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The Lucha Libre Thread


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I think Konnan gets carried away with himself sometimes. I think part of the excitement came from the people behind El Rey and the feeling that they were interested in the product. Certainly it seems like El Rey might have very specific ideas of how a lucha show should be, they've apparently tried to form a bible so that AAA is actually consistent (which is an incredible thought) and seem to have the idea of spinning it as a comic book world. Format wise the television show sounds promising, and certainly AAA seem to have spent the past year waiting for it (things either haven't happened or have reverted to where they were when the the year started) but I don't think there's much evidence to suggest AAA will become a big touring promotion in the US with El Rey's backing.


I think its very much a case of wait and see. You can't really trust what Konnan's saying (at least partly because he's an excitable chap sometimes) and El Rey's not really going to say anything. Plus El Rey's more interested in the TV adaptation of From Dusk Till Dawn than anything else.


Personally I think it'll result in a TV show hardly anybody watches which is just footage from Mexico with Konnan and a yank talking English over the top.


To be honest I've barely watched any AAA since TripleMania. Its pretty difficult to have much faith in the company after that show.

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Depends what you're after, there's great brawls, more technical matches or the spot fest stuff people most often associate with lucha. The big LA Park singles matches against La Parka, Wagner and Mesias are worth checking out if you're into brawls and want to see how a WCW midcarder is a headline act in Mexico.


Shows are a bit more complicated. A lot of people liked last year's CMLL anniversary show. I find the main event to be overrated myself, but it's a fun show. The big shows are the CMLL anniversary show and AAA's Triplemania. That's not to say they're always good shows. Last year's Arena Coliseo Anniversary show was a lot of fun. I rarely ever go back and watch stuff though, there's so much of it uploaded each week. AAA uploads their tv show each week on their YouTube page. CMLL airs live on terra.com every Friday and Sunday. Luchablog has all the info you'll ever need, including match of the year lists for the past few years.

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  • 1 month later...

Rush vs. Negro Casas Hair vs. Hair announced for Juicio Final on August 1st. Excellent news! Should be great. That does make me wonder though, what will the anniversary show main event be if it's not going to be this?


Psycho Clown vs. Texano Jr. Mask vs. Hair at Triplemania on August 17th should be pretty fun too.

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Always nice to see CMLL actually doing big wager matches. That's one of their biggest.


That does kinda suggest they might do Ultimo Guerrero vs Atlantis at the Anniversary Show too since that's the biggest match they have left. Although logic went out of the window last time so I am in no way predicting that's what'll happen.


It seems like Electroshock vs Jeff Jarrett in a hair match right happen too. I don't think it will but it's an immense disappointment if it does. At one stage (years ago now) it llooked like we might get Jarrett vs LA Park.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Triplemania XXII card:


AAA Triplemania XXII

August 17th, 2014

Mexico City, Mexico

Arena Cuidad de Mexico



Mask vs. Hair Match

Psycho Clown vs. Texano Jr.


4-Way Match for the Triplemania XXII Cup

Myzteziz (Mistico/Sin Cara) vs. Hijo del Perro Aguayo vs. Cibernetico vs. a mystery luchador


Steel Cage Match - Last Man in the Cage Loses his Hair or Mask

Jeff Jarrett vs. La Parka vs. Blue Demon Jr. vs. Chessman vs. Averno vs. Electroshock


AAA Reina de Reinas Title Match

Faby Apache © vs. Taya Valkyrie


AAA Cruiserweight Title Match

Daga © vs. Ricochet vs. Jack Evans vs. Australian Suicide vs. Fenix vs. Bengala (Ricky Marvin) vs. Hijo del Fantasma vs. Pentagon Jr. vs. Angelico vs. Joe Lider


Aerostar, Jennifer Blake, Mascarita Sagrada & Pimpinela Escarlata vs. Super Fly, Sexy Star, Mini Abismo Negro & Mamba


The show is supposed to be airing live on iPPV.

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Just a heads up to anyone who thinks about ordering it, it didn't work last year. People did get refunds of course but it might be worth waiting for. And it seems pretty likely it'll end up airing for free on their tv anyway.


As for the card itself, its alright. I think the main could be a fun, bloody brawl and I think the women's match might be decent too. The rest I'm not so sure on. The cruiserweight match will either be a fun spot fest or a massive mess.


They could do a lot better though. If Averno loses his hair in the cage then that will be the moat bewildering decision ever. And if you pay attention to the tv than its quite frustrating because it may as well be booked by an entirely different company. That was the case last year too though.

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I'm so out of the loop on lucha this year, i think i've seen a couple of AAA shows from January and that's it. Barely even been reading Cubs blog :(


Nothing there is really making me want to watch Triplemania and there's not enough money, sexual favours or pringles in this world that could get me to watch that Cruiserweight Match. Only adding Teddy Hart could make that anymore awful looking. Marvin deserves better

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Too long. He'd been about before I started watching.


As for his quality, the live audiences seem to really like him so I guess he must have something about him. Some of the other lucha fans are into him (including thecubsfan) but I've never liked his stuff much. I feel like I rag on him at least once a month. I think part of its an irrational dislike really. Nearly everything he does grates on me. In AAA he's mainly in the position to do spotty matches and other people seem to like him in them, and those matches are obviously part and parcel of AAA, but I find that all his offence looks utterly ridiculous to me. But like I say, people do seem to like him a lot. Presumably AAA thinks he has a place in the card but it's not on top. They briefly teased a bit of a push for him but it never came.

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