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The Lucha Libre Thread


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I just watched Rey Cometa vs Bárbaro Cavernario, from the same show, and it's a cracker. Wrestling needs more cavemen. You can find all the matches from the show on Youtube. These two are really worth your time.

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Browsing youtube, I got a pleasant surprise when I stumbled across this old Santo v Psicosis hair v mask handheld from Tj which I remember from the time but never saw and wasn't even sure existed on tape. Fortunately, It was also a right good match, possibly Psicosis's last. Not that you'd expect much less from a Santo apuesta match, as predictable as they are. Psicosis used to be able to go also, although that side to him was obviously overshadowed by his other traits


Unfortunately, it cuts off before the post match stuff, and most of the nutty highspots to the outside (of which there are plenty!) are partly obscured by the crowd. That's pretty minor though, as in other ways the handheld footage enhances the experience. Watching a pro-shot version would be great, but I don't see any cameramen around the apron, so this'll have to do.



This was relatively recent too, from 2001, and only goes to remind you of the masses of stuff from Mexico that's been lost to us because they never used to record much - from genuine classic lucha (even important stuff in front of huge crowds ) right up to as recently as mid 2000 when CMLL still only aired an hour or two per week, featuring only the top half of their big cards. So much of the older stuff would be tonnes better than this match too, as fun as it was. :(


I have no idea how Psicosis still seems to be functioning today. I hope the miracle of him continues, but I can't see middle age being kind to him at all.

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Looks brilliant will give that a watch, Konnan has just had his hip surgery (or at the time of the taping), he gets out of the chair occasionally when he's on a good day he's just got to get used to his new hip, he didn't use it at TripleMania.




Jesus christ is that Vampiro?

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  • 5 weeks later...
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Hey, it's that new thing! I liked Wrestling Society X and it looks like I'll like Lucha Underground, because it's the same approach. That approach is a Good approach, so I'm happy with that.

They do a great job building things with a dirty, alley-fighting scene going into a fictional history of lucha, with Aztec tribes and shit. Really good.

Dario Cueto, the heel owner (telegraphed but not a problem), comes out and says that the luchador that impresses him the most tonight will win $100,000. Kip Frey did the same when he came to WCW, only with less money and less panache.

Hey, it's Blue Demon Jr! I saw him in London a few years ago. Wrestling, not walking around. He's facing Chavo Guerrero Jr, who I believe did some stuff that may or may not have dishonoured his uncle's memory in WWE a few years back. I did not see it, having decided I hated the sport that killed my favourite people, so I'll let it slide.

They have a Good Match, while Matt Stryker and Vampiro call it perfectly. They're a good announce team, with Stryker the expert and Vampiro your buddy. Just how it should work.

Blue Demon Jr wins with a whacky submission. As it should be.

Dario Cueto has a sit down over whiskey with Konnan. Konnan has been training a luchador who will blah blah blah you know how this goes. Cueto says he'll face Johnny (John Morrison) Mundo later.

They do a bit where Prince Puma - for it is he of whom Konnan spoke - is training for the match. Despite being Pumaman (I wish!), his spirit animal is the jaguar. He should have been, erm, Jince Jaguar? His MOVES~! look good.

Hey, it's Son of Havoc! Who hell he? It's M-Dogg20, under a mask. He's fighting Sexy Star - a WOMAN! She has quite the ring entrance, and they show a vignette where she says she became a luchadora because she is ugly. Or something.

Havoc says he will not fight a woman. He has the weirdest voice. Like the Black Scorpion. I like it. Sexy Star teases walking out but attack Havoc and it is ON. Sexy Star gets some good offense, but Havoc grabs the tights for the win, the dirty cheat. This was better than it should have been.

Dario Cueto talks at Chavo Guerrero Jr, who is forlorn in a filthy locker room. He tells him he's shit, basically, and has let down his family. I do not think it will end there.

Hey, it's our main event! Johnny Mundo looks fantastic. I could go and read it on Wikipedia, but tell me why he left New York? Prince Puma comes out with Konnan, who says "odelay", which was his favouite Beck album, I think.

These two have a perfectly good main event match. I enjoyed it. Lots of flippy floppy from Puma - who is Ricochet, not that that means anything to me - and some from Morrison, too. Crowd are into it, chanting This Is Orson. I liked it because it was obviously built for Puma to win but he did not. In fact, all three bouts had what I would think are surprise winners. Everybody got over tonight.

Dario Cueto comes out but he will not give Mundo the money. Instead, some cholo goons (choloons?) come out and put the boots to both men, before Big Ryck (who is Ezekiel Jackson, but may as well be Ahmed Johnson for all I know) joins in and kills both Puma and Mundo. Cueto gives him the money, which is a bit off.

This was a Good Show. Brilliantly shot, well-paced, and with good matches to boot. It will be cancelled before you know it, because I can't have nice things, so watch it while you can.

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Breaks my heart to read this got Only 8000 viewers. Loved it. Hope it stays.


Maybe they should put the first episode exclusively on youtube and create a social media buzz.


I doubt it'll get cancelled. El Rey, the network it airs on, is owned by Robert Rodriguez. He's got a hand in all the original programming, and can do whatever the fuck he wants, cos it's his baby. There's no ratings-obsessed suits to worry about. 

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My take on Lucha Underground.


Gave this a go. Not usually my thing but I really enjoyed it. Liked the production a lot. The shots from above the ring with the logo on the mat looked cool and the ring was well lit. The building was novel with the stairs and the lucha posters and the three entrances.


Chavo vs. Blue Demon was alright. Striker and Vampiro did a grand job on commentary and made it feel bigger than it is. Action was ok if a bit plodding at times. Not really the sort of match to sell the concept but maybe they just wanted familiar names out first. Submission move to win it was neat.


Really liked the little segments with Cueto and Konnan and then Chavo. They were well shot and the Wild West mood music added to the novelty. They did an excellent job with the packages introducing Sexy Star and Prince Puma too. They didn't mention anyone's former alias at all. Interesting note for TNA.


Star vs. Havoc was short but sweet. It got over Star's spirit and ability even in defeat. Presumably she comes back and beats him soon or else that will start to drain.


Main event was excellently indyriffic. Nice to see John Morrison again. He's not lost anything. Still looks and works great. There were plenty of lucha elements in this one, mainly the "spectacular" moves that featured obvious cooperation. Still it built well from the initial mat work into some cool moves and then a finish a little out of nowhere.


Puma/Ricochet is ace. Lord knows why WWE passed on him? I recently watched the Monday Nights Wars episode on the WCW cruiserweights. These two were a great example of what this style of wrestling could add to WWE right now. It's not going to make a load of money but it would give the shows variety and fill time with something different. I'm not into Indy flying much at all but I'd definitely rather watch this than Sheamus vs. Miz part 869.


It's a slap in the face of TNA too. The X-Division was once something they did better than anyone. Now you've got a show like this featuring talent they can't touch.


The closing angle was a bit dull. Another heel authority figure with his little stable. Still, they have to do something to create a story and angles so we'll see if it plays out as predictably as usual.


In closing, Konnan and Vampiro look like shit. And I still like Matt Striker.


Good show.

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