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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Hey, it's Lucha Underground! This is a thing now! A weekly lucha(ish) show! For at least another 34 weeks! Yay!


The show opens with Konnan and Dario Cueto meeting over drinks in Cueto's office. Cueto looks like the kind of guy who has a nice life but he's completely ruined it for himself by inviting all these crazies into it. Idiot.


Anyway, Konnan is upset that his boy, Prince Puma, got jumped by the choloons last week. He tells Cueto it's a good thing Puma didn't come himself. Maybe Puma doesn't like whiskey? Cueto says he can't control the choloons, only Big Ryck can. Konnan says he wants Puma versus Big Ryck, in a Boyle Heights match. Cueto says he's doesn't know what one of those is, probably because this is the first time it's ever been mentioned ever. It's a street fight. Oh joy.


Right, then, to action! It's Drago versus Mil Muertes! Drago still has that freaky tongue that weirds me out, and Mil Muertes still has those freaky stripey tights that weird me out. Catrina has changed her blouse but nothing can diminish her smoking hotness.


This was your basic lucha versus power match, and it was fine for that. Muertes looked the best he's looked so far, probably because he wasn't facing Blue Demon or Area Jobber #7. He's still not great. I don't get why you'd have this great new character and give it to such a dork.


Talking of new characters and dorks, King Cuerno - the Horny King - watched the match from atop Dario Cueto's ringside office, happily not wearing his ridiculous antlers this week. The announcers sold it as him checking out Drago because he was still sore at his loss to the scaly one last week. They sold him big as some kind of hunter. I remain unconvinced.


Back in the ring, Muertes won after a short match, the highlight of which was a spear in mid-air. Catrina licked Drago's face, and that's all she wrote. Mil kissed Catrina after the match. He must die.


After the match, Cuerno came down and attacked the fallen Drago. THIS FEUD MUST CONTINUE!


They aired a Johnny Mundo video. he did that horrible thing of claiming he was held back in his last job because he didn't like politics. No-one cares. Just fight. CM Punk fans might have liked it, though.


Backstage, Cuerto praises Mil Muertes. Catrina tells him that Muertes knows all about him, and tells him he can't keep his secrets locked away while LITERALLY FINGERING A GIANT KEY AROUND HIS NECK. Brilliant.


Son of Havoc comes to the ring, with Ivelisse. He's from "the open road". Is he a Son of Havoc like Ron Perlman was a Son of Anarchy?


They had a match, which was fine as it goes, with Ivelisse interfering and eating a dive for her efforts. During the match, in something of a late-WCW move, someone came out to - you guessed it - watch the action in the ring from up above. This was apparently former WWE diva Angela Fong, although she was just a chick in black leather. She certainly wasn't the Horny King. Sagrada won with a roll-up, and it sucks to be MDogg20.


Next match was straight up, which was Sexy Star looking for revenge against Chavo Guerrero, Jr. Star didn't have her butterfly wings this week, instead wearing a black coat thing. Still sexy, though. Chavo wore his PONCHO OF DOOM. Bawss.


Chavo was on top for most of this, and actually sexually assaulted Star in the corner at one point. Bad Lucha Underground! Star slapped him for that, and it kind of broke down after, with a chair being introduced into the ring - this ain't no Boyle Heights match!


Star wanted to waffle Chavo with the chair and he was begging off. The ref got in the way, and got a kick in the nuts for his trouble but, before Star could hit Chavo, Pentagon Jr came in and stole the chair from Star.


It was a bit confusing here, because they'd made a huge point about how all the luchadors were after Chavo's blood for what he did to Blue Demon, Sexy Star, and Masacarita Sagrada, so it wasn't inconceivable that Pentagon was after Chavo, but he gradually turned towards Star, who was saved by Fenix (whose mask looks like he should be El Pollo Loco). Oh, can you say tag match? Maybe next week.


Hey, it's our main event, and it's the Boyle Heights Street Fight! This was a mess early on, like every street fight ever has been. Seriously, stop doing street fights. It even had my absolute pet hate - a bin with actual trash in it so that the trash gets in the ring. Ugh. Tommy Dreamer got a shout-out. Remember him?


Cisco and Cortez - the choloons - interfered from the off, which didn't seem fair. Hey, I guess life's not fair in Boyle Heights, man! It went back and forth, with some sweet looking offense from Puma met with equally stiff forearms and clotheslines from Ryck. Cortez, at one point, got busted. So odd to see blood on wrestling TV in 2014.


They did a good bit where Ryck took a seat in the corner of the ring while the choloons worked Puma over. Like all goons, they came unstuck and Puma got over to Ryck before he could get off the chair, and kicked him into the corner. Good stuff.


Puma took over, taking a kendo stick to the bad guys, before Ryck no sold it and powered him down. The bad guys brought in a ladder and a table and then Johnny Mundo appeared on top of Cueto's office and did this crazy, knee-exploding jump into the ring. He ran wild, including a horribly stiff knee to Cisco's face in a Shining Wizard that just left me going owwwwwwwwww.


Mundo grabbed a chair and was about to smack Ryck with it, but Ryck moved and he caught Puma (of course), before the choloons took him out. Ryck then put Puma through the table and covered him for the pin. After the match, Mundo cradled Puma in an attempt to make amends with his sweet, sweet cuddles.


This was an Okay Show. It was probably the worst of the shows so far, and I'm blaming that on it being late in the tapings so the freshness wore off in a lot of areas. Street fights are always cack, too, especially on a lucha show. Still a decent watch, though, eh?

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He's awesome. First week in I assumed he was gonna be a shit, Mexican Vince but his segments are always one of the show's high points. Someone else has said it, but between this and NXT, there's more and more proof that 60 minutes is the way to go for a great wrestling show.

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Just caught up with all the episodes so far. Lucha Underground is brilliant.

Always seems to be one 'wow' moment every show. Everyone seems to be clearly defined and works well in the role their given.

Ricochet looks like the star he's been destined to be for years- stunning moves, great selling and a clear character.

Really liking the crowd,seem to be very into each show and the 'lucha, Lucha, lucha' chant gets stuck in my head easily.

Very good storyline progression and lots of action.

Also loving the sky shots of LA. It makes it seem big time. The quick paced images going from place to place gives it a drama effect.

Simply put, can't praise enough

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Is Lucha Underground on TV in the UK? I'd rather watch stuff on my massive telly than on my virus and filth ridden laptop.


I'm a little behind on Lucha Underground but enjoyed everything so far

Not yet.  Can always hook the virus infected laptop up to your tv though

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I have a Dailymotion app on my Blu-Ray player, so I watched the first episode on my telly today and the quality was superb. Having trouble finding a HD version of the second episode, though.


Really, really impressed with the show itself. Not much to add that hasn't already been said, but the backstage segments are brilliant. I hate the WWE backstage forced segments but have become accustomed to them. TNA opted for a hidden camera to apply more logic, which I can understand. Yes these segments are what WWE should be doing- the realism is gone already because in WWE you have people acting unnaturally right in front of the camera, so you might as well go the whole hog and make a movie-esque scene.

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Ehh, it's okay. There's a lot of build to the bigger events with the same things happening every week - eg, it's Aerostar vs Super Fly in a mascara contra mascara match at Guerro del Titanes soon so they'll spend the weeks leading up to it ripping each other's masks. There's always some good stuff on, as well as some dross. It's also worth watching for Divina Estrella & Taya Valkyrie...

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