpoint, your job is to put workers/angles over and Striker completely omitted it. The belt ripping should have been a pinnacle moment (maybe a bit rushed as the belt has no real prestige yet) but still should have been an angle that made people see Cage and go 'oh sh*t'. Striker ruined it.


Most of the time I don't mind them, but I can see why Vampiro is perhaps getting a bit of heat and Striker single-handedly ruined what should have been a cracking segment.

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Great episode like you say but I've got a few worries. They seem to be a bit over protective of Mundo. Even after taking a chair to the leg, he was still very competitive, making Cage look a little weak. Cage also didn't look as much of a beast this week.

Still loving the show and look forward to each weeks show

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Any particular reason why aerostar is a glorified jobber? With that look and moveset he could be the poster child to kids and girls.


Also, where have i seen pentagons submission before? Was somebody in wwe or tna using it 


Not seen this weeks yet, will give it a watch tomorrow,but in the matches he has had he's taken the majority of the punishment and done the leg work for the rest of the teams he was with, like Cueto's boys whilst showcasing his completely insane offence. So he is being shown in a good light despite losing, if that makes sense


With regards to that LU really does play up to the fact that the high risk moves take a lot out of a wrestler in general and build that into stories going forward Puma's ribs or was it Fenix's ribs being taped and knackered from one week to the next is a nice continuity and part of the reason I like LU. if some one does something insane, then they are going to feel the effects of it and it carries over in to subsequent matches. Simple, smart and sensical.

I hated Pentagon,at the start, but he is growing on me and is apparently Fenix's brother in real life, the two couldnt be more different in the ring though

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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! We bowdy bowdy and rowdy rowdy!


The show started with a re-cap of some of the recent action - Johnny Mundo's issues with Dario Cueto, Prince Puma winning the title, the mysterious Chinese woman looking for "Matanza", and Cage bloodying up Konnan and tearing the title belt in half. This show packs a lot in.


The fabulous Mariachi El Bronx was this week's band, and Vampiro was wearing a swank jacket, possibly in honour of these great men.


Son of Havoc and Ivelisse were in the ring, and Ivelisse cut a talky on all those who've been down on Son of Havoc, saying she doesn't date losers.


Havoc is fighting Angelico, who made quite the debut a few weeks back, and the crowd are very into him. He's from South Africa but works in Mexico. It's a small world.


They had a GREAT match. They traded some holds before Angelico laid in some harsh kicks and knees. More back and forth before the first dive, an Angelico somersault senton to the outside. The crowd are really into Son of Havoc tonight, leading to some awkward duelling chants which try to fit "Let's go Angelico" into the meter of that chant.


They countered big moves from each other, and a sequence with Ivelisse up on the apron led to a series of fake-outs that someone was going to hit her, before Havoc accidentally speared her to the floor. Angelico cradled him for the win.


After the match, Havoc went out to check on Ivelisse but she pie-faced him and stormed off, leaving the crowd to chant, "you fucked up!" at him. Poor Son of Havoc.


We cut to Dario Cueto's office, where he's meeting Johnny Mundo. He said they have had their differences but hopefully they can work together because Mundo always gives him five-star main events. Tonight he'll fight Cage in what Cueto hopes will be another. Mundo told Cueto to get a new belt made.


More Mariachi el Bronx brings us back into the Temple where Melissa Santos introduces area jobber Famous B. He's fighting Pentagon Jr, who's on a bit of a rampage since Chavo Guerrero Jr turned on him a few weeks ago.


They showed a Pentagon Jr hype video, where he talked about his hybrid fighting style and took out a bunch of dudes. This was ace.


Back in the ring, Pentagon Jr kicks, chops, and kicks Famous B around the ring before hitting his package piledriver and a wacky double-arm submission for the win. He refuses to break it after the bell, and then put the ouch on Famous B, possibly breaking his arm.


Pentagon Jr cut a promo, pledging loyalty to his master, and reminding everyone he has "cero miedo" - zero fear - which the crowd had been chanting through his match.


Somewhere in the depths of the temple, Cueto is talking to whoever he has locked up in a cell. He told the monster that the Black Lotus had been looking for him and his new goal is to prevent her getting her hands on the key to Matanza's - for it is he - cell.


Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced Drago, who was already in the ring, and then Aerostar, his opponent. The announcers tell us this is good guy versus good guy, tecnico versus tecnico.


So, yeah, they had a good match. Not as good as the opener but it would be match of the night on a lot of shows. They hit all kinds of MOVES and DIVES and the crowd loved every minute of it.


Drago won the match with a running DDT and afterwards helped Aerostar up and shook his hand. Awww, you guys!


Backstage, Fenix was working out in the gym when he was approached by the sultry Catrina. She asked what could scare a man that cannot die and then told him she had a message for him, but not from Mil Muertes. She kissed his face off, and then told him not to tell anyone because Mil would bury them both alive. Ulp.


Hey, it's our main event! Johnny Mundo, with a new beard, came to the ring first, followed by Cage, who is wearing the two halves of the title belts as a trophy.


The first half of this match was a Johnny Mundo squash. Cage got NOTHING. And after the past few weeks of seeing Cage destroy people this reinforced that Mundo is this show's franchise player.


King Cuerno - the horny king! - was shown watching from the rafters, and the announcers speculated what he might be doing.


Cage came back into the match and got several two counts. Mundo got a few of his own, and Cage avoided the End of the World and ducked out to the floor. Mundo hit a corkscrew plancha over the ringpost to the outside and the crowd, quite rightly, chanted "this is awesome!"


Mundo jumped up on the apron, but King Cuerno ran down and clipped his knee, sending him to the floor. He put the punishment to Mundo with kicks and a chair to his knee, as Cage wandered off up the stairs to the locker room.


Dario Cueto came out and said that he couldn't let his five-star main event end like this and restarted the match. Both men were okay with that although Vampiro wondered if Cueto was being a dick.


Cage went after the knee and locked on a wacky submission but Mundo came back with the Moonlight Drive for a very nearfall. Cage got one of his own with a sloppy F5 and then locked on his Gory Special. He tried to turn it into the flatliner but Mundo countered it. A discus lariat from Cage and the Gory Special Flatiner got the pinfall.


In his office, Dario Cueto is talking to someone on the 'phone but is interrupted by a knock on the door. He opens it to find Alberto el Patron, who says, "my name is Alberto el Patron (told you), but then you already know that!" Alberto winked at the camera and that's your show.


This was a Very Good Show. It was obvious that it was the first of a new set of tapings, and everything looked a bit fresher. They had the right mix of backstage and in-ring, and the matches themselves were all action. I love Lucha Underground. I deserve to have nice things, right?

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Having now watched it

Son of Havoc vs Angelico was super sweet, Aerostar vs Drago was mint. and Johnny Mundo vs Cage was a MOTY stuff. I cant help loving this show. The wrestling's good, the storys are belting, how comes we cant get it legit.. Phenom stuff!!!!!!

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Looks like Lucha Underground is going to get really shit in the coming months.


From the Observer:

While this is probably just coincidental, Russo and Lucha Underground are in talks and he’s expected in Los Angeles for a meeting this coming week. The public story is that he’s going there to interview talent for his podcast, notably Maria Santos, the super attractive ring announcer. But Eric Van Wagenen has been pushing to get Russo in, and even those who think he’s not going to get in have said they figure when he’s there he’s going to make a push for it. Others have questioned it saying besides his track record and he’s got no background or knowledge of Mexican wrestling.





Right now the mood is very much that they need more ex-WWE stars with the idea of using more familiar faces to the masses will build numbers. The idea also is they need people who have been on major U.S. television because they are talking about touring this summer in Hispanic markets.


It was all going so well, too. Honestly, cant think of anything I want less than Vince Russo writing Lucha Underground.

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