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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Exactly, why would Del Rio say "Oh yeah I'm starting there soon" and ruin any surprise? Wrestlers always lie about things like this on social media. Always. I don't even think Jericho has ever told a truth on Twitter.


Anyways, fantastic news. He's the prefect addition to the roster there. Looking forward to see what they'll do with him.

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Exactly, why would Del Rio say "Oh yeah I'm starting there soon" and ruin any surprise? Wrestlers always lie about things like this on social media. Always.

The weird thing isn't that Del Rio lied about going to LU on Twitter. The weird thing is that in interviews prior to that tweet he was saying that he'll be going to LU in January... and then he decided to say otherwise on Twitter just before the debut. Plus, it'd be one thing if he was trying to keep it as a surprise for a live TV broadcast or something like that, but the episode they taped last night is scheduled to air in mid-February so what's the point of lying on Twitter? To surprise the few hundred non-paying fans in the arena? In that case job well done, I guess.


Anyway, this is good news. Looking forward to what they do with him.

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AAA Sin Limite, 01/10/2015

Australian Suicide (!) & Ivelisse vs Dark Cuervo (the former HEAVY DRACULA!) & Sexy Star

Ivelisse is a technico here and Sexy Star a rudo. It's the opposite in Lucha Underground. CONTINUITY FAIL.

In the rudo breakdown, Sexy Star just rubbed her bum in Ivelisse's face.

This is an outdoor show. On a bit of a windy night. It looks ace.

Pentagon Jr just appeared at the top of the ramp. Maybe he's offended by Sexy Star being shit? Oh, wait, it's a DQ. Bloody rudos.

Aerostar vs Superfly

This is the last match before their apuesta. I expect mask tearing.

El hijo del Tirantes is referee. That can't be good for Aerostar. And, yup, right to the mask tearing by Superfly.

Mexico still loves its ouchy unprotected chair shots.

Superfly has brought Mini Psycho Clown out as his second, and he attacked Aerostar. This brought out Octagoncito, who not only failed to make the save but ended up powerbombed through a chair. The ref? "Play on!"

Superfly is bleeding a little but Aerostar has the crimson mask. I want to see their PPV match now. And I know the result. That's how wrestling works.

Dark Cuervo's out interfering now. And that's brought out Fenix, who hasn't even had his match yet!

Octagoncito does a tiny stretcher job.

There's being a heel ref and there's being neglectfulof your duties.

Fenix just hit the best dive of a match he's not even in.

Ha, el hijo del Tirantes just had to count 3 when he looked like he'd rather drink piss. Good brawl, that. As opposed to bad B.R.A.W.L.

Now they're showing highlights of a match I Duggan'd last week. Re-Duggan!

Myzteziz & Fenix vs Pentagon Jr & Joe Lider

Los rudos are actually coming to the ring with the ref, our pal el hijo del Tirantes. Who appoints these officials?

I love the way AAA have a TitanTron but it just plays adverts. So Myzteziz comes to the ring while an ad for wi-fi plays behind him.

Joe Lider keeps missing dropkicks. Stop throwing dropkicks, Joe.

Pentagon Jr just hit Myzteziz with a dustin bid. Welcome to 1997.

Fenix just had a bin put on his head and Lider hit that bin really hard with a chair. Ha, now Lider has thumb tacks. Multi-coloured thumb tacks!

Guess who just took a bump on the thumb tacks?

Bin. Head. 619.

It appears the theme of AAA's go home shows is WCW Hardcore Match Appreciation Night.

For three such talented guys (and Lider) this is a ridiculous match.

AC Delco autopartes

Pentagon Jr with a somersault powerbomb off the top rope on Fenix and that's your show. That was brutal in a "makes you wince" fashion.

Ooh, spoke too soon - run-in by Angelico & Jack Evans! Send the fans home happy!


. . . . .

Sin Limite is a good TV show. Even in a language you don't really understand.

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Catching up with LU now. Pimpinella and Mascarita vs Big Ryck's boys was fun. Pimipinella almost wrestles in slow mo and  The finisher on Mascarita was brutal! I'm liking Cortez out of the three of them solid technical skills and


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read
following the split and double turn?, he should do best as defacto leader of the three now they are working for Dario.


Cage Promo was meh, Vamps was a good interviewer but cage looked  like a manchild. Less talky, more destroying people please :)


Pentagon Jr is Fenix's brother? But has a different style completely. For the first couple of weeks, I hated him because he was well dull, however his little alliance with Chavo and the match tonight vs Superfly was done well. I loved Superfly's Handspring flip to the outside and Pentagon's brutal dropkick mid lionsault. Well done match I thought. Would like to see these two go at it again as was entertaining.

Sexxy Star vs El Mariachi Loco was a duffer :/


Drago vs King Cuerno has been simmering for weeks, a well done feud wins traded, and heated up with the destruction of each other last week.I love the way that in LU the selling of previous bouts and injuries actually carries over for all of the wrestlers and this started with two guys beating the living cack out of each other but feeling the effects of last week, Simple things like this really help LU stand out. Logic? It's a miracle. Nice finish as well. I dont think that will be the end of it. More please :)


Nice story line progression show without many of the 'main stars' no Mundo, Fenix, Puma, etc.. Feuds established and set forward. Good to see others take their spot, making 'everyone' well nearly everyone feel important and get to do their thing, rather than same old people in same old spots. Nice



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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! Our weekly visit to Dario Cueto's strange temple of FIGHTING.


The show started with highlights of last week's show, where King Cuerno and Drago went to a no-contest after Drago jumped twenty feet down onto a table from Cueto's office - a table that happened to have King Cuerno lying on it. Also last week, Cage debuted, and destroyed our champion Prince Puma after his successful title defense against Fenix...


Hey, it's Melissa Santos! She introduced Cortez Castro and Cisco - though he had to remind her he was MISTER Cisco - who were accompanied by Bael (or, as we shall always call him, Benny Cuntapay).


They're fighting Mascarita Sagrada and Pimpinela Escarlata, so it's a midget and a transvestite against two hoodrats. Where else can you get that kind of spectacle?


Big Ryck came out to watch his team fight, and looked bewildered for the most part. He was smoking his usual cigar. Pimpi worked most of the match, and it was her usual slow-motion lucha wackiness, which ruled.


I'd love to see an exotico in her working prime, like Mamba, used in an American promotion, but given some of the borderline homophobia Striker and Vampiro (who should know better) came out with on commentary, I think it'll be a long time.


Pimpi tagged in Mascarita Sagrada, who hit a headscissors and a dive. Pimpi hit a dive off the top rope, but back in the ring Cortez and Cisco hit a double-team codebreaker for the win, as Bael stopped Pimpi breaking up the pin.


Big Ryck stepped into the ring, handed his cigar to Cisco while he took a microphone, and explained how he would be going after the title, and that anyone - and he turned and looked at his choloons - who got in his way would be destroyed.


The crew did not like this and put the boots to Ryck, with Cisco putting the icing on the cake by stubbing out the cigar in his eye. Afterwards, they went into Dario Cueto's ringside office, as the announcers speculated that they were working for Cueto all along...


After the break, we were in Cueto's office, and he handed each of the choloons a bundle of cash...


Striker and Vampiro talked about the impact that Cage made on his debut last week. Vampiro said he'd been lucky enough to sit down with Cage, and we got that next.


Vampiro seems to have taken his interview style from Gary Crowley. But it works on this show. Just. Vampiro talked about Cage having heat backstage, but Cage said he didn't give a shit - he was there to win the title. Cage explained again why he is called Cage - that he is not a man but a machine. He can explain it all he likes, it doesn't make any sense.


Hey, it's Melissa! She introduced Super Fly, who is still wearing his mask, given that this was taped before his lucha de apuesta against Aerostar in December.


He's fighting Pentagon Jr, who is all kinds of pissed off after Chavo Guerrero Jr turned on him during the Aztec Warfare match two weeks ago.


The crowd like Pentagon Jr because he is a vicious bastard. He was on top before Super Fly made a comeback with a Space Flying Tiger Drop. Back in the ring, Pentagon Jr kicked the hell out of Super Fly and got the win with a package piledriver.


After the match, Pentagon Jr got on the mic and ranted at Chavo. He said he thought he was a legend, but that he was a fraud, and that there was one man who could help him and that he will join forces with him. Ooh, a mystery...


After the break, Melissa introduced Sexy Star. I have a cognitive dissonance around Sexy Star because she's a rudo in AAA, which I've fallen into watching regularly, and a technico here. This gives me an uncertain feeling somewhere in one of my humours.


She's fighting Mariachi Loco, who was introduced early in the series as a waiter-turned-luchador, but who actually works for WPW in Anaheim. Striker continues the theme, though, by claiming that Mariachi Loco wrestles for tips.


The story of this match was Mariachi Loco making unwanted sexual moves on Sexy Star. It's funny once or twice, I guess. But that kind of sexual deviance deserves big punishment, and Sexy Star only won with an inside cradle. I don't know how I really feel about this. Intergender matches are fine but the women have to have a way of competing, and so far - other than a few cool spots by Ivelisse in the Aztec Warfare match - they haven't much done that. It's a minor gripe, but minor gripes are the only gripes on a show that's usually as good as this so it sticks out.


Back after another break, Melissa introduced the combatants for our main event. It's King Cuerno - the Horny King! - taking on Drago in a Last Man Standing match, with the scores tied at 1-1 (and a no-contest) in their feud thus far.


Cuerno entered wearing his goofy deer headdress but thankfully didn't stare longingly into its eyes this week. Drago came in, announced as being from inside the world (where, presumably, Doug McClure trained him), and did that freaky thing with his black tongue.


They went right after one another at the bell, laying in some big strikes and big moves, really selling that thse two men hate each other. Drago got an early 8 count on Cuerno but he made it back to his feet and back into the ring before seeking solace on the outside. This is lucha, however, and the outside is where you get jumped on.


They traded some 6-or-7 counts, before Cuerno hit his HUGE tope suicida. before he hit it, Drago was standing a ways back from the ring and I thought, "you're too far back!", but I was wrong. It's a dream tope.


With Drago down, Cuerno pulled out a table from under the ring, which didn't end so well for him last week. This time, however, he hit a Michinoku Driver through the table and Drago was out for the count.


BUT! Drago got to his feet and made it back into the ring! Cuerno changed tack, and laid Drago out in the corner before grabbing some rope from under the ring and TYING Drago to the ring so he couldn't get up. The ref tried to intervene, but Cuerno - quite rightly - pointed out he could do what he liked.


This time Drago could not make the 10 count and Cuerno was the winner. After the match, he placed the deer head on Drago's head and roared in celebration.


This was a Good Show. It didn't feature many of the major players, at least not in in-ring action, but still kept the storylines ticking along. It had a few minor issues, but I'll take that any day to the horrible 2- or 3-hour abominations too often put on by WWE and TNA. Viva la lucha!

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AAA Sin Limite, 01/17/2015


This is the first part of Guerra de Titanes. Which means a couple of great matches and the shitty six-sided ring.


Some beautiful women carry a flag down to ringside with Antonio Peña's face on it. They show it to a woman in the front row who is holding an urn, presumably holding Peña's ashes. But this is lucha so who the fuck knows. The women then take their flag and go back up the ramp as the woman shows the urn to a crowd equally respectful and uninterested.


Fabi Apache & Ivelisse versus Sexy Star & Taya Valkyrie


Fabi Apache & Ivelisse are good in both senses of the word. Sexy Star & Taya Valkyrie aren't. Taya is fucking hot, though.


Taya is one of Perros del Mal - literally an evil bitch. Ivelisse's entrance video is the standard one for a luchadora surpressa. Poor lass.


El hijo de Tirantes is your heel ref, in a natty red shirt and white braces.


Even though it's a big PPV show the ads are still on tjr TitanTron. All about the Benjaminos.


It's a rudo beatdown from the off. Ref doesn't care.


And los tecnicos fight their way back in because Taya, beautiful Taya, did something rubbish.


And now we have a proper match.


AC Delco autopartes.


The crowd are so hot for this. It's the card opener. Different world.


Fabi Apache just did a beautiful rolling armbar. She rocks.


Those stereo dropkicks by los rudos need graphic equalising.


Post-match catfight!


Heh, that was a fun opener. If the "divas" did stuff like that I'd all over it.


Psycho Circus - Psycho Clown, Monsther Clown & MURDER CLOWN - versus Los Hell Brothers - Averno, Cibernetico & Chessman.


The clowns are the good guys. Yeah, I know.


Cibernetico has not appeared. It's 2-on-3. How odd. Oh, the rudos have beaten down Murder Clown on the ramp. it's 2-on-2! For the Trios titles!


Where is Cibernetico?


I like Monsther Clown but do not care for Psycho or Murder Clowns. I do not know why.




One of the Japanese indysleaze promotions had a wrestler called The Murderer. I remember seeing him in an indysleaze battle royale.


There is very little wrestling happening here. It's a right dust-up.


Hang on, there's another clown. A short one in a red coat. Who in the blue hell is he?


And where is Cibernetico?


I think a fan wearing a Devil mask just hit the ring and got stomped. Staff took him away quickly.


It could have been Cibernetico, I guess?


This match has left me puzzled.


Oh, okay. The little fella is Mini Clown. Not Mini Psycho Clown, or Mini Murder Clown, or even Mini Monsther Clown. They're different clowns. Just Mini Clown.


The clowns win! Yay?


El Patron Alberto versus Texano Jr


If this is the main event on this show, I'd imagine means they're giving Superfly versus Aerostar main event status next week! It is supposed to be right cracker.


Texano Jr is wearing chaps and a cowboy hat. Because he's from Texas. Or his dad was. Or something. El hijo del Perro Aguayo is his second. He is not wearing a dog suit.


Alberto has Mesias as his second. he's Mil Muertes in Lucha Underground. He's also shit.


Oh, Christ, they're letting el hijo del Tirantes referee this. They never learn.


The AAA MegaCampeon title is on the line. I'm sure you can translate that.


God, I hate this six-sided ring.


I missed the entireity of "Alberto del Rio" so I just don't get it. Hopefully this match will change that.34 mins.


Alberto's wrestling in a t-shirt. See? All those skinny/fat British guys were right!


El hijo del Tirantes is such a cool heel ref. His counts for los tecnicos are just that little bit slower, and he's great at turning a blind eye.


Although letting Texano jr use a bullrope on Alberto might be stretching things.


Mesias is losing is shit at the ref letting el hijo del Perro Aguayo interfere. Poor lad.


Tope suicida from Alberto on Texano Jr! And then a chairshot from el hijo del Perro Aguayo on Alberto! Action!


Alberto has colour! And Mesias is a shit second.


El hijo del Perro Aguayo is licking Alberto's blood. That's all kinds of wrong in this day and age.


Mesias just stolen Texano Jr's bullrope, and Texano Jr told the ref on him.


People are throwing shit into the ring at the heels. HEAT.


The comeback is on!


There's a guy in the front row who looks like a Mexican Kevin Bridges.


Lung blower! I see them all the time now. I never used to see them before. What happened?


I presume this is una caida. Title matches should always be 2/3 falls.


El hijo del Tirantes just stopped Alberto doing a superkick. Can he referee every one of the Usos and the Young Bucks matches?


Table! Maybe this is Extreme Rules?


Haha, Alberto just hit the ref in the nuts and kicked him in the face! How I've felt like doing that on many a Sunday morning football pitch!


El hijo del Perro Aguayo just gave Texano Jr some brass knucks. He hit Alberto and covered him for the in. But the ref is dead. Sucks to be Texano Jr.


Here comes another ref! It's el Piero! He's a straight guy!


(And I don't mean he's not gay - not that theres anything wrong with that.)


Alberto kicks out!


Alberto took Texano Jr up top for a superplex through the table, but Texano Jr reversed it into a powerbomb! near fall!


El hijo del Perro Aguayo is in the ring! But so is Mesias, who goes wild with terrible punches and kicks, and then tops it with a self-harming dive out of the ring! He's so bad.


Alberto with the armbar! And we have a new campeon!


This is a lesson to all of us: to get what you want you may have to kick authority in the nuts.


The fans, it is fair to say, are very happy.


The tecnicos locker room empties to join Alberto in the ring. its effect is lessened somewhat by the presence of Monsther Clown.


Heh, fun show. But I'm not sure I get Alberto. Never mind, AAA is such a pleasure at times.

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Something is seriously wrong if Brian Cage isn't working a regular gig after this Lucha Underground series is finished. Someone must be looking at this show and seeing what everyone else who watches it is seeing. He's a monster, who can move. He's what they always wanted Matt Morgan to be, but never could be. Also love how the Lucha Underground belt is basically one of those ones you get free is a knockoff figure from Poundstretcher in the early 90s.


Striker and Vampiro have hit JBL and Cole territory now. They are useless. Dario Cueto seemed to have been played by the Spanish bloke from Benidorm this week. The end segment was a bit ropey for him.

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I doubt it. They seem committed to try and get the channel off the ground, so it's going to continue on throughout 2015 just to see if these ratings grow. Thing with the likes of this is, unlike TNA or ROH, this is a TV show ran by the television network. Its going to run until they get sick of it. So hopefully he runs for a while yet. You just think, its so expensive to produce and they get no return on it. It could close tomorrow if they decide its to much money to produce. But by the same token, it could be still around in 5 years. For me, they need to get some figures on the shelves or a video game out there, to get some revenue back into it. If this was on a proper channel, I reckon it would a hit. The channel is its worst enemy (because its lack of exposure) and its biggest advantage (because of who runs the channel).

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When you read reports that they've allegedly been offering wrestlers contacts for as much as five years (Young Bucks apparently, though they could be exaggerating it), it does fill you with hope that they're in this for the long haul. Especially as this show is supposedly a pet project of Robert Rodriguez.

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I noticed this from an advert on my facebook timeline http://www.luchalibreworld.co.uk


I hope something decent comes of it, I went to some lucha shows at the Camden Roundhouse a few years ago & really enjoyed them.

Awesome. I went to multiple shows on the first and second Camden tours and thought they were excellent.


I didn't go to any of the third (nationwide) tour events, which had nowhere near the line-up, but I also hope something good comes of this.


When you think about some of the lucha names that are considered free agents these days there's massive potential for a return of a Lucha Libre London-type event.

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