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The Lucha Libre Thread


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Does AAA have a weekly television show and is it easy to get hold of?

Yes. It's called Sin Limite. AAA themselves upload it every week on their YouTube channel.


Also, it's worth pointing out that AAA's 5 big annual events also air on TV, separated in parts. Hence why the latest Sin Limite episode also has "Heroes Inmortales" in the title.


Thanks very much for this. So if it says Heroes Immortales Sin Limite then it's one of the big shows separated into parts and shown weekly on TV and if it just says Sin Limite then it's a usual TV taping?


Is AAA easier to follow weekly than CMLL? I want to get into Lucha Libre and with the Lucha Underground connection with AAA I figured that was the best one.

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Does AAA have a weekly television show and is it easy to get hold of?

Yes. It's called Sin Limite. AAA themselves upload it every week on their YouTube channel.


Also, it's worth pointing out that AAA's 5 big annual events also air on TV, separated in parts. Hence why the latest Sin Limite episode also has "Heroes Inmortales" in the title.


Thanks very much for this. So if it says Heroes Immortales Sin Limite then it's one of the big shows separated into parts and shown weekly on TV and if it just says Sin Limite then it's a usual TV taping?


Is AAA easier to follow weekly than CMLL? I want to get into Lucha Libre and with the Lucha Underground connection with AAA I figured that was the best one.


Yes, to the first question.


CMLL is much harder to follow since they've got a lot of TV shows, and their product isn't as episodic as AAA's is. A lot of the time in CMLL it's just random matches not leading to anything or mattering at all, really. AAA has some of that too (as does all lucha), but generally AAA do make an effort to present episodic TV. Although it should be said that sometimes the AAA TV storylines end up being ignored on the big events so you get matches at the big events (even main matches) who've had zero build on Sin Limite.


If you want to get into CMLL too the best way to do it is to start reading thecubsfan's lucha blog and perhaps watch the stuff that gets recommended on there. That'd be a good starting point. Cubs uploads everything online (both full shows as downloadable links and individual matches on YouTube/DailyMotion) so you should have no problem finding a match if you want to watch it.

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Really good episode of Lucha Underground - much better than last week.


They started this week with a recap video of the past few weeks. Always helpful. It's already been mentioned in here but the opening credits are the best in wrestling at the minute. It sets the tone perfectly for the show. Little things like the live band playing at the beginning also helps with the atmosphere and creates a vibe where everything in Lucha Underground feels fun. I can't remember the last time I saw a promotion where the wrestlers, fans and commentators all seem to be enjoying it so much.


Ivelisse - wow. I've not seen her before but she is stunning and cuts a strong promo on the way down to the ring. Her and Sexy Star have an okay match - there's a few sloppy/botched exchanges but there are still a few decent moves in there and l still can't get over how hot Ivelisse is. Sexy Star gets the pin with a roll up. They both have a lot of potential so it'll be nice to see how they develop and how their confidence grows over the next few months.


Pentagon Jr and Fenix (2 out of the 3 from the triple threat last week) have a lovely lucha match. Great fun. Some really nice moves and they naturally eliminate those awkward waiting-for-a-move spots that come hand in hand with multi-person matches. Fenex hits some stunning springboards and dives and wins with Paul Burchill's old move from the top rope. This is what I want to see in a Lucha ring. Looking forward to a Fenix vs Prince Puma match.


I wonder how a Japanese promotion would fare with this format for a weekly show?


Drago (who has a terrific costume) wrestles a debuting King Cuerno who has an interesting hunter gimmick. During the match, Matt Striker says, "You never know what to expect". He's right and that's what's so good about watching a promotion with such a fresh style. Another good match which Drago wins with some kind of springboard, roll up pin combination that I've never seen before.


Backstage, Konnan tells Prince Puma to stay out of the main event (Big Ryck vs Johhnny Mundo). Johnny Mundo looks like a legitimate star here. During the match, the director cuts to an area backstage where Cortez and Cisco beat Puma up. They then go to the ring and assault Mundo, giving him the win by DQ. C&C get a table out and Big R chokeslams the former Johnny Nitro through it to close the show.


Again, the show finishes at such a point that you're left wanting more. Bring on episode 5!


Also, any chance we can separate this discussion? I feel as though Lucha Underground deserves it's own thread.

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Hey, it's that Lucha Underground show that the kids love! The kids are alright!

The show opened with Sexy Star in the ring, cutting a talky in Spanish, vowing revenge on Chavo Guerrero. Ivelisse comes out and tells Star she should stick to fighting women like, erm, her and gets a big slap in the chops for that.

This was a decent opener. Nothing great, but aeons better than womens matches on Raw. It was sloppy at times, and business-exposing at others, but it still worked. I'd have kept it shorter but it all still worked. Sexy Star won with a majistral.

Backstage, Dario Cueto is talking at Drago. Drago's tongue genuinely unnerves me. Cueto says that Drago didn't win, and he didn't lose, so he doesn't know what to make of him. Tonight he will fight King Cuerno, the horn king (or me after watching Katrina on this show usually).

Pentagon Jr is in the ring. He cuts another talky en Espanol, saying he can't get any respect. Well, he could try not being the millionth man to wear a gimmick? Fenix comes out and we'll have a match!

Well, we did have a match. If you couldn't get into this you clearly have no love for professional wrestling. Both men worked their asses off, and 99% of it came off, and it was a joy to watch. There was some genuinely new stuff that Fenix did - new to me, anyway. Fenix won with a Super Spanish Fly, and whatever happened to the Maximos?

They showed a vignette about King Cuerno. He was hunting, chopping wood, kicking dudes. This was the best WWF 1996 teaser video ever. Well, maybe Val Venis's ones were better.

Hey, it's Drago! He's in the ring and King Cuerno comes out to fight him with a deer's head balanced on top of his bonce. He looks a tit. This isn't anywhere near the level of the last match but it's fun enough. Drago wins with a cool looking pin.

Konnan is talking to Prince Puma. They need to drop the Prince. He tells Puma that Mundo is fighting Big Ryck tonight and that it's not Puma's fight and he should stay out of it. Puma looks like he's not even listening. Konnan walks off.

Hey, it's the main event! Big Ryck is already in the ring so we don't get to hear what I'm sure will be suitably pimping music. Johnny Mundo comes out and it's on!

This is a cool big man, little® man match. They both look great in what they do, as the two top guys in the company should. Whether that's down to editing or them being crisp I don't care.

We cut backstage mid-match, which is an odd thing to do but makes so much sense, and Puma is jumped by Ryck's choloons, who leave him lying. They then run out to the ring and interfere for the DQ. Mundo kills them, including a standing Spanish Fly on Choloon #2, but eats a big arm from Ryck. Ryck then chokeslams Mundo through a table and that's your show.

This is settling into a nice little thing now. The novelty is wearing off and being replaced by a dependability. A Good Show.

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That's definitely something they seem to be going for. When they went to Puma being beaten up backstage during the main event, it felt like a cutscene in a game. A lot of the backstage segments do.

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Great 4th episode. It's really becoming the highlight of my week watching Lucha Underground. Nothing I can say that hasn't already been said.


I do enjoy the unpredictability of it all, no winner is obvious. Every match is an even match where anyone can win.


I look forward to seeing who else rocks up., I hope El Patron Alberto shows up soon.


Any idea how many shows they tape in one go? Must be hard for the crowd to follow and suspend disbelief if one minute Mundo is getting battered then an hour later he's in another match.

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Enjoyable episode four. Show had a nice focus building to the main event Far less happened backstage than previously and we saw the first in ring promos from the wrestlers, complete with subtitles for Sexy Star and Pentagon.


Ivelisse did a great job on the mic and played her part in a really good match with Sexy Star. Bit sloppy at times but I have lower standards for women's matches so this gets a pass.


Fenix vs. Pentagon did fuck all for me. Spot, spot, spot. I feel a bit of a cunt criticisng a match on a lucha show for being spotty but everything else is such a lovely hybrid that I feel vindicated. Pentagon was even trying to kick out after the MASSIVE finisher and Fenix, who should have been close to death himself, was holding him down. Some incredible moves in this one if that's your thing.


Well, we did have a match. If you couldn't get into this you clearly have no love for professional wrestling.



I loved the shot from the back of the arena down the steps that I think they debuted on this show. It made the place look quite bigtime even though it isn't.


Drago looked ace again and I liked King Cuerno. He was obviously an American style worker in a mask, like Puma, and had a great physique. This was a better match because there were at least some attempts to transition between spots with moves establishing Cuerno's power helping. Someone mentioned that you never know who's going to win which was most true here. That might hurt in the long run if no hierarchy is established but it feels fresh now.


Main event was decent with Mundo's flashiness on show. Big Zeke looks awesome but didn't wrestle like the monster the commentators brilliantly made him out to be. The run-in was predictable but didn't hurt on a show where everything has been clean so far.


Can't wait to see Puma in the ring again. They're doing a good job of building anticipation for that.


I keep wondering whether Triple H is aware of it. Not only from the point of view of looking at something that works and seeing how it can influence some of their shows but also from a talent POV. They've been trying to find a "new" Rey Misterio for a while. Someone like Puma or Cuerno who speak English and work an American style would be great. Then they wouldn't have the issues they've got with a Sin Cara or Itami who some people consider "shit" despite good quality work elsewhere. Obviously the style difference is too great for them.

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Someone like Puma or Cuerno who speak English and work an American style would be great.

Both Ricochet and Hijo del Fantasma have had WWE try-outs in the past, and didn't get signed. That said, I can see WWE having more interest in them now after their showing on Lucha Underground. That is, if WWE are paying attention to the show.

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I don't get to watch much wrestling these days but after seeing the great reviews in this thread I've caught episode 3 & 4, both of which have been superb. I've never been a big fan of Chavo or Mundo/Morrison but I find their use within this setup to be perfect. To the point that I have actually really enjoyed watching them both perform and want to see them again. The producers have got a great knack of building suspense through the segments and also in building up the characters. 


It all comes across very dramatic but it's incredibly awesome and I think it's what wrestling needs, It feels very fresh and different.

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Someone like Puma or Cuerno who speak English and work an American style would be great.

Both Ricochet and Hijo del Fantasma have had WWE try-outs in the past, and didn't get signed. That said, I can see WWE having more interest in them now after their showing on Lucha Underground. That is, if WWE are paying attention to the show.



Cheers for that. I knew about Ricochet. I mentioned after Episode 1 that it's crazy WWE didn't take him. Didn't know Cuero had a try-out. With his experience, grasp of Enlgish and physique I'd have thought he'd be right up their street.

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Definitely agree with you Rick, wasn't a fan of Pentagon vs Fenix at all, but did quite enjoy Drago vs Cueno. Drago's look is amazing, and I was pleasantly surprised that he got the win. Still loving the format, along with NXT it's a super easy watch which requires zero skipping, unlike Raw and Smackdown.

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Decided to check Lucha Underground out as I’ve been reading a lot of it (and mainly on this forum).


First thought is, Vampiro looks really… old without the make-up and rat tails on his head.


Also, what is up with Konnan? How long has he been in a wheelchair and with a walking stick?


Finally, is there a better way to watch complete episodes online (and ideally through my PS3) than finding the shows in chunks on YouTube?

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