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The Lucha Libre Thread


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WSX had over a million dollars of production put into it. Damn shame WSX didn't get off the ground. They pumped more money into those tapings than a few episodes of Raw. They backed it huge. Yet they got sick of it before they aired it and didn't promote it.


That's the only way you'd ever be able to compete with WWE. You'd need a network like an MTV create the promotion and go for it through promoting it huge on their channels.

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Matt Striker and Vampiro?!

That does sound like a pretty dreadful combination. They mainly seem worried about bringing in ex-WWE guys though and I guess of all the English speaking luchadores Vampiro is one of the most recognisable to American audiences even if he doesn't look anything like he used to. And presumably they have other plans for Konnan.


It's quite interesting that after the first taping they've only just started promoting to Spanish speaking audiences. This was meant to be diluted lucha for the hipsters, nothing else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm definitely staying up for it. I watched last's year anniversary live as well and absolutely loved it. Atlantis seems to be the odds on favorite to win, but I'm pulling for UG. Either way, this is without a doubt one of the biggest lucha matches in the past 10 years so it's worth seeing just because of that. Cavernario/Cometa should be a great lucha match. You just know those two guys will go all out. The tag title match, as long as Rush straight up murders everyone like he's known to do, should be fun too. That said, I do wish it was Sombra instead of Mascara, but oh well. The other two 6-man tags look fun too and should be good, unless Thunder decides to ruin his match. The women's match should be alright. Overall, it looks to be a really fun show. Hopefully the stream works as great as it did last year.

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Yep, I'll be going to bed then getting up again to watch it live.


Biggest lucha match in what seems like an age, with two guys who have been legitimate headliners for a generation.  For me, this surpasses the Panther-V5-Guerrero matches from a few years back, and arguably Atlantis vs. Villano III 14 years ago.


Elsewhere on the show, I can't see Caveman losing his hair, but that match should be real good.  The lack of La Sombra from the show does seem to stand out, unless he's going to be doing something as a cornerman in the tag.

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What an emotional main event. Damn good wrestling, crowd going crazy throughout the match, humongous pop for the finish, women in the crowd crying afterwards and fans throwing tons of money in the ring. You just don't see that kind of emotion for wrestling matches these days. Loved it! Overall, I thought this was a really fun show. Cavernario/Cometa was probably the best match, but Atlantis/Guerrero was the most memorable one. Also as a sidenote, the stream was perfect! Didn't freeze on me or disconnect even for a second. Kudos to Terra for that!


Ultimo Guerrero unmasked:



And Volador Jr's bad ass entrance look:


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I wasn't as keen on Cometa vs Cavanerio as I thought I would be. It was just pure bubblegum wrestling in the end. I guess that's more the style than anything but I did think those two would produce something better. The tag match was good but too long. The mask match was the best, though the style was once again problematic as they went to the exhausted bits a bit too early, with the final fall mainly just consisting of dramatic moments. Definately an emotional main event though.

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I'm glad I got up to watch it live - the show delivered exactly what I was expecting and hoping it to:


The presentation was top notch, with the 'WrestleMania' like fancy entrances, costumes, etc.  The internet stream was absolutely flawless, with perfect picture quality.


The undercard matches featured a few cool moves and dives...


The hair vs. hair match was really exciting.  Rey Cometa didn't look best pleased at being booed out of the place.  Barbaro Cavenario is just great...


The tag title match featured Rush and Negro Casas being awesome...


The main event mask vs. mask was a tremendous spectacle, providing drama, tension and emotion in absolute spades.  A real momentous occasion.  You could just feel the crowd shitting themselves Atlantis was in danger then erupting into excitement every time he looked to have the Atlantida locked in.  The way I tried explaining it to someone was it was the equivalent in importance as a latter day Undertaker streak match at WrestleMania, if BOTH guys were the Undertaker and one of the streaks was definitely going to be lost.  I'm guessing the crying blonde sort with the big chebs and her two equally emotional pals were UG's family?  Anyway, this match is certainly one of my highlights of 2014.  It will almost certainly be popping up on YouTube in the coming days, so I would recommend anyone check it out.


As an aside, as someone whose wrestling fandom lived through the tape trading days, I really am appreciative of the world we live in now.  Gone were the days where you'd have to order fuzzy 4th generation video tapes, months out-of-date, to be able to keep up with stuff like this.  Tapes made way for DVDs, but you still had to go through the hassle of ordering, waiting for delivery and still being months old.  Last night, I was able to watch the biggest lucha show of the year, live as it happened, for FREE, in HD quality on a massive TV in my living room.  That's awesome.

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thecubsfan has already uploaded all the matches from the show here: http://www.dailymotion.com/user/thecubsfan/1


The way I tried explaining it to someone was it was the equivalent in importance as a latter day Undertaker streak match at WrestleMania, if BOTH guys were the Undertaker and one of the streaks was definitely going to be lost.

Ha! I was explaining it to a non-lucha fan today in the exact same way. That really would be the US equivalent to this, if there could even be one.
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Posted in Random Thoughts because I didn't know there was a lucha thread:


I watched some lucha~! It was the Atlantis/Ultimo Guerrero, mascara contra mascara match. I like Ultimo Guerrero because he's a tgop rudo and I once saw him wrestle at the Tate Modern with Satanico, Olimpico & Rey Bucanero, FOR FREE. I like Atlantis because he has fish on his mask, and you can't teach that.


It was from the CMLL 81 anniversary show. 81 fricking years. They've been doing this since 1933 and it's still increible, as they say.

Ultimo Guerrero entered the ring wearing the bossest headdress you've ever seen, real exotico stuff. And started the match off by kicking Atlantis wearing it. Bawss.


The ring is sponsorfed by Cementos Fortaleza. Their logo has a REAL WORKING MAN on it. Aces. The ring girl is beautiful. Lucha~!

Ultimo Guerrero takes the first fall after BRUTALISING  Atlantis for, like, four minutes. He was tearing at the mask, too. In a mascara contra mascara match. Like his style. Pin comes after a really sweet schoolboy reversed into armbar into roll-up into pin.

Atlantis took the second fall with el Pulpo, the octopus, a submission usually used by Guerrero, after another four minutes. Mostly Guerrero on offence until that point.


They traded a bit more in the third fall, with lots of *very* near pinfalls, made all the more dramatic for this viewer by the referee's odd habit of not counting the first fall when he dives down to the mat, making it look like it's a four-count every time. Weirdo.


MASSIVE top suicida from Atlantis. Last time I saw him do one like that he busted Villano III hardway. Admittedly, I haven't seen many Atlantis matches since then. But still~! Speaking of that match, this wasn't at the level of that, but was still pretty good. If you've never seen Atlantis vs Villano III, get thee to youtube!


Oh, sweet spot. Guerrero had Atlantis sitting in the turnbuckle and did this handstand on the top turnbuckle, swinging down into a bronco buster. He went to do it again and Atlantis got up and pushed the handstanding Guerrero off the turnbuckle to the floor. Top top.


Ooh, another - inverted superplex by Guerrero this time. Superstuff without looking spotty. And then out of nowhere, Atlantis catches Guerrero in a torture rack (fourth time he'd tried) and Guerrero taps out. Ahora, el es sin mascara~!


Ultimo Guerrero revealed he was Jose Gutierrez Hernandez, 42 years old, with a 24 year career, and cut a babyface promo while his family cried. He has an odd face.

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