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The Lucha Libre Thread


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There's something about Lucha Libre that's more accepted by the mainstream than most/all other types of wrestling. It's strange when you think about it too as it's one of the stranger styles. There's definitely a space for a monthly lucha event in London and probably further afield as well. After years of Britwres being the driveling shits, it's starting to look pretty ace recently.

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I think it's that Lucha Libre doesn't have the 'pretending to be real' stigma. Because it's primarily a display of acrobatics and high-spots, full of bright colours and over-the-top characters it's easy to see it as something along the lines of a circus performance than the 'two grown men in their pants pretending to fight'.

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I think it's that Lucha Libre doesn't have the 'pretending to be real' stigma. Because it's primarily a display of acrobatics and high-spots, full of bright colours and over-the-top characters it's easy to see it as something along the lines of a circus performance than the 'two grown men in their pants pretending to fight'.


Yeah, you've hit the nail on the head.



There's definitely a space for a monthly lucha event in London and probably further afield as well.

Lucha Britannia run London monthly or so, don't they?


A quick Google search tells me they're still very much alive. I thought they'd stopped a while ago. They actually have a very busy schedule according to their site - 8 shows in January!

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There's definitely a space for a monthly lucha event in London and probably further afield as well.

Lucha Britannia run London monthly or so, don't they?


This could be a very unfair judgement on my part but I have never gone to one of those shows as it just looks like a BritWres attempt at poor mans Lucha. It's only a short journey away for me, has anyone every checked out one of their shows? 

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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! Where is Johnny Mundo?


The show started with Dario Cueto walking in on Cage, who was "pumping iron". He said he liked Cage's aggression, and said he had big huevos (which is Spanish for eggs, if you catch his drift), and told him he would face Prince Puma for the title tonight.


The announcers then introduced the show, and Vampiro got caught in a moment, trying to "raise the roof", the loveable goof. Vampiro said that the show was making waves not only in our planet, but also in the universe! Okay!


Hey, it's Melissa Santos! She introduced Mil Muertes, accompanied as always by the smoking hot Catrina, and he's fighting Fenix!


Fenix went a roll-up early but Muertes kicked out. The flyer hit a few strikes but Muertes clubbed him down and began an onslaught. He destroyed Fenix with suplexes, punches, and a big spear, and taunted the crowd. Catrina pounded the apron in a sexy way.


Muertes hoisted up Fenix for a superplex but when he hit it, Fenix bounced back and grabbed Muertes's legs for the surprise roll-up win. He then high-tailed it out of the ring as a shocked and furious Muertes raged. Fenix stopped on the steps and a small child got out of his seat to celebrate with him. Gold.


They've been building Muertes as an unstoppable monster - one of three in this company - but the chinks in his armour are beginning to show. I like it, it brings an air of unpredictability to the show.


They showed an awesome video of Cage, minding his own business in "da hood", being attacked by men with bottles and clubs. He took them apart, because he is more machine than man, apparently. He said he wasn't immortal, and that he would leave this world the same way he came into it. Through a fanny?


Hey, it's Melissa! Our next match was the team of Argenis, Aerostar, and Superfly versus Big Ryck's old team of Mister Cisco, Cortez Castro, and Bael. Superfly was still wearing his mask but this should be the last time we see it, which will be odd down the line. I saw the match this week where he lost it to Aerostar and it was pretty good. It's on YouTube if that's your bent.


This was fast-paced and all over the place. In a good way. The choloons have a really good triple-team KICKFACE spot on a cornered opponent. Oh, and Bael, for all his hoodrat posing, wears kickpads. Wrestling, eh?


Striker was funny here, suggesting that by the way Argenis was moving at one point, he may have that old wrestler's injury, the dislocated hip. Cue Argenis hitting a superkick. Dislocated hip. FFS.


There were some incredible spots in this, and Aerostar looked really good. The heels won with a double-team move that looked ouchy.


Vampiro sat down for a pre-taped interview with Prince Puma and Konnan. Vampiro's interview style is wild, but I like it. The story here was that Konnan was doing all the talking for Puma, and Vampiro didn't like it, and it ended up with them getting in each other's faces. Puma calmly separated them and walked Konnan away.


Hey, it's Melissa! And it's time for our main event! It's Prince Puma defending his Lucha Underground championship against Cage!


Puma jumped Cage before the match started, but the bigger man got on top quickly. He didn't have it all his own way, and there were times when Puma matched him for strength. It's tempting to think of Puma as a light heavyweight, because of the things he does in the ring, but that's probably not the case, at least not in North America where such distinctions aren't so rigid anymore.


They hit each other with a ton of stuff, and this was a real tough man contest. The finish came when Puma was up top for the 630 splash, and Cage pushed referee Marty Elias into the ropes to dislodge him. He then hit a low blow for the DQ. In Mexico they call that "un foul". Here, we call it "a foul".


After the ref called for the bell, Cage threw him outside and he landed on his arm and starting selling it like it was broken. Given that referee Rick Knox was already wearing a cast earlier in the show, I wondered if they were re-running that mental angle in WCW when everyone had a broken arm.


Cage attacked Puma and slammed him. Konnan came into the ring to try and defend Puma and broke his walking stick over Cage's back. Cage was unmoved and hit Konnan with the belt. He then tore the belt in two! All that Aztec gold and you mount it on fuzzy felt! Konnan did a major juice job as Cage left the ring...


Dario Cueto was peeking through his blinds at the action but was startled by the mysterious Chinese woman who used to be Angela Fong. She said she was looking for someone who owed her, and heard she could find him here. Cueto told her it wasn't him because he always paid his debts, but he'd help her if he could.


She said she only had one clue – the name "Matanza", Spanish for slaughter - but Cueto appeared none the wiser. The woman then vanished, virtually into thin air...


This was a Good Show. The Cage angle has been rushed but it's still been well done. The action in all three matches was top notch, and even Mil Muertes looked decent. This is the "best show seen by the fewest people" in the world.

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There's definitely a space for a monthly lucha event in London and probably further afield as well.

Lucha Britannia run London monthly or so, don't they?

This could be a very unfair judgement on my part but I have never gone to one of those shows as it just looks like a BritWres attempt at poor mans Lucha. It's only a short journey away for me, has anyone every checked out one of their shows?

That does sound a very unfair judgement if you're not seen it. Personally I haven't seen Lucha Britannia but everyone I know and anyone on here that has mentioned them say their shows are a blast. Loads of fun, not taking themselves too seriously. The Fabulous Bakewell Boys from TNA Bootcamp are from Lucha Britannia.

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It's a shame this is buried on El Rey. On a wider network, they could merch the shit out of this. It's a real family product, but just as exciting if not more so than the 'big leagues'. Imagine you're a kid with only a little wrestling knowledge comparing Daniel Bryan and Pentagon Jr action figures. I know which one I'd want.


Mil Muertes has stealthily become one of my favourite wrestlers. The entrance, valet, simple bruiser signature moves, etc. Even his clunkiness just makes him look like a wall. I can't hate a guy in baby blue tights.

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It's a real family product

I wouldn't go that far. Between stubbing cigars out on blokes to Chavo smashing chairs over some lasses head, I wouldn't quite call this a family product. It's aim is a slightly older demographic to that of WWE I'd say.

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